HOW TO BUILD YAE MIKO (Artifacts To Farm) | Genshin Impact

want a yae miko build before genshin impact 2.5? in this video i give you lots of different yae miko artifact builds! this video is yae miko build leak free, even though i am discussing yae miko’s artifact set.

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Intro Music: Bonus Points – Makes You Wonder

Time Stamps:
0:00 – Intro
0:50 – Build 1
1:14 – Build 2
1:26 – Build 3
1:55 – Build 4
2:12 – Build 5
2:48 – Her Team
3:17 – Showcase 1
3:30 – Showcase 2
3:46 – Details & Final Thoughts
4:30 – Discord Server, Thank Yous & Socials


9 thoughts on “HOW TO BUILD YAE MIKO (Artifacts To Farm) | Genshin Impact”

  1. Thank you for this! I was gonna wish in yaes banner but with rumours of venti and Klee soon getting a rerun im sadly probably gonna have to skip. But when I’m done pre farming for venti I’m 100% gonna farm for her next. Good luck to everyone who is gonna pull for her though!

  2. if anyone was wondering why i didn't mention wanderer's, it's because i don't know how good EM is for her! we'll only find out once she's playable. this video covers the safest builds to prepare for her right now, but if you have decent wanderer's artifacts then feel free to prepare that for her too ^_^

    (if you DO want to use wanderer's, my full build recommendation would be to give her 2pc wanderer's and 2pc thundering fury)

  3. there was this one vid (i will edit my comment if i find it) that made soe calculations w different artifacts
    the highst dmg ones were 2pc wanderers 2pc shimenawa/glad but this was before her atk buff so now it might be a bit different 🙂
    but i am also debaitng whether to use 2pc glad/shim 2pc tf,2pc tf/2pc wt ,or really 2pc wt/2pc shim/glad
    the last one has the best ratio so aaaaa idk hahaha


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