Xiuhcoatl 5.3 Weekly Boss Theme | Genshin Impact

Xiuhcoatl 5.3 Weekly Boss Theme | Genshin Impact

When the First Descender came to Teyvat and took over the world from the Seven Sovereigns, Xiuhcoatl faked his death and presumably went into hiding as the Heavenly Principles established its rule. Over time, he became “decrepit” and his power declined.

Xiuhcoatl/Gosoythoth Weekly Boss Untitled Theme | Genshin Impact 5.3 Beta Midi OST

Eventually, Xiuhcoatl was corrupted by the Abyss and became a corpse-like shadow of his former self.He began laying waste to Old Natlan and its Ley Lines, annihilating an entire city. Xbalanque, who had not yet become Pyro Archon at the time, fought him at the Great Volcano of Tollan. Xbalanque pierced the weak spots of the dragon’s eyes, one of which was split in two and left behind two white disc-shaped fragments.[5] Both Xbalanque and Xiuhcoatl fell from a great height during the battle. While Xiuhcoatl died, Xbalanque was wreathed in fire and revived.

Xiuhcoatl – 5.3 Weekly Boss
Genshin Impact 5.3 Natlan Soundtrack
[Non-Profit Channel]

Natlan ost
Natlan battle theme
genshin impact 5.3 ost
genshin impact Natlan
genshin impact Natlan ost
Natlan bgm
Natlan battle ost
Natlan battle music
Natlan battle bgm
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genshin impact battle theme
All-Devouring Narwhal
genshin 5.3 ost
genshin 5.3 boss theme
genshin impact 5.3 weekly boss theme
Xiuhcoatl ost
genshin impact music
xiuhcoatl 5.3 weekly boss theme
Genshin impact weekly boss

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21 thoughts on “Xiuhcoatl 5.3 Weekly Boss Theme | Genshin Impact”

  1. Мне не хватило развития в песне. Она началась в одной тональности в ней и закончилась. По меркам ост геншина это 7

  2. The Instrumentals of the music reminds of Counterside a whole lot. It was my first Gacha game before Genshin, had to delete it due to Genshin's increasing Space. This brings back memories of when I was an Administrator before I became a Traveler


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