What are your thoughts in Xiao’s gameplay and overall DPS?
Thanks for watching! 🙂
Track: Lost Sky – Fearless pt.II (feat. Chris Linton) [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: https://youtu.be/S19UcWdOA-I
Free Download / Stream: http://ncs.io/Fearless2YO
Song: LAKEY INSPIRED – Chill Day (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link: https://youtu.be/vtHGESuQ22s
All Night by Ikson https://soundcloud.com/ikson
Music promoted by Audio Library https://youtu.be/bE2rrcUKnok
0:00 Introduction
1:11 Stats Showcase
1:35 Weapon Guide
2:34 Artifact Guide
3:23 Artifact Showcase
3:53 Constellation
4:18 Talent Guide
4:46 Team Composition
5:30 Damage Showcase
#Genshin #GenshinImpact #Xiao
I was jean main until i got xiao today 😂
My xiao does the same dmg numbers as urs but idrk how his build is trash XD
bro, i don't have venti, can i replace venti to jean? so, my team up is xiao, jean, zhongli and benneth. will be better?
And now i just need venti
I am subbed now thank you
You can go to the Monsters in the Liyue reputation quests and check your damage on it, if, of course, you are given a certain bonus in the conditions. Thanks to this, my Xiao, who is weaker than you, was able to do 120k Anemo damage without food bonuses
im running same team but wuth qiqi cuse i have terrible luck with Bennett c0 mine most of other 4star either c6 or c4. Bennett hate me
got him c6 just cuz of multiple dash is kinda cool 😅
Moba-I ran out of Mora so I can't upgrade
Me looking at that 177655 mora -Understandable have a good day🤔
One question, would dragonspine spear work fine on xiao? Or would I have to get a different weapon for him?
I remember getting 133k from bounties with a plunging atk bonus, as a small dolphin i never knew i could reach that much damage. im really glad i got xiao, i finally got the 50k crit dmg achievement
Is 2pc noblesse oblige good for him?
Im still working on my set im doing about 10-12k dmg :/
I can only hit 14k ;-;
How could you get cd reduction 5.0%?? Btw nice build
My xiao is about the same, hes too fun
– Xiao is broken
– Lol no
Por que não deixa A lengenda em português?
My xiao damage is a little bit higher and i'm using the battlepass weapon c:
Ok so my lvl 80 xiao has like 10% less crit rate than u but hav the same crit dmg and somehow has like 500 less atk on the characther details, his weapon is crescent pike r2.
The thing is, im doing very less damage, like only 20k’s per plunge and 12k’s per skill… how do i increase it?
Wait I thought Xiao has poor synergy with Venti? Or does Venti's damage make up for it?
leave the subtitles in Portuguese please, I'm Brazilian
leave the subtitles in Portuguese please, I'm Brazilian
leave the subtitles in Portuguese please, I'm Brazilian
leave the subtitles in Portuguese please, I'm Brazilian
leave the subtitles in Portuguese please, I'm Brazilian
leave the subtitles in Portuguese please, I'm Brazilian