Why You Should Get Eula | Genshin Impact

#eula #genshin #genshinimpact

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28 thoughts on “Why You Should Get Eula | Genshin Impact”

  1. I really like Eula imo but I don't think she's a necessary need. The way she deals damage feels really off to me gonna wait since theres a chance zhongli xiao and ganyu will come back and i need them more! i hope eula wanters will be eula havers tho!!!

  2. I had planned on saving through 2.3, since Xiao and Ganyu are most likely getting their re-runs soon, but now I don't know if I'm getting them or not. Eula is the character that got me to actually look at the game. I missed out on her, cause I didn't know anything about gacha games and their limited releases, but she's the re-run I've been hoping for since I started. Thanks to her story quest, I actually know that I will enjoy playing her, so there's no question in mind: I'm 100% getting her.

    Unfortunately, I spent all my primos on the Hu Tao banner, both for Hu Tao herself, and because Diona was on her banner. I'll save as much as I can, all the way until the last day of her banner, but I'm still most likely going to need to get very lucky or spend money to get her.

  3. I managed to get her to C2 on her original banner and she's an absolute blast to use. If anyone is considering getting her, it's totally worth it. I'd try for more constellations on her rerun if it wasn't paired with Albedo.

  4. I was not expecting Eula before Ganyu. Ive only been playing for a few months and was able to get Raiden. I was going to save up for Ganyu, but maybe i should pull for eula???

  5. Hey valk, I have only 1 5 star weapon, wolfs gravestone, and I don't have Zhong to help with Itto, so Should I try getting my first copy of Eula isntead of itto?

  6. Eula was a given for PC but PS4 was supposed to be for Albedo then Eula showed up and hit me so hard I've abandoned my boy to simp for the Lawrence Clan's most rebellious combat aristocrat. I am shamed.

  7. Useable at C0, QoL update at C2 and Orbital Strikes more often on C6 sounds about right on Eula. Paired with Raiden Shogun, Zhongli and your choice of Healer or a non C6 Bennett and you'll have a freaking Nuke Team.
    I tend to run either Qiqi or Diona to take advantage of Cryo Resonance for added Crit Rate as you can keep Cryo appilcation up pretty easy.


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