Genshin Impact players are SCARED of this new game…

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30 thoughts on “Genshin Impact players are SCARED of this new game…”

  1. I like how people get mad that TOF has genshin vibe in it and forget that genshin itself was developed based on breath of the wild vibe. This what you call a taste of your own medicine lmao.

  2. "Genshin Impact players are SCARED of this new game…"

    Well I'm not since I'm not gonna play ToF and gonna quit Genshin when HSR and 3Z is out (I'm playing Honkai as well so yeah…) XD

  3. Now it is true you can log in to genshin and play like 20 mins and log out, but if the genshin player is like behind, new events are going on, q genshin play will play at least 4 hrs or until they have done what needs to be done in the event, but that can also be applied to TOF when it gets released

  4. Haven't played Genshin in a long time, gatcha games aren't for me. The game looks nice, but I'd rather get specific weapons from farming a specific dungeon instead of wasting premogems and get crappy weapons when I try to pull characters.

  5. People are morons. I love genshin for the things I love about it and hate genshin for the things I hate about it. I think having any kind of competition threatening it's metaphorical throne is a great thing! I think it's exactly what the genshin community needs right now. A lot of the problems Genshin have, they also don't have any incentive to fix because they have few competition.

  6. I really do wonder why when there will be a upcoming anime-style game like this, Genshin's name never fail to be unmentioned by people. Games like PGR, ToF, Blue Protocol, many more, and even the other upcoming games developed by Hoyoverse. There will be always comments such, "This game gonna kill Genshin."

  7. I definitely have a different opinion on this. I love Genshin, I played it from nearly day one, but you can't deny their are similarities which is why people are comparing them, just as genshin got slammed for being a "copy" of Breath of the wild. The exploration, the combat, the gacha, the cooking and much more are all good examples, but they could also be considered copies of lots of other games as well, but Genshin is the "hot thing" and one of the biggest games in the world right now, so people will naturally compare them. I got into the closed beta and playing it (as someone who hasn't played an MMO since Flyff) gave me the exact same joy and satisfaction as picking up Genshin did. I think it is close enough in many ways that lots of Genshin players will give it a try and they will really like it because it definitely has similar vibes, I guess I have been play ToF more like Genshin, running around on my own, enjoying the quests and ignoring 99% of people, playing it like that makes it feel even more similar. But it is still excellent and when it releases properly I will be playing both regularly.

  8. Since when are people entitled to play games according the whims of some unknown player from some random place? I have been white knighting Genshin even back in the anniversary issue days but I am honestly looking forward to ToF. I mean, it really doesn't matter to me whether a major portion of the player base goes away, Genshin is 95% single player anyways. And if you talk about revenues, I think they have had enough revenues already over chars like Raiden, Ayaka etc. but are yet to deliver in proportion. Don't get me wrong, I am not denigrating Genshin, but while they take their time getting out of lockdown or figure out how and when to introduce Dendro in an acceptable and appreciable manner for the player base, I would not mind exploring a game from a different publisher with different settings, genre all packed with the combat and/or features that I am still quite familiar with and fond of. I wish success for both games, competition between these two games or any game for that matter does not benefit me in anyway if it means I will be missing out on some fun and quality content that got lost due to some immature people forcefully shutting down the game owing to prejudice and bias

  9. I have played genshin for quite a while, yes this game has great characters design, graphics and story line base on many different cultures, but i hope for more genshin competitors, because look at how genshin has treated players from the beginning when mihoyo dominated the market with no competitors when they gave very small amount of resin, and then the artifacts drop rate is totally ridiculous, if mihoyo keeps doing this after 2.7 version I might totally quit genshin for tower of fantasy

  10. 2:00 Which is ironic as Genshin Impact is a rip off of BOTW down to the bone. It doesn't even try to do anything different. At least TOF is building on BOTW's game style instead of straight up replicating it.

  11. As both a Genshin player since beginning and as a CBT player for ToF I totally agree that they are two different games. As mentioned I can play both without either one interfering with my interest in the other.

    Genshin isn’t going anywhere especially when things get back on track with the regular updates after the Covid shutdown in Shanghai so why some of these Genshin players worrying so much is beyond me. There is room for both games.

    I like ToF but it definitely needs more work and a lot of polish so hopefully the dev’s of ToF can get it there.

  12. Yeah, I don't get those people who are their knickers in such a twist over other people possibly trying out another game. What on earth lol.

  13. If ToF take players away, that just means the game serve what they want.

    Genshin have always been promoted itself as an open world exploration game (the very first trailer focused on the environment, compare to say, HSR's mix of plot+characters or ZZZ's character skills) lore and story focus.

    ToF seems to have been showing more of its MMO elements, which Genshin players have been asking for like raids. So they naturally get interested, going from single player game (Genshin) to MMO game.

    I do hope ToF do well, it looks fun and have potential.

  14. Soooo, Genshin is a single player game…. IT DOESNT MATTER IF IT DIES
    As long as you have 10 wales playing it. They alone will fund the entire development team of Genshin.
    And because wales are invested the odds are that most wales wont stop playing a game that they spend thousands of dollars/euros in to
    So even IF the game dies and you have like 500 players the game will probably still get frequent updates cause all those 500 players are probably all wales xD
    So i dont think Genshin will ever die anyway. You dont need players in the game cuss its not multiplayer

    That doesnt change the fact that ToF is pretty much a Carbon Copy of genshin…
    But I dont care miyoho (or how ever you write that) missed out making Genshin not a MMO
    So lets have ToF make that with all the stolen assets of Genshin xD
    Cuss Chinese copywrite law is pretty much non existant lol

    – I so do wanna prefice that this is a speculation tho –
    But i do think that because of the lack of any copywrite infringement within china.
    ToF devs have stolen all assets of Genshin and made their own game. its the only reason they could pump out a MMORPG so fast after Genshins release.
    Most MMORPG's take at the least more then half a decade to release. ToF released 1, 5 years after Genshin. And its way to coïncidential that everything looks the same.
    So I do not believe this was already deep in development before Genshin existed…

    Ofcourse it takes alot of devs and work to still do this but not having to create the engine and all the assets from scratch helps A TON in the development process.

    The reason i think this is because:
    Exact same font
    Similar UI
    Graphical Style exactly the same
    Spells and effects look similar
    Animations and charracter movements and combat look to have similarities

    Does that mean its the same game, NO
    But im positive they took the entire Genshin Impact Assets either via datamining the game. Or just flat out bought it from Mihoyo. Which could explain why their not getting sued
    And then used it to build their own game with those assets. (but why invent a new wheel when you can just buy/grab one for your own)

  15. The gatekeeping of ToF by GI fans is ridiculous. I guess only DotA/LoL wars can compare. ToF was downvoted to hell in China even before its CBTs back in 2021. Just for existing. And that famous "controversy" which you also mentioned – about "copied" reviews – honestly for me initially seemed more like a flashmob by haters, because even when you copy reviews, you don't do it THAT poorly. So yeah, ToF will definitely have a hard time when it releases. We can only hope they will polish their game enough to stand strong and market the game enough to get its attention from content creators it deserves. The remaining will be decided by the speed and quality of updates and the events/rewards ratio (and the comparison won't be in GI's favor it seems)

  16. This is just Overwatch – Paladins all over again, the only people that will benefit from this upcoming game are not the players but influencers content creators just like with Paladins paying money everyone just to make videos comparing both games and playing the game and make content, of course they will milk all the negatives about gensin and give many things that people want in genshin but like in Paladins they will become greedy and milk the second place and spend more money in content creators streamer that fixing their own game just like Paladins. So if you are a content creator streamer of genshin is you lucky day but if you are just a player that want genshin to have a healthy competition you will be disappointed because this not the case even if your favorite youtuber said otherwise. I was a Overwatch player that made the same mistake thinking that Paladins will make Overwatch better but I didn't happen….The staff of genshin outside china seems like is already make bad mistakes by sponsoring people like jacksepticeye.

  17. i cant imagine how losing players affect the actual genshin players that stay in game, its not like you are going to see an empty lobby, cuz there is none!

  18. I'm not buying it, Genshin Impact can't be dead, there's nothing wrong with it. Bunch of Hypocrites-Negligence Faker/Liar(s) "Twitter Users/Normies" Being are complete morons, none of them still learned their lesson…absolute Zero lesson. Every time…Jesus Christ. 😒


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