Why Yae Miko + Mona is AMAZING! Team Guide & Showcase | Genshin Impact

Yae Miko is looking to be great addition to a variation of a Mona Electro-Charge team comp. This team is fun, simple, and effective. I love it and it is definitely going to be a team worth trying out. #genshinimpact #yaemiko #mona

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35 thoughts on “Why Yae Miko + Mona is AMAZING! Team Guide & Showcase | Genshin Impact”

  1. It really is a shame, but Yae Miko has proven very dissapointing at C0, with a costly elemental burst that can easily be outdamaged by even 4 star units with much more manageable energy costs, an elemental skill with poor energy generation (making the burst issue even worse), targeting issues, long deployment times without any kind of protection (i-frames/hyperarmor), as well as requiring as much on-field time as a dedicated main damage unit in order to be properly buffed.

    Her passive talents also have problems, as her passive talent 1 requires her to redeploy her elemental skill after using her elemental burst instead of a much more practical effect of simply refreshing totem duration, and her passive talent 2 increases her elemental skill damage based on her elemental mastery stat, which has really low value for any electro units as transformative reactions suffer from low scaling, no critical hits and internal cooldowns.

    A much better ability would be to base the damage scaling on energy recharge, therefore motivating players to use weapons such as the Oathsworn Eye, Hakushin Ring and Favonius Codex, as well as the Emblem of Severed Fate artifact set, since the ratio between damage and burst uptime would be much more balanced.

    Overrall, Yae Miko at C0 really has no role to fill that can't already be better filled by Fischl and Beidou, which have comparable if not better off field damage and much more manageable energy costs.

    Not only that, but locking her energy regeneration potential behind her first constellation seems disingenuous, as the company is basically creating a problem with their unit that can only be fixed by actively spending money, which is a very insidious business model that seeks to act on the gray area at the limits of the Chinese regulations.

    I love the character, don't get me wrong, but she has obvious problems that can't be overlooked.

  2. I think for me it's a case of Kokomi fills Mona's role while offering more support allowing me to utilise more useful DPS characters. I'm running Sukokomon with Miko instead of Fischl, I'd imagine it'd work well with Mona instead of Kokomi. Having said this though, I always appreciate your content and finding ways to make new characters work with your favourite character.

  3. i use mona with 4pc exile to compensate yae's energy problem! she's also using ttds for the added buff! the two of them together made my rotation a lot smoother than usual!

  4. this is the exact team I came up with, the only difference in mine is that I use water dude instead of bennet because I need him in other team my absolutly teribble yae miko and level 1 mona with no artifact was doing enough damage to one shot the regisvine (single cast of yae burst)

  5. Hydrosam: I'm gonna limit Mona and Yae has the only 5* characters, cause not everybody its able to have luxurious five stars like me.

    *inmediatly after use fischl with elegy of the end, bennet with skyward blade and Kagura's verity on Yae with c1.

  6. I wish i had Mona. My team currently is Raiden Shogun, Yae Miko, Sangonomiya Kokomi, and Rosaria. I want Hu Tau because i personally like the electro and hydro connections better then the cryo connection but i don’t have Hu Tay yet sadly. I am using Rosaria right now and she is good but i ran out of resin to build her and i couldn’t finish my yae miko either sadly. Hopefully i can get the gold artifact i need for Yae today though!

  7. As usual your team comps are the most interesting in Youtube. I just got Yae earlier and didn't know where to put her since I'm using waifu team Shenhe, Shogun and Eula.

    Gonna try the Mona Yae Sucrose team but maybe use Shogun instead of Fischl

  8. I'm going to try this team ASAP! I managed to 36* Abyss with C0 Yae + BiS Weapon, C0 Raiden with R5 The Catch, C6 Xingqui and C0 Jean…. so I'm going to replace Xingqiu with my C4 Mona and try those 2 weapons you used! If it works and can even replace Jean with C6 Sucrose! 😀 I do have Fischl and love her lots, but Raiden is so much fun to play! xD I might try Fischl just for the lulz… she might be better than Raiden at this point since I do own the Bow (didn't get Homa 🙁 ) and I can try Millelith on her too. Thanks for the video! I was waiting for it since you made the previous video announcing this one 😀

  9. I am not sure if I understand it right.
    Mona has to be on field to boost electro charge? It won't work when she leaves field?
    Is Mona supposed to be main dps here? Afaik you can't snapshot yae totems dmg with bennett so Yae should on field most of time.

  10. I will say the reason is because Yae is a little wonky and she dies fast Xinqiu allows an Damage reduction, and kokomi heals quick. I would Kokomi/Mona would be probably best, as even with Bennet, it's a bit of a struggle, especially when you overload yourself and annihilate your yae by accident. Unfortunately I dont have Kokomi, so I opt out for Jean, as she is also a solid buffer

  11. yo i foresight this kind of team, for me will be mona, yae, bennet and yanfei as the dps, i mean it should be a crazy fun reaction element fest with that team right?, mona and yae go perma electrocharge and yanfei doing vaporize and overloads…dude idk but im really now tempted to pull for yae miko for sure


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