Why USAGE RATE is a WORTHLESS metric In Genshin Impact

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usage rate is useless stop using it thx
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23 thoughts on “Why USAGE RATE is a WORTHLESS metric In Genshin Impact”

  1. personally never treated the site as an indicator for meta , especially when it comes to genshin where people would identify meta in a "strongest dps output" sense while this data leans more on how effective / convenient are the characters for people that make them use them a lot in abyss + how likeable they are. that's why zhongli is still going strong even though he doesn't provide the most dps in teams but bc of his utility that makes the game easier to play. not everyone who clears abyss think about rotations and max dps output or xiangling simps (tho thanks to Raiden she's become a more popular choice because Raiden national is the easiest team to build (f2p friendly equipments and needs only one domain for artifacts ) with a strong dmg output and very easy to play )

    albedo and Kokomi are pretty niche but a lot of people love them and they are still useful with very strong teams to be put on that's also convenient to play.

  2. I do think that the usage rate and frequency rates are interesting statistics but i personally have never viewed them as any sort of justification in whether a character is a 'must pull' or not. Theres a lot more that goes into deciding whether you should pull or skip a character than just how often people use them.

  3. Usage rate still matters because of team comps, just see it; Kazuha and Bennett are always number one because of how universal theses characters are and how much they bring to their teams.

    Even Kokomi case, I dont have her but know how comfy she is on a freeze and taser team, people tend to use characters that let them have a easy time. And this the reason that "meta" characters like Ganyu fall so hard, because of the simple reason: why play melt Ganyu if I could just braindead play rational and have a easy time.

  4. Bro, why do you complain about Abyss usage rate literally after Kokomi finally got the appreciation in Spiral Abyss?
    The video seems kinda biased towards trashing on Kokomi rather than explaining the whole usage situation, you could've had time way before to talk about this and you choose to talk about this topic NOW??

  5. Even before the API closed, there are many whales who are unsatisfied with the usage rate chart, and will deliberately use a character or exclude a character when clearing abyss to try and increase the rating of some character they liked or decrease that for some other character they don't like.

  6. By comparing Kokomi and Bennett and saying flat out that Bennett is a god and Kokomi is just not as good, you are choosing one thing over another: damage over healing. I have both and use both in the Spiral, and there is no comparison on healing, Kokomi is way, way better than Bennett. At damage and buffing the rest of your team, yes, Bennett is better. You may personally believe that damage and buffing are more important than healing, but if players are choosing Kokomi over Bennett, they clearly do not share that belief. And if they're 36 starring the Spiral with Kokomi, and some of them clearly are, then who are you to say they're wrong in making that choice?

  7. tenten 6 months ago : ganyu is broken. here is you can see her morgana team has been constantly dominating spiral abyss being number 1 almost in every patch (pointed out spiral abyss usage rate)

    tenten today : usage rate is garbage. usage rate should not be used as an indicator for character' strength
    link for his cope : https://youtu.be/g22q4z1GYHA

  8. People here keep talking about absolutes. There is a method to the madness that is the usage rate.

    I imagine the characters dominating the top of the usage rates must be Bouken, XQ, Ayaka, Kazuha, Raiden, Zhongli and XL. Each of these characters are the absolute best at what they do in the current iteration of the game- no freaking competition. So they got this right.

    After that you just need to use some common sense. Bouken and XQ are no brainers. Kazuha most of us lost 50/50 or skipped. If Zhongli is actually still among the top-used under THESE circumstances, it says a lot about his viability. Shogun high sales, high usage – excellent.

    It isn't just "oh this rate is just high 'cause people didn't pull for this character'. No, the rate is high because most of the people that pulled for this character find the character worthy/strong/fun enough to enjoy playing it and 36*ing abyss while they're at it

  9. Don’t need to watch a whole video, my mom already worded it perfectly 20 years ago: “If everyone else jumps off the roof, it doesn’t mean you also need to jump off the roof”. What other people use is absolutely irrelevant in a single player game where everyone is dealt different chars/artis by RNG and needs to come up with their own strategies to manage what they have


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