Why New Characters Feel Weaker | Genshin Impact

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43 thoughts on “Why New Characters Feel Weaker | Genshin Impact”

  1. The thing is, I don't mind Yae being weaker than Ganyu, but why make her significantly weaker than Xiao or Eula, when these two characters are already in the game, and as such, powercreep had already happened? Just make Eula the new standard for strength, instead of going down in strength. You don't need to change enemy strength when you're not actually raising the bar for new characters; you're just keeping them at a balanced but strong level (Eula/Itto level, instead of Fischl/Beidou level, when it comes to Yae).

  2. Xiao is better than itto c0 vs c0 but as someone with c6 xiao and c6 itto lol 😂 at that point itto is on a lvl so much better it’s unreal. A lot of older units had most of their power at c0. Newer units really rely on their constellations to be stronger than our past units. I think it’s a way to get low spenders to feel like the game isn’t making their units are worthless and they wasted money (or encourage getting more constellations) and whales feel like if they want something better than what they got open up their wallet and whale or it won’t be worth much of their time at c0 (in most cases).

    I so far got c6 zhongli, xiao, raiden, itto, yae and diluc and jean c5. Diluc and xiao are benched for about everything
    (except current event). Jean barely gets used outside me trying stuff . Most universally good units are zhongli and raiden and if a raid comes those at c6 are insanity. Itto is my best built unit and most fun to play due to the rng in his combo rotation and his c6 working even outside ult but like xiao he could be replaced more easily than raiden and zhongli. Yae is a strange one. Up to c5 I wasn’t a huge fan but at c6 she is one of the most plug and play units I got for damage and application. I have tried her in many comps and usually she provides enough to justify being there.

    I jokingly put raiden yae itto zhongli into a team and it’s power lvl was insane. You got 3 yae turrets, 2 zhongli pillars, itto bull pulsing with pillars, and raiden e. 7 sources of tick damage. You got a super tanky shield that heals, no energy issues, and you basically go balls to the wall the whole time with no care about energy. I put it together as a joke but it was better than I realized. That’s my guilty pleasure fun team lol .

    All that said Genshin’s biggest issue is once I got 8 damn good units all I need is 4 or so backups with some of the more universal units. Benny, xq, xianling, and diona to name a few four stars are already 4 units that are extremely good and cheap to have that both big whales and free to plays use about the same currently and fit as flex options pretty easily. I could mention sucrose as well and you are up to 5. You got 8 slots in abyss so you are almost full with just those characters. So when a new unit is coming out it’s competing for a slot in your 8 and usually it can’t make the cut or is more niche than what you have or lastly it doesn’t work with your main comps so it demands a new comp that you likely don’t need. They need to find a way to promote having more characters and keep us happy for having who we have. The way they are doing it right now if done for too long is going to bite them when we get closer to a 100 units and only use 12 lol .

    Sorry for this long comment. I don’t expect you will of read all this, but I know so many ways they can improve this game and knowing that they might wait until it’s too late hurts. Currently I’m hoping they are waiting until after dendro to focus up and make an effort for not even harder content (because I doubt it) but content that encourages us to build and use more of our roster . Even having a reason for 4 teams could be huge.

  3. Personally i feel the old chars to be more clunky in terms of animations, while their sets may be simpler and straightforward to maximize the use of i really disliked their playstyle and am really happy about all the inazuma chars overall (sara being the exception here with how clunky she is) and for actual challenging combat i don't feel like they are weaker at all, they simply require a different set of teams and playstyle…
    in general most newer chars from inazuma have a lot more switching inside a team to make most use of them, while those "old powerful" chars as you refer to them are just literally carries that take up most of the field time, exactly what i find boring to play and obviously they do more damage in direct comparison because they actually have to make up for their other party members doing a lot less in the same time window aswell

    the only thing so far i would agree on is that, hypercarrys are neccessary for new player experience with this kind of restriction on ressources to actually raise the characters…

    if they continue to release more characters that almost always need maxed out skills artifacts and weapons to work as intended then its literally impossible to get all parts together in comparison to just 1 carry

  4. I think new 5 star units have to have some characteristics that make 4 star units more useful. Maybe the ones we´re not using that much so that way people would get excited for the new 5 star and also ascend a 4 star that was wasted in their inventory, use it, have fun and maybe make the game a little bit more fresh.

  5. I have been saying this for so long all the inazuma character a weak compared to their liyue or monstadt counter part. Kaz and Raiden are the exception. . . Someone is gonna say ayaka. However ganyu has no draw back she is a perfect unit that does her role as a dps and a support dps above everyone one else.

    You can build a team and throw ganyu in it and the team will work fine. Vs ayaka u have to build a team around her. Because of her high energy cost.
    I digress… mihoyo has been selling us inferior products for almost a year now, that's why I'm honestly not interested in any new character that are from inazuma.

  6. I think its because all new characters are very niche and have skills that dont synergise totally with current supports/main dps. Pretty sure with more chars released they will become better. + Who knows what dendro will change :copium:

  7. The Community of Genshin Impact has lost the true meaning of the game. By only focusing on Abyss, the community has started focusing on a Character's power potential or abyss clear capabilities.

    Genshin and it's Characters aren't meant to be only known for Abyss, or Abyssal Clears.

    Genshin is not Spiral Abyss, the Spiral Abyss is only 1% or less of Genshin.

    A character that is godly in Abyss can be significantly less viable in openworld, also a character that strives in openworld and/abyss can be significantly weaking in co-op contents.

    Characters in Genshin aren't only build around Abyss. In my opinion I believe, Hoyoverse has different category for characters outside of the usual DPS, Support, etc classes. They have characters that are made to fill in categories like, Co-op DPS, Co-op Support, Co-op Protectors etc..

    This is evident in characters like a C0 Diona compared to a C0 Zhongli and Thoma, Zhongli of all the shielders in the game has the most OP shielding capabilities, however at C0 he doesn't provide shields to allies in co-op, Thoma is the same. However Diona provide a shield to everyone in co-op, making her the best support for co-op, also she heals.

    What I'm saying is, a character is more than the base definition of being support, DPS, etc. in Genshin Impact. A character that's good in openworld could be bad in domains, co-op, abyss, events etc.

    But that doesn't make that character a bad character, they are only bad whenever the community only scores that character on how well they work in teams to clear Abyss comparing to the character that they would be replacing.

  8. I want to think of Genshin as having "Trading Card Game" elements. The new characters seem to fall into the category of "supporting cards" for the main "win condition achiever cards" like Hu Tao/Ganyu/etc. Not every card in a TCG set will be equally strong, but the player will figure out a set's gimmick and any new "win condition" combinations it introduced, and if they liked them, they will play them. Genshin seems to go that way too. The new characters just add new win conditions, making mono-X/Y/Z teams viable. For example: a year ago, you wouldn't have run mono-Geo… but Itto and Gorou introduced that as a possibility. That's just how I choose to view it. I used to play MTG and YGO, so I'm a bit familiar with TCGs.

  9. I think this is better
    As an F2P who can't get literally every chacter I can at least clear most of the game with my older characters like xiao eula zhongli albedo etc
    If hoyo made chacters too powerful as compared to older ones many people will lose interest in the game tbh

  10. Admittedly I haven't noticed this.

    Yoimiya and Yae Miko are two of my strongest characters (practically tied with my Raiden) at C0. That said, they both have really strong 5star weapons.

  11. You could say "niche" , but I feel a lot of them are just plain incomplete……. it feels that way even with 4 star characters…… they make it that you have to have certain characters along with certain constellations to unlock the true power of units (I.e. raiden and Sara, Itto and Gorou…. e.t.c.)…. comparing the previous 4 stars barring the best ones like Bennett and Xinqqiu….. there are still ninguang, diona, fischl, sucrose e.t.c… that feel a lot better at lower constellations….. just makes me want to skip newer units all together…. that realisation just makes me feel underwhelmed about newer units, including Ayato

  12. You could say "niche" , but I feel a lot of them are just plain incomplete……. it feels that way even with 4 star characters…… they make it that you have to have certain characters along with certain constellations to unlock the true power of units (I.e. raiden and Sara, Itto and Gorou…. e.t.c.)…. comparing the previous 4 stars barring the best ones like Bennett and Xinqqiu….. there are still ninguang, diona, fischl, sucrose e.t.c… that feel a lot better at lower constellations….. just makes me want to skip newer units all together…. that realisation just makes me feel underwhelmed about newer units, including Ayato

  13. I feel like maybe it has to do with dendro too. I think they don't want to shake up the current system too much until the new element comes out, so they're designing characters that don't completely shift the meta but more so just fit into specific niches in the current meta.

  14. I think MHY is making a mistake in terms of character design in the long term. There's nothing wrong with having niche support if they are 4-stars; but 5-star niche supports is a bad idea. For a start, 5-stars are expensive and most people won't even want or can afford constellations for them which makes their situation even worse.

    5-stars should be versatile; they should be able to hit reasonably hard and have a versatile kit with good utility. This is why Hu Tao, Ayaka, Ganyu etc. are valuable. They bring these things to the table; this is their intrinsic value. By the same token GOOD supports like Fischl, Bennett and Xinqui are valuable because they make your favorite 5-stars stronger, etc.

    But much as I love Yae Miko and Shenhe, even in my open world farming romps, they are very situational wherein it's easy and fun to just grab Hu Tao (for example) and just run with her for an entire gaming session. As for the new 4-stars, meh…

    NOTHING WRONG with harder mobs; especially as you get deeper into the game and your units need enemies that even remotely offers a challenge. I love fighting the Vishap herds, the spirit wolves and those new armored humanoids with their tricky shielding/healing mechanics.

    MHY needs to give more experienced players, people who invested time, primos, money more bang for their commitment to their company. Enough with these half-assed 5-stars and next to useless new 4-stars – give us BALANCED / VERSATILE new characters and new mobs that are at least a bit of a challenge for our old and newly acquired BUILT characters.

    Why did I use the word "BUILT"? After we invest a small fortune in resin for halfway decent artifacts MHY owes it to us to give us mobs that requires use of said artifacts.

  15. I think in future with this niche units they will push niche enemies which are not that strong while playing with certain character but very strong while playing other character in that way they can both maintain the power balance yet power creep like how they made wolf boss to have a geo unit necessary (atleast for weak dps )

  16. Hoyoverse can't nerf characters because it will cause a storm among the (Chinese) community. So they played it safe and released mediocre/underwhelming characters, and when the (Chinese) community is angry enough, they will buff the character. Else, they just left them like that, which is most of the case since the community is pretty forgiven nowadays.

  17. I agree that Hoyoverse are focusing on niche comps. It seems like these new characters are linked. Yae wants Kokomi. Shenhe wants Ayaka. It seems like Ayato REALLY wants Yoimiya. Yunjin for Yoimiya and Ayato. Sara for Raiden and Yae. The synergy is way too high to say otherwise.

  18. I think people also have unrealistic expectations. I remember when Ayaka came out, the general sentiment was that she was "good," but not amazing. There were tons of videos cautioning people that she wasn't OP and since she was just a DPS, not to pull for her unless you really liked her. It's amusing to see many of the same people now consider her among the strongest units in the game.

    I don't have a problem with niche characters. It makes more sense for me to pull for Shenha to buff my Ayaka's damage then to pull for another heavy DPS equivalent to Ayaka/Hu Tao/Eula/Ganyu–all of whom I already own. In fact, you could consider that a less obtrusive form of powercreep. It buffs existing characters to be stronger rather trivializing them with newer and stronger characters.

  19. There is no need to make niche units to avoid powercreep, regular variety would be enough.

    Cryo catalyst user where? Characters that buff ATK, we only have two why? I would like a Bennett in a different element and ideally a waifu. Where are the characters that buff maxHP? How about some ASPD? Cooldown reduction? Elemental resistance? (No a 5-10% bonus on a constellation does not count, I mean characters whose primary role is buffing these!)

    Exactly because the difficulty is low but the cost of investment in units is high, a marginal increase in efficiency by sacrificing versatility is a net loss, not a gain.

    There is no way to defend this, they are just incompetent and have absolutely no idea what they are doing and still don't see any of the greatest problems in the game, one of which is "there is no incentive to get more characters beyond an initial decent roster".

  20. Itto Ayaka and Raiden are better than all those units you mentioned

    People still act like Ganyu and Hu Tao are the second coming of Christ in Genshin lmao.

  21. You are asking the right questions valk something I would love to add is we don’t have dendro yet think about it we don’t know what the reactions for dendro is if they buff certain characters to much in my opinion it would probably break the game not in mechanics but in the need to build certain characters to there most effectiveness idk just a thought but great take

  22. The niche is fine, the issue is when the gameplay is simply not satisfying. Nobody is going to wish if they don't like the character's gameplay in the end. For example, Yae is apparently not enjoyable in coop at all (or so I've heard) making her very unsatisfying. They need to establish a proper balance in the characters' abilities.


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