Why Alrecchino Is BROKEN In Genshin Impact

Why Arlecchino is broken in Genshin Impact…SO STRONG!!!

I’m an official Genshin Impact Partner and I stream over on Twitch, so feel free to stop by and witness the madness!

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40 thoughts on “Why Alrecchino Is BROKEN In Genshin Impact”

  1. Every character has some amount of hype with them. It is for ads, my good friend once said, who is being a major in entrepreneurship. He told me to stay focussed for the end game product.

    He actually meant Arlecchino c6<c0 Tsaritsa.

    Jokes on every f2p later on, IN ADVANCE…his words…😂

  2. My Xiao dealt 35k for every jump.
    My HuTao dealt 50kish for every charge attack+XQ.
    My Arlecchino always hit more than 35k for every basic attack without the need of support. it's so unreal for me.. it feel like I'm moving from one era to another

  3. I already have hu tao… should I still wish for her? I have a deathmatch that I could switch over but I feel like it's kinda a waste unless she's like wayyyyyy better

    I'd love some advice 😀

  4. She has around the same DpS with C1 Lv90 Neuvillette with Prototype Amber, talent 10/10/10, and 4 set M Hunter, even though she is only Lv80 C0 with White Tassel, talent 7/5/5, and 4 set Gladiator.

    After several test them against Masanori, both got around 1mnt 42sec left consistently. Both are paired with 4 set Millelith Zhongli.

    Disgusting indeed. I need to remind you that I got that with Neuvillette's passive at 3 stacks.


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