Furina not a Bennett 2.0 | Genshin Impact

#genshinimpact #furina #neuvillette


26 thoughts on “Furina not a Bennett 2.0 | Genshin Impact”

  1. A damage bonus buff is universal (almost). The only thing it doesn’t buff is dendro core damage. Hypercarry teams have dominated Genshins meta for a while, but Furina about flip the script. Healers and off field damage dealers about to get a glow up.

  2. I mean I do not like Furina too much either, and her kit seems whatever to me. I am watching the beta if she gets some buffs or not.

    In any case, primogems are limited. So no point in hating Furina. When one can just skip her.

    But an archon is an archon. I will most likely roll for her in 4.5 for collection purposes.

  3. Personally, I'm all in favor for specialized buffers instead of universal units like Benny. With more and more characters being added, hyperspecialized units will be the only way to add new characters that won't make power creep. Which is why I loved Nilou, the timing they released her was jank and caused major FoMo, but at least she added something different and a new way to play with a then new element and reaction.

    Honestly, I which they go about doing that next time. That new combat mechanic that Fontaine dropped feels so half baked, that you can ignore it and it wouldn't make a difference.

  4. The glaring issue that "Aqua" has is that when you swap to healing mode, you don't generate any energy on a very hungry energy starved unit. Solo hydro is actually fucked if she's the only one, you can't use her healing mode. Her healing mode, for whale enjoyers, sucks for her C2 because you have to waste 2 stacks getting from Ousia into Pneuma, or, swap to her and switch modes then ult…so you use her C2 mega damage at the start of her ramping up buff, not the end where it's most appreciated. She also loses ALL of her damage to do so. There's literally no reason to use her Pneuma state. Half of her kit is in dire need of fixes/reworks.

    This is why I'm skipping her unless they change her, but, they only have two weeks to do so, or two updates. I'm not very confident in this because they think the buff is worth that power budget. I can just use my C4 Yelan with Wanderer to buff him instead of Furina.

  5. I will pull for her , but i am on 5050 . So if i win thats good if i dont , then idk .
    I'll save till her rerun .
    And if alrecno comes out . And she is fun to play, i will probably her instead of furina .
    I am at a point where i can 36 abyss so . Just increasing dmg isnt gona do anything for me .
    I just need some fun gameplay . And furina does not have it

  6. Okay so she's a DMG Ratio increasing unit and not an HP increasing unit.
    I hope we do get one though. One that's a Claymore user. So the bell can finally have some use at the same time.

    Hopefully we get some Arlecchino info before Furina's banner goes away. I came back to this game specifically for pyro Eula, but a new Hydro team with Furina and Yelan might not be so bad.

  7. Well Archon wise…we have a the best shielder Morax, The best Attker Baal, The best Cc Barbatos, The best EM booster Beur. So now its time for the best buffer. I have no doubt in my mind that she will be great. She is an archon. ALL characters are tailored to not be able to power creep them. I have 60 wishes with 13 pity. I think by the time she is here, I'll have more in case I lose my 5050😅


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