Genshin impact characters react to kaeyas family as anime characters


32 thoughts on “Genshin impact characters react to kaeyas family as anime characters”

  1. Honestly no hate but I'm kinda tired of these gacha reaction vids and I'm speaking of all of them plus there's no links for the vids. Even if you show the name it should still have credits or links in the description plus most of these videos are just screenshots of them making faces I don't get why people get so many views for these? But this video is ok. Bit it really doesn't have any links at all this kinda like stealing plus have you asked for permissions? I honestly think these vids are unoriginal (fight in my comments all you want but this will never change the fact every gacha reacting vids are unoriginal and are sometimes cringe) I won't argue with anyone at all.

  2. The Family
    (If you're wondering/Didnt see it)
    Hua Cheng=Father
    Xie Lian=Papa
    Rimuru=Sister 1(?)
    Rem=Sister 2
    Mikasa=Guard 2


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