Playing Genshin Impact For The First Time | Ep 97

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30 thoughts on “Playing Genshin Impact For The First Time | Ep 97”

  1. Nice Sucrose is really good! her and Kazuha gets compared a lot some say she's better than Kazuha some say she's 2nd only to Kazuha!
    also btw Kazuha is one of the most fun and Strongest Character in the game! so her being compared with him is Very good!

  2. congrats on Sucrose. (The only character better than her in her style = 5 star Kazuha). IMO she's superb = mob control + element reactions. .. but not obvious how to get the best of her. When the tier lists first came out they had her down as bad .. presumably because her normal attack is a bit "phut phut". But once she was figured out, she's at the top of the tier lists.
    Btw .. she works really well with Xiangling's Gouba .. throw Gouba at the enemeis, then swirl with Sucrose = fire whirlwind.
    ps: if by a stroke of good fortune you get another Sucrose, then you will get two skill uses in the same cooldown period.
    /Sucrose Simp

  3. bro u are like the best streamer I had watched when it come to avoid 5 star character. You almost reaching inazuma already yet still has no 5 star char lol. The last streamer I watch is necrit and he already had 3 5 star within 40 pull

  4. I'm just kinda bummed you don't/didn't (I dunno, these uploads are from playthroughs 3 or so weeks ago) have a 5* character at this point. (Edit: aside from Traveler of course) I do remember from older vids that a lot of gems unfortunately went into the Standard banner. Those gems would have definitely helped here in the Limited banners.

  5. LETS GOOOO YOU GOT SUCROSE!! She's amazing as a crowd control unit, but yeah just don't use her normal attacks. For her build, just go full EM on artifacts and weapons, then some energy recharge is good. Instructors and exile sets are decent for her for your current level

    btw, for the pity system, the banners are all different pity (NOTE: the limited character banners share pity AND carry pity from the past banners)

    Edit: You're using basically all the best characters you have (Sucrose, Xiangling, Bennett and Kuki, that tells something about your instinct there 😉 )

    Edit 2: Actually if you;re gonna be using those 4 units, Sucrose and be on-field most of the time. And funny to see learning Def is not good most of the time xDDDD

  6. the egyptian girl is pretty good too actually, she can use her shield to parry enemy attacks, which i see alot new players didnt know if they never play her or beidou
    (the parry allow you to tank any damage in a short window that could otherwise wipe your team)

  7. Congrats with Sucrose. She's really good, but always remember: first apply an element to your enemies, and only then you use her. Attacking enemies with anemo without interacting with other elements do far less damage.

  8. You should be getting a 5 star around the 70th to 80th pull. Standard banners does not add up the wishes so I would assume you're around 50 pity rn. You can check your history to know how many pulls you've done. Glad you got sucrose! She was my main anemo and crow control unit before I got kazuha. If you give her a lot of EM, she'll be a force to be reckon with!

  9. The limit banner and standard banner have different pity counters. I believe you were at 33 pity when you started wishing on this video. Now you’re at 57 pity which is close to soft pity 75. Hard pity is at 90 but you have to win the 50/50. Which means you can get the character on the banner or the 5 stars from the standard banners. Including weapons.

    You can use those Acquaint fates to wish on the standard banner but don’t use your primogems to get more. Just an advice, but you can do whatever you want.

  10. Since this is a gacha there is a pity system where you are guaranteed to get a 5 star at (80~90) and you can check how many pulls you did from the history menu but there is also a soft pity system where the percentage of getting a 5 star increases gradually after reaching 60 pulls (most people usually get 5 stars at 70~80). The problem here is that you arent guaranteed to get the character on the banner you only have a 50% chance of actually getting it

  11. The combat in this game is mainly from farming the story doesn’t have much fighting. You should be ascending your characters and weapons you will get combat that way. Also if you don’t enjoy dialogue, lore and world building you definitely won’t enjoy this game especially sumeru lol

  12. The rock girl "Navia" is pretty good, but cannot be leveled up before you go all the way to "Fontaine" Fyi. That's where her materials are. The ice girl "Ayaka" is also good, and her level up materials are in "Inazuma" and the best part is her sprint/dash is faster and she can also sprint on water "indefinitely"

  13. Pity system in easier to understand details. As of now, we have 3 different kind of banners: Event Banners, Weapon Banner and Standard Banner. Event Banners are the one with the Limited characters, right now that are Raiden Shogun and Yoimiya (in this video, it were Navia and Kamisato Ayaka). Every type of banner, has their own separated pity. Only the 2 Event banners share their pity. So your pulls on the Standard banner, do not affect your pity on the Event banner. You can count your pity if you press the “history” button in the wish screen.

    For the Standard Banner: Every 10 pulls guarantees a 4 star character or weapon. Every 90 pulls guarantees a 5 star character or weapon. You get a random one. You hit soft pity at 65 pulls. Then the chance of a 5 star goes up. Hard pity is at 80 pulls. Then you chances go even higher, until the guarantee at 90.

    Event Banner: Same as Standard Banner. But here, if you get a 5 star, you have a 50% chance it will be the character that you want, or 50% for a random Standard character. If you get a Standard 5 star, we call that losing the 50/50. Now the next time you get a 5 star, it is guaranteed to be the Limited character that you are wishing for. This pity is shared between the 2 Event Banners and the game always remembers it. Pity does not reset after an update.

    Weapon Banner: Since there are 2 weapons on this banner, you have an “Epitomized Path”. There you select which of the 2 weapons you want. Every 10 pulls guarantees a 4 star character or weapon. Every 80 pulls guarantees a 5 star weapon. When you get a 5 star, you have a 75% chance it will be 1 of the 2 event weapons, or a 25% for a standard weapon. If you don’t get the one you want, you get 1 Fate Point. For the next 5 star, it’s the same 75/25. If you didn’t get the one you want, you get another Fate Point. When you have 2 Fate Points, the next 5 star is guaranteed to be the one you want. The game does remember your pity, but it does NOT remember your Fate Points. So if you had 2 Fate Points and pity 65, then next update you still have 65 pity, but the Fate Points will be 0. This is why many players call the weapon banner a scam.

  14. i dont know if you already know rhis coz u are few weeks ahead, but you have a TON of weapon exp. it says "no consumables found" when you try to level up, coz you have selected it at 2stars and below. you have a lot of 3star weapon exp crystals. Most of a character's atk comes from the weapon level. leveling the character itself mostly just gives you hp. so its important to have your weapon level equal to or even higher than your character levels

  15. If you end up with navia (something only you currently living in the future knows lol) you might need a tour guide to escort you straight to where her ascension materials are LSJSIFIDJF also this archon quest is so good! It’s a slow starter but with such an amazing payoff.

  16. you are now starting to feel just how valuable primogems are, and why ppl were yelling at you so hard for spending them on the standard banner lol. But hey, that's some awesome luck getting Sucrose in just 20 pulls! I'm envious~~ (nudges away my army of Rosarias and Candaces)

    Sucrose is GREAT if you like her play style and use her well. She can be used for support or for DPS, whichever suits you best, I've used her as both, and in my current favourite team, she's support + secondary DPS, and can switch to main DPS if my main DPS dies lol. That was how I beat floor 12 of the Spiral Abyss for the first time. My characters were way under-levelled for floor 12 and my artifacts weren't fully leveled, the only character I had that had their level 80 ascension was Zhongli, and all my other characters were level 79. I wasn't expecting to actually survive floor 12, I just wanted to try and see how long I'll live just out of curiosity. My main DPS died in Chamber 2, and I thought for sure that I was gonna die in Chamber 3, but nope, my 3-ppl team of Furina, Baizhu, and Sucrose managed to beat the final chamber for me. With zero stars of course XD But hey, I wasn't even expecting to survive at the time lol. <3 my Sucrose~<3

    If you want to use her as support, then her current best weapon is Thrilling Tales of Dragon Slayers. With that weapon, you can switch her onto the field, then switch to an attack-scaling character, that character will then get a large buff to their attack. If you want to play her as on-field DPS/driver, then just use whichever 3-star weapon that gives her Elemental Mastery. I used Emerald Orb too for a while, before I got her best weapon, Sacrificial Fragments. You seem to have more copies of Magic Guide though, that you can use to refine. And its weapon passive will probably work well with Kuki on the team.

    Sucrose's skill and burst can swirl Bennet's Q circle by the way, you just need to learn how to aim her skill and burst. Kazuha is much easier to use with Bennet in that way, but Sucrose is a much better driver if you use characters like Xingqiu and Beidou. Swirling is the name of the game for her, and she can swirl with her entire kit: skill, burst, and normal attack (every…3rd attack or 2.5 seconds, if I remember correctly). You don't even need to level her talents, and crit rate/damage don't do much for her, so she's super simple to build, basically just need to pile on Elemental Mastery + get a teammate who can reliably provide an element for her to swirl. Oh, and level her as high as you can, her character level improves her damage much more than her talent level.

    You're quite good with your understanding of artifacts, by the way. The Instructor set is indeed her current best set. Later on in game you will get access to her most OP set, the Viridescent Venerer set.

    Future-you probably already know the outcome of your pulls for this banner, but I hope you can get Sucrose's first constellation before it ends, it improves how her gameplay feels by a LOT.


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