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Version 5 of Genshin Impact and its accompanying region: Natlan is scheduled to release in late August, marking the fourth year of the game’s release. But with how exhausted the playerbase is in regards to patience, along with all the new gacha titles coming out trying to compete with Hoyo, I wanted to talk about how this may very well be Genshin’s last chance to maintain its dominance in the gacha world.
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Bet title of video next year: Snehznaya is Genshin Last Chance
Realistically speaking, Sneznaya is their last chance cuz they have been hyping the Fatui Harbingers & the Tsaritsa for so long like since the game started back when Venti & Traveller encountered Signora. So if that map & the top Fatui Harbingers turn out to be underwhelming af, this game would be done. No matter how good the later maps(Celestia, Khanreih,etc) are players will leave this game in masses. Like the expectations for Sneznaya & it's story are through the roof & rightfully so there is a lot of mystery surrounding it & we all have been expecting a big reveal. It's obvious that there is a lot more to come even after Sneznaya but players won't be interested if Sneznaya itself is bad. It would serve as a good point to exit the game
If they give us an option to replay every event that we missed, minus the rewards, I'll come back to Genshin and so many burnt out players might do as well since they can finally enjoy the ENTIRE game at their own pace.
Hell I'd even pay for a replay pass, if monetary gain comes into question.
Genshin just needs to make Traveler fun. Give them more weapons or something, it’ll be cool
Wuwa and Zenless took me from Genshin. Once Project Mugen and Arknights comes out. I dont think they'll be a reason to keep up with Genshin if it doesnt evolve.
if they add a skip dialogue/scene button, I'm back full-time to Genshin.
A lot of people "drop" other/new gatcha games but still play Genshin. Also, one thing that Genshin has that no other game has been recreate is its popularity with normal people. Genshin is so massive with people who never played a gatcha game before Genshin and still don't. I woul wager that there is a very large portion of the Genshin community that has never even heard of some of these gatcha games. And like you mentioned its all because of marketing and putting it on consoles. My wife has been playing Genshin for an even longer time than me and barley knows what HSR is let alone ZZZ or WuWa. Until a gatcha game puts in as much marketing and world building as Genshin there will never be a game that comes close to its appeal and success.
That Talkee sponsorship sure came at a bad time, when voice actors in gaming are on strike lol 😂
yo vars i remember watching your league videos on my tv youtube 3 years ago XD love ya
I kinda disagree with the state of exploration in Genshin. Ever since the last 3.X versions it became unbearable for me to do any kind of exploration. At every other corner a "new" mechanic pops up with a tutorial for new type to get your chests or you're running into a cutscene without voiceover and unskippable dialog. Locking like half of the exploration in a new area behind world quests has to be one of the worst trends in modern genshin by far!
Hsr doesn’t even compete with genshin, they’re in two completely different genres
A Gold Mine of Potential – this is an understatement… Genshin makes usage if at best for the last soon 5 years of only like 5% of all the potential this game has. ^^
Allow me to add things for both AK and AL
In terms of F2P Friendliness AND Grinding, Nothing beats AL here tbh, you can gain Cubes enough for UR and the UR interval is quite long, giving F2Ps time to breathe
AL is one of the if not the most F2P Friendly game, 90% of the game content is "Overleveled Overgeared = Clear", like if there is a Gacha game more F2P Friendly than AL, it needs too muvh of generousity… And yes, AL gives a lot of Gacha Resources per month 20-25 ish pulls at least per month, you don't really need someone like in the picture namedly New Jersey to clear most of the content, or any URs, you can just bring your own [Insert Overleved Overgeared ship here] without thinking about synergy and stuff(Yes you may want to for better clears but not really that much)
AK? You can see guides and 99,9% stages are clearable WITHOUT 6 stars, like fr, You don't need those fancy 6 stars there… and most stages are open ended, you may need specific comp but also not needing it ON THE same time
Also raising units/chars in those games are EZ AF, 1-2 weeks per unit is enuff
In Genshin there are only powercreep. Thus the only answer for improvement is in powercreep since Genshin characters was always based on fixed template. There is only so much to change that can be meaningful such as Elemental Skill or Elemental bursts. If Genshin adds a new type of experience it will only be available to that character, simply because everything a character can offer gameplay based is on their skill and burst
IM SO EXCITED FOR P5x I will literally abandon everything to play p5x
I remember playing genshin on release and thinking it could be the best game id ever play. A BotW-like open-world longrunning RPG with interesting combat and a huge world. And as soon as version 1.2 i felt it had so much wasted potential, long patched with not that much content and the new exciting areas would take years to come out. Foward to 2024 and its sad to see the game is still in this state. I came back for 2.0 to the first bug update, and then 3.0 for tons of new content with a new element, but version 4 did not entice me even a little bit. The story might be cool, but the unskippable dialogues with random NPCs will always make it annoying, the characters seem fun, but i womt have a reason to use them anyways, and the game does not respect your time in the slightest, with terrible stamina system even months after HSR gave us a better one, and to this day still RNG-based daily quests and daily battlepass…
Ill probably not be playing it again even if it does resolve a lot of its problem, but its always sad to see, just like when an old-time friend keeps going into the wrong direction, its a bit heartbreaking thinking about the wasted potential of this game and the wasted energy of those who are still playing it getting more and more annoyed.
That being said, i have a bit of hope yet. Seems like WuWa really affected them in a good way, put some fear in Hoyo after years of confort. They going back on the Neuvillette change was something i did not expect idk if we would get that if WuWa devs weren't so benevolent with issues and the non-stop comparisons theyre in right now
I think Imaginatrium Theater was just the start. Hoyoverse knows that Genshin Impact is no longer the only open world rpg gatch game. While Tower of Fantasy was a bust, Wuthering Waves (despite a very rough launch) actually seems to have some staying power, and it will get more crowded once the other games Vars mentioned come out.
I expect Natlan to be more diverse in terms of combat, exploration, and story, and I expect them to put more effort into the later filler patches because of this competition.
I don't see another company's game completly usrping Genshin, but it can lose it's dominance if Hoyoverse does not step up their efforts.
I quit before Sumeru, came back for Fontaine then quit again shortly for good, but I still follow how things are shaping out. I find HSR better, so that's what I've been playing and now ZZZ, both are quite fun in a way. I doubt I'll come back to Genshin tho, looks like a waste of time for me and I always hated Paimon. Doubt they'll ever make her shut up 😀 I loved the world and some of the characters tho, sometimes I miss it, but then I remember Paimon and the unskippable yappings all my motivation goes away, haha.
well if talking about technology genshin is trash, a shit looking game with repetitive gameplay shouldn't take 80+ GiB, genshin didn't do anything genre defining in video games, it's just copy paste of different ideas like Zelda and Ubisoft formulas. Compared to GTA V or GTA:O or RDR2 or even CDPR products it's just nothing and targets a very specific audience. I which mihoyo actually put money in game development other than advertisement
I agree on some points, but in the end it's mostly the fanbase that decides which game suits them. For example, I've played HI3rd (3 months), HSR (until 1.6) and WuWa (until last week), plus other games like Azur Lane (from November 2018 to September 2023), Snowbreak, Eversoul, ToF and other games I can't remember already. In the end, Genshin is my favorite for a very simple reason: I like it. The scope fits my life (I can't, don't need to and don't want to play 2 hours every day) and the core framework of the game (story, characters and atmosphere) also fit what I value.
Where I would like to see a significant improvement, however, is in the gacha and rewards (see Neuvillette Rollback). WuWa should have a very positive influence here. I'm also looking forward to the new Azur Promillia and Neverness To Everness (NTE) games. It's great to have a choice, so there's something for everyone. Now if only the comms would stop hating each other and the Genshin Comm would calm down a bit, it could all be so nice.
Thanks for your vids. 🙂
Edit: if that's important, I've been playing Genshin since Day 1 without missing a day. I can still manage the 10-20 minutes a day. ^^