Why I Don't Play Ganyu… [GENSHIN IMPACT]

A lot of people has asked me why I don’t use Ganyu more in Genshin Impact. The thing is it’s not I don’t like using Ganyu, it’s just Ganyu isn’t perfect and her flaws really turn me off.

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46 thoughts on “Why I Don't Play Ganyu… [GENSHIN IMPACT]”

  1. Pair her with Xiangling and Zhong shield if you want an easier way to use her. Use her like a shotgun to make it easier. When the enemy is the size of a pea on your screen when you're aiming, they could move even if your shot is dead on and cause several misses in a row. I personally don't use her for dps on small enemies like childe unless I plan on playing in close proximity or I just don't care if I miss because… well game easy. Also the re-aiming in between every shot is making my eye twitch lol, press R and enter aiming mode with a zhong shield and mow em down. don't walk side to side, walk forward and backwards to avoid AOE areas that break down your shield, walking sideways adds unneeded aiming difficulty. Just for if you ever do decide to give her a real shot and build her properly.

  2. Exactly this. Hate me too of you want but everything here is pretty much true. Especially why i dont play Ganyu myself, just shes pretty boring. And she is literally more fun as a support of subdps to me personally as well. And yes, build her correctly and you can have 100% uptime on her burst.

    Just something to think about too, if you have Ganyu, Zhongli, and Albedo like me, in some domains, you can literally just use their skills and burst and literally afk. Effortless gameplay too. Haha.

    Overall, yeah, she is great but the sniper game and not interactive gameplay is pretty boring. Im a Keqing and HuTao main too and although yes, Keqing does do less damage than Ganyu, Keqing i still prefer because her gameplay is more fun. Sorry for the long post but thanks for reading if you did 😀

  3. well my reason to use her was your opposite then.
    It is very challenging to do aiming and it is very rewarding when you can finally shoot long distance enemies

    I use controller and I kinda quite get used to aiming now.
    I even found a trick for permanent aiming without holding LT/L2 button, it really helps a lot reducing stress of aiming

  4. I main Ganyu since her release and I admit you are on point. I grew tired of her gameplay and needed up switching to Keqing and Eula. But I must admit, her damage is still one of the best!

  5. As a mobile Ganyu main, I agree with 95% of the points of this video. Though she does fit my playstyle, her gameplay can be boring and annoying (dang interruptions) which lead me to try diversifying my main dps with Hu Tao and Eula which can be extremely refreshing

  6. I mean…you do realize that you can just aim for the feet right? You keep missing because you’re aiming for his head/upper body, aiming for the feet will almost guarantee landing a hit. Just a tip.

  7. If anyone else is suffering from reason 3 (boring playstyle), I recommend trying out melt ganyu with bennett xiangling and diona as supports. Even though ganyu's charged shot is still the main source of dmg, maintaining pyro on the enemy and burst uptime on all ults makes for a very engaging quick swap rotation imo.

  8. If you suck and miss that's your fault, skill expression is important and more characters need something like ganyu's charge shots to reward good players.

  9. I really don't understand why people insist on aiming for a headshot, when Ganyu with cryo resonance, 4 pc blizzard, and 20% crit rate talent, will mean that you can crit most of the time. I always aim for the feet, so if I miss, it will hit the floor and the bloom still deals damage. For prototype users, maybe headshot is better, but for people using other weapons, just aim for the feet.

  10. Depending on the characters that you have, Ganyu can be one of best characters that uses strategy and has many playstyle to choose. granted she’s strong alone, but she can be stronger if you use your whole teammates. I don’t have to write this, but i feel like people are sleeping on Ganyu’s playstyle because they just shoot with her alone, and i’m kinda bored as well.
    1. (Ganyu and cryo team)
    The video says she can be a support, a very good one even. But that’s also because there’s not that many great constant cryo applicant support as of now other than Kaeya. Imo you’re missing a lot if you are using this style, because her support capabilities, supports her main DPS form the best.
    2. (Ganyu, Xiangling, Bennet, Shielder)
    Melt ganyu with xiangling uses her taunt ability. Her taunt is really good, especially againts larger enemies. She moves back as soon as you deploy the flower, so it can be used to dodge/to create distance. This skill is very important to distract enemies, because you have to get close enough so Xiangling’s Pyronado can apply pyro to the enemies. You shoot between the time where Xiangling’s pyronado hits so Ganyu can melt each of her shot.
    3. (Ganyu, Mona, Xingqiu)
    Freeze Ganyu does good damage with perma freezing capabilities. Pair with Mona or Xingqiu(or both). If you are using Xingqiu, you can do charge attack, normal attack(to apply hydro from xingqiu), then charge attack again in succesion. Headshotting is also not that important since Ganyu can raise her critrate through her skills and artifacts.
    4. (Ganyu, Venti)
    She can make use one the best support in the game, Venti, effectively. And generally supports one another. You can infuse Pyro on Venti tornado so you can Melt the enemies with Ganyu charge shot. Or you can infuse it with Cryo so Ganyu obtain more energy from Venti, this is also good for permafreezing larger targets
    I can see why people thinks she’s boring, especially when she feels terrible if you cannot aim. But after a while playing with her, i think she can be fun and engaging to play. one of the little 5 star characters that can provide you a lot of stuffs, and pretty much future proof with how good her Ult is.
    As for other characters like Xiao and Hutao, i find them pretty same-y. There’s only one way to play Xiao, plunge attack. And there’s only 1 way to play Hutao, Melt and vaporize. I think Ganyu playstyle is a bit underappreciatted. she can be 3 types of DPS. Burst Swap, Freeze team with less damage but more save, Melt team with higher damage but more difficult.

    I also don’t really agree that she’s that punishing if you miss her shot, she does constant damage afterall, Eula is much worse on that department compared to Ganyu.
    Most of the time she relies on her shotgun, but there’s plenty of ways to deal damage with her shotgun. If you just don’t like her shooting style, it’s fine, we have different point of view. And in the end, i think Genshin’s combat system isn’t very interesting or complicated to begin with. It’s basically a glorified classic JRPG, i find other aspect of the game more interesting.p

  11. There is a big problem with Ganyu that Walrus didn't mention.

    In a double cryo team with 4 piece Blizzard strayer, you're basically running at 100% crit chance and can easily get 200% crit damage from artifacts and her innate crit damage bonus. My C1 Ganyu with R1 Amos bow basically one-shots whole packs of mobs out in the world (18k initial hit, 35k frost bloom). When you're alpha striking clusters of mobs form a distance, all the downsides about having to carefully aim, or being interrupted in a charged shot are irrelevant.

    I've got all the other 5 star characters with great artifacts and 5* weapons, and honestly… they can't possibly compete with that kind of firepower. NOTHING kills faster than Ganyu while you're out farming/questing/doing dailies… and it makes all the other characters feel like they suck in comparison.

    If you've got Zhongli in your group, then it feels that way in the Spiral Abyss too. No more dodging, no more interruptions, just raw unbeatable damage.

  12. No offense, but really just git gud with the game. I play ganyu on mobile since her banner release, at first yeah I miss a lot of time, but bcos I love her I keep trying and trying and finally I almost never miss any shot now oh I don't need any shielder too and once you pass that skill barrier using her you will understand why she's no 1 dps rn, no cd, no stamina cost, no need burst, no nothing, you just need to git gud with the game literally.
    And you say she's boring? Well play her in freeze comp and melt comp then, there are ton of combo every char in genshin can do and ganyu can also do that lmao, you just need to broaden your perspective you don't need to spam charged atk solo over and over again.

  13. She's great at like literally everything else. My problem? She's a bow-user and in this kind of game? No thanks, especially to a controller pleb like me.

  14. I never miss

    But I'm not playing ganyu
    There's nothing fun about pacing around doing charged shots in my opinion. I love highly mobile characters like Xiao, Hu Tao and Keqing.

    But she is still one of my favourite characters but not gameplay-wise

  15. This whole video seems like you trying to push down other people's throats that ganyu ain't good enough hahahaha well, to each his own 😂 what i wanna say doe is….git gud. Sincerely, a mobile player. 😂😂😂

  16. This is refreshing to see. As someone who uses ganyu as my main without relying on shields and pure on relying on my aiming skills. It's nice to find a video that's actually open on not using her that much. And the problems she poses to people and her inconsistencies.

  17. I got xiao just because of the hype and now I barely use him. I hate bow users but people keep saying you’ll get used to it. idk man i’m reconsidering saving for ganyu now

  18. I love Ganyu, she has been my main DPS until now, and I can say that after all this time, her gameplay gets boring, is handy to one shot enemies doing dailies and stuff like that, I think is agreat a ddition to any team, but right now I'm excited for get other DPS units. Also… being able to attack fast is useful in a lot of situations.

    At the end of the time, the most important thing is having fun and definitely, there are other characters more engaging and dynamic.

  19. I agree not everyone likes aiming cuz it is hard for some. but for me I never miss shots and I play on android, maybe because all my life i played with bow characters or snipers so I never really miss any shots.

  20. I've been playing Ganyu for 4-5 months now at first I wasn't a big fan of charge shots but as the months went by I eventually learned how to compensate when I miss and now I enjoy playing her but the only thing I dont like about her is it takes so long to charge but besides that she's a solid dps for me

  21. I'm Mobile User but I like Ganyu rather than Diluc.
    I use her in Main DPS / Sub DPS using Favonius Warbow (To do Infinite Loop Burst).
    I always play Ganyu in mobile. I practice alot of sniper in Genshin Impact.


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