Why I Don't Max Characters Anymore – Genshin Impact

💬 In this video, I explain why I stopped maximizing my characters and don’t care anymore about getting the maximum damage possible out of them in Genshin Impact.

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🔰 Credits and extras:
Goblet chances: https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/wiki/Artifacts/Distribution#Elemental/Physical_DMG_Bonus%

❓ Frequently Asked Question:
Q: Why is your name F2P Diluc if you’re not F2P?
A: My name is F2P Diluc because I’ve already beaten all the content in the game when I was F2P. Now I buy the Battle Pass and Welkin Moon because the resources help a lot to build more characters and make more videos.
🎥 Here you can see me getting 36-Stars in the Spiral Abyss when I was F2P: https://youtu.be/W9Ryy63OXmM



24 thoughts on “Why I Don't Max Characters Anymore – Genshin Impact”

  1. About the level 90 characters: I still think it's not worth it because you only get about 5% more damage and it cost a lot of resources that you could spend leveling other characters (Venti is worth it because of the elemental mastery scaling). In my case, I just decided to level them up to 90 because I have all characters level 70 already (I farmed a lot of exp in some events). But in the end… it's your choice.

  2. entendo completamente o seu ponto cara, e comigo a experiencia é com arma
    pros meus bonecos favoritos eu quero armas 5 estrelas só pra ver eles dando os big damage e tal, mas o preço é tao alto qnd vc depende do pity pra pegar que eu simplesmente desisti por agora, nao vale a pena o custo sendo que ainda tenho que esperar o xiao voltar pra tentar ele

  3. I recently reached ar 55 been farming artifacts since ar 45 and I can barely walk around without a mob one shooting my characters through my 40k HP zhongli shield my artifacts are trash and i take 5 minutes to beat a boss
    No way i gonna enter the abyss

  4. Totally agree with you. But i have different reason why i dont maximise: most artifacts you can farm is trash. I dont want to waste resources on trash. So, first 6 or 7 month i just leveled my characters to desired levels (all 70+ for free wishes, and some 80 or 90), and the only artifact i has were those which you get from the bosses. You REALLY dont need anyting else. Leveling characters and their skills while having average artifacts gives you enough power boost, while farming for good artifacts (just good, not perfect) can cost you weeks of resin, while giving, well, i guess, the same power increase. Leveling is just cheaper and not random (= not degenerately stupid).

    And now i can just switch chars as i please.

    But yes, for new player it can be not the best strat. It can be a good idea to get at least 2 good geared DPS units first.

  5. Yeah finally somody said what I was thinking on my journey of maximizing Xiao. First I want to be able to freely switch my team comps. Second diminishing returns I rather run several characters with decent artifacts than one maxed out character and it's way more fun. Third I just feel way to frustrated to grind one specific domain for months for one specific character and their specific set.

    Every character which I enjoy is Level 80 with Talents at 8 and decent artifacts. Artifact Rng is just pure pain and it takes away the fun for me. So I try to keep it at a minimum or farm general domains for several characters.

  6. The first character I tried to 'maximize' was Geo MC. Like I literally spent every.single.resin since I reached ar45 on the archaic petra domain and it took nearly five months of me consuming my resin relentlessly there before I gave up. Like I literally had Ganyu, Xiao, Venti at level 70-80 WITH TALENTS NOT EVEN REACHING LEVEL 6 and weapons at lvl 60 (let's not even talk about their shit artifacts) and Jean/Zhongli at level 1 because I got obssessed with getting perfect artifacts on the archaic petra set for one SINGLE character (I didn't even think about pieces for Zhongli)!!! Like I could've probably gotten all of my characters to lvl 80 (or more), could've leveled up their talents decently and even gotten them lvl90 weapons with all that resin lmao.

  7. Agreed. This has always been how I built my characters. I don't perfect their artifacts. Or maximize and I dont level up to 90. Never cared for meta either. I'm fine as long as they perform their roles well enough. Lvl 9 or 6 talents with decent artifacts and a lvl90 weapon is enough for me. I can "build up" a character or two within a month. Ayaka, for example only took like 2-3 weeks to finish. And because I was able to build up a lot of characters already, getting 36 stars from abyss has never been difficult for me, even without maximizing damage. I dont really stick to specific teams either. Usually, I just check what I'm up against and use characters/teams/duos that would be good against those enemies (a habit from playing FE too much lol). Having a big pool of built characters to choose from helped a lot I guess.

  8. Honestly, that is my end goal. At some point, I will farm nothing else but farm artifacts once I leveled up everybody, their talents, and all the weapons. So no rush.

  9. Doing difficulty events on max difficulty is the true endgame…and when you need min maxed character (I’m free to play you don’t need to be a whale to do it) but if you don’t care about that then that’s fine. Play how you wanna play. That’s my take on this.

  10. Literally farmed 3 months just for crimson witch. I noe have a STACKED diluc with very high stats, I dont use him tho cause he's… Hard? I tried using him as my other team on the current abyss 12 and my results were bad 😭 i just used my 'good' build ayaka and it was a breeze 👁️👄👁️


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