EVERYTHING We Know About Arlecchino LORE and THEORIES | Genshin Impact 4.5
Tectone React
Otk react
steak and eggs
steak and eggs podcast
genshin fans not giving excuse for a dead patch or calling a filler patch a dead patch challenge : impossible
I see people in chat mention spoilt but to be honest who cares it Genshit Midpact. When I start playing the game again and stresm it I am going to mention my imagination being involved with Genshit Midpact. It will be about my imaginative self which is a god well xlise to one since it has 2 attributes of being the god of music and imagination!
I see Hilichurls as like zombies. Any trace of humanity they had is gone
The closest thing to a father figure they can have. (Jk)
It’s very sus that what got him interested in coming back was hearing that Genshin was talking about Lynette being sold and moments away from being SAed 18:28
Heres your mother
*gives a blood covered music box to kid°
Wait for Arlecchino's promo videos.
A rocket hammer
Eula!? Best character!? Ok, bro.
Thank you so much for reacting to this vid! ; – ; she's my favorite Honkai exp-
furina, yes. but did bro say eula? lmao
Lol sorry to break it to u… story and more ppl don’t care wut u think is ded patch… it was “ded” in the mechanics department and main
main story.. but decor not in world building aspect.. all elderscrolls and war hammer fans under stand it’s the tiny details that amount to overall world story telling.. ur not the center of the universe especially not lore nerds center… 😂 it’s lore nerds why games have great stories as lore devs have a reason to go in lol also “if she was a dude nobody would care” insert dude characters like Neuv.. zhongli… we all love lenney cause his fking based.. we can keep going.. 😂 also whole community loves venti regardless if we moved past his game mechanics.. tect just says shit and thinks it true cause he said it.. what in the Bible circular reasoning..
tower fantasy actually was good at 1. And I still play From Time to time but. Yeah, I do hate it.
I saw some stuff and oh boy good LUCK.
I guess genshin live rent free in his mind huh? 😂
Idk how people love a character where from what i know is taking orphans give them false hope and then sell them to the fatui
Like wtf are all genshin fans horny for a new lady
Every patch is a good patch for lore obsessed people.
The lore in Genshin is really interesting, but every time I think about going back and catching up, I think of all the overly bloated diaslog I'd have to spacebar through and… Yeah. Nope. Fuck that.
The only things we knew about this harbinger were brutal and horrifying stories about the last Arlecccino. That previous Knave is not the current Knave we are familiar with. That means everything that made Arleccino damgerous or BA is lost 😅
Scythe is better.
1:48 "you got me"
it is absolutely fair to say that the combat and events in genshin have gotten worse or stagnated over time, but lore/ story peeps eatin fuckin good, the story and lore has only gotten deeper/better.
ToF X Evangelion isn't that bad at least there is more content then the last 3 genshin months
I like how Tectone was lowkey trying to get an informed opinion on a character he hasn't seen a single time in story.
Like imagine questioning why everyone likes Arlecchino when we've played the Archon Quest and you haven't. Lmao
Its all good though he didn't take that far
After inazuma, genshin story has been amazing. That be it chasm, sumeru, caribert and fontaine. A lot of amazing lore, cool cutscenes and crazy forshadowing. Your porblem isn't genshin's lack of endgame, you just are a blind hater while trying to pose like someone who only speaks the truth and wants the game to be ''better''. It's like a toxic relationship to you, just move on. It's been more than a year dude. Or admit you can't actually live without talking about genshin for 3 days.
Minsleif vid ❤.
and then we have boothil in star rail who basically is a male version of arlechino. Everybody is going crazy for him XD 1:48