I watched EVERYTHING Genshin Impact 2022-2024 for the very FIRST TIME (PART 3)

My previous Genshin Impact videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9RlPJMZLcE&list=PL4kqxrGzrG8huPl8TKx_JtWEjnMkjDh3U

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Video & Thumbnail: @TorqueOS
Featuring Music from: https://www.productioncrate.com/



40 thoughts on “I watched EVERYTHING Genshin Impact 2022-2024 for the very FIRST TIME (PART 3)”

  1. yay, now all that's left is for you to play the game 😀 Honestly I don't even remember where you left off. now is actually a great time to come back now that I think about it. You can finish off your returning player rewards just in time for Father to come home and I I'm almost 90% sure you're not gonna wanna miss that!

  2. I think Hoyo kind of abandoned the idea of having tanks in genshin because there's rly not point in having a prolonged fight in the game. Most challenges like the spiral abyss requires players to defeat mobs quickly. Shields help with not having your combo be interrupted meanwhile healers are now meta cuz of the fluctuating health mechanic

  3. nah genshin doesn't have the record for having the most characters,,, there are so many more gacha games out there with hundreds of playable ones,,,, genshin does have some of the most fleshed out playable characters out there tho imo,, most of the characters they have actually take part in the story and events and not just 3* fodder characters you see in most gachas

  4. If you're happy I'm happy, I get the excitement though, if I find something I love, and I'm 53, when the grandkids come up, I'll say check this out it's so funny, or play this you'll love it, it's a total role reversal, I want to share my excitement 🙈😄😃 I blame my adhd 😊😁😀❤❤❤❤❤ hi Mrs and bubby DeeBee 👋😃💞🦋.

  5. 🙃🙃🙃🙃😱 I want this game so much, my grandkids have their ps4 in the bedroom, but it's pretty tight for space 😮‍💨🤔maybe…nah, I can't, I'll just have to save up and get my own 😊❤.

  6. the main focus is no longer "find your siblin" since Liyue, the second region

    Your objective now is to discover the truth and uncover the secrets of this world and only then will you understand what your siblin is doing and why they are doing it

    Teyvat has thousands of years of history purposely erased and hidden

  7. Seriously, copyright, isn't like free advertising 🤷‍♀️ you're reacting to it, now I actually want to buy a ps4 at the least to play it, 🗣📢 That's free advertising youtube, they should be grateful, I wouldn't have looked it up otherwise, no harm no foul!!! 🧐😋❤.

  8. This game has really overwhelming choices for me, I need to be directed, and that's just in day to day life 😂😂😃 I'm extremely hyperactive just watching this, 🥳🥳🥳😁🙃👁👁🍫☕️🎉🎉🎉.

  9. saying that Furina isn't very interesting was one of the most off things you've ever said

    trust she is in the top 3 most interesting characters in the entire game

    however, at least the day you get to meet her you will be impressed, you will arrive expecting nothing and everything will be delivered

  10. Furina was kind of meh for a lot of people as an archon characters, even for me, some saw her even annoying, me too sometimes, but believe me, everyone loved her at the end, i'm still surprised how they managed to made her lovable from a version to another, that's good writting! Really, i was team Furinasucks but 1 mission later i was team FurinaBESTarchon wtf?! Even i cant fully understand it, but if i tell you i may spoil the surprise, sorry, you need to experiment the Furina journey for yourself 🩵

  11. Don't get me wrong, it's an amazing game with a pretty in-depth story and incredible world building, but it's nowhere near perfect. I didn't expect perfection, but I expected better communication and the devs putting more thought into what the players wanted for the game.
    In terms of age rating, it's understandable that the content needs to be censored, but compared to all the other games Hoyoverse has made, this game is by far their most wholesome one. If I were to rate their most successful titles from wholesome to OMG, it would go like:

    4. Genshin Impact for being wholesome (Welcome to Disneyland)
    3. Honkai Star Rail for darkness potential is still rising
    2. Honkai Impact 3rd (Depression Impact) for being pretty DARK (best story that's Globally available for all players, and the good ending of the Honkai series)
    1. GGZ (Houkai Gakuen or Gun Girls Z) for being ELDRICH HORROR (literally THE bad ending of HI3)

  12. i weirdly love how he sais that his not impresed with Furina as it is basically the point og the character:she feels weird at the start,not god like or even annoying,more like just a celebrity.

    And then you reach the end of the archon quest and realise that she is arguably the bast archon in the game…


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