Genshin Impact Players Yesterday Situation About Getting The New Outfits Be Like…

CN alternate outfit video:
Yesterday miHoYo gave us a surprise rewards a new 4 alternate outfits for Jean, Mona, Rosaria and Amber, it supposed to be released on genshin version 2.5 but they come early. Probably most of the players don’t have all of the characters that got the alternate outfits but, even they don’t claim the rewards or they haven’t those characters yet, the alternate outfits will be in your inventory no matter what. About CN players they got 1200 Freemogems or Free Primogems because their original outfits were removed

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40 thoughts on “Genshin Impact Players Yesterday Situation About Getting The New Outfits Be Like…”

  1. I'm an American player. And, I love mona's new skin, it makes her look like an actual normal girl and not a sexual object. Also can I lose the jean skin if the mail expires and i haven't gotten her?

  2. On my alt I’m using the Rosaria and Amber new outfits because I think they’re actually much cuter than the old ones but I don’t really like Mona’s and Jean’s

  3. I have avery ch except for mona, but i really liked the new outfits, idk but they're different than the original (ofc) and give a more serious vibe, for jean and rosaria, their black details are pretty good for me.

  4. 1200Gems as "compensation" is extremly low!
    Imagine your favourite charackter 5* Jean or Mona gets treated like this.. <<
    Censor = unrespectfull, showing the middlefinger to the artists & devs their effort!
    16000Gems for each owned censored 5* Charackter, 6000 for Rosaria & Amber is more reasonable.

  5. My question is.. on CN servers, during cinematic cutscenes (not in game cutscenes) with any of these 4 characters. Will the new fits be used? Or are they still the old ones? If so, then what was the point?

  6. The outfits don't serve much of a purpose to me since I literally can only use 2 out of 4. All I get it diluc when I lose 50/50s and even on standard banner I only get 5 star bows.


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