Why did Genshin Impact add this…ITS COOL I GUESS!!!
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This is what genshin thinks is a quality of life change we want. We literally never asked for this. I'm not praising it, since it's a stupid easy change.
i don't like her cause she keeps saying "one"
Chevreuse left the room 😢
Why not?
I lose all my 50/50 😢 … Every dang time…
Come on! Opening paragraph!
Gaming is a certified yapper but it’s ok I love him
This gives off my "closed-eye" or "not-looking" wish ritual
This scared me when I got Gaming. I couldn’t help but wonder why this was added. Most characters have a long winded introduction and im not gonna stick around for that
Jealous that you won 50/50 because I didn’t and it took 160 pulls for me to get her. But I got C6 Faruzan along the way so some good came from it.
I lost my 50 50 for Nahida to Qiqi. 3rd 50 50 loss in a row
I never listen to them whenever i get a character 😭
I got qiqi
I got Mika – only 4☆ missing and when he starts speaking I was so excited 😊 this is so nice to hear them like this
YES!… now characters do lets say… "Signature line" while wishing for them!
Honestly slay, talk ur shit queen 🗣
Managed to get insanely lucky at zero pity after Raiden dried up my wishes. Got Nahida and Xianyun in 80 pulls.
When I got Gaming I was absolutely concerned about how he kept yappin away about I don't even know what. Then I realized the update has it where new characters have a first time voiceline.
Its kinda remind me of Arknight, they all have voiceline when you got them whether its long or short line
Bro xianyun is only B tier why did you pull for her?
Hey atleast it ain't the freaking unskipable paragraphs they forcee to read!
HAPPENED TO ME TOO OMG i was so confused when she started talking lol
I have 14 recorded 5* pulls. I have won 2 50/50s. I literally have a win rate of 22.22% on something where I have a 50.42% chance of winning… 😐
I enjoy the introductions
I didn't wnat her and I was only wishing to lose the 50/50 cause I wanted the next one to be guaranteed cause I already got ayaka…..I still got her…collecting dust already 🥲
yep, that’s why I heard “hello, I am keqing”
Can I be your friend in Genshen
I lost my 50/50 but it’s okay because I have guaranteed whatever patch next
That was exactly my reaction. And I fell off the chair as well.
When i was pulling, i covered my eyes and heard the voice and was confused lmao
They also finally added in recommended artifacts for characters😅🎉
Imagine my shock when I pulled a Nahida, and the first thing I hear is that she's been watching me 💀