MiHoYo releasing MORE Gatcha Events in Genshin Impact!

Genshin Impact new recruiting event is actually insane… Not in a good way…

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31 thoughts on “MiHoYo releasing MORE Gatcha Events in Genshin Impact!”

  1. What was Mihoyo smoking when they thought of posting that most idiotic post related to Elon Musk? This is beyond even being surprised. They should fix the major ongoing complaints from the community first before they can even think of something like that.

  2. and you know damn well there will always be some boot licking fanboys and girls who are like "yOu nEeD tO BE gREaTfUL BecAUsE GenSHin iS SuCH a GReaT GaME anD 1500 PriMOS is ActUallY a LoT."

  3. The fact that the higher ups in Mihoyo allow this to happen really speaks volumes about the company’s ethics and morals. Genshin is a wonderful game that’s ran by not so wonderful people unfortunately….this is what happens when power is given to the wrong hands, I guess.

  4. This isn’t even the worst. Last patch they had the same twitch event they promised 500 gems for 15 hours and another 3000 for getting 600 new followers only problem is today was when they suppose to pay out the reward and literally no one in the 20k official discord for this event got anything over 500 so pretty much false advertisement and scam.

  5. I’m not surprised, just disappointed.
    It’s such a beautiful game with good lore and characters. But stuff like this and the Elon musk stuff makes me wanna quit the game and makes me embarrassed for ever supporting them.

  6. There was 2 streaming events before this and although messy, everyone could get primos by just fufilling the 15hours. I in fact got 500 primos both times. This new one not only is limited, but they also will reward people with the most viewers first. So someone like me who's very small and my viewership differ, probably have 0 chances of getting stuff. Their stream event discord has easily 4k people from the past event alone(they had closed it between the first and second time, but now they leaving it opened). I probably wont be participating in the next one, its not worth it.

  7. I was so right when I called them out for being a fan of bad publicity is still publicity when the anniversary rage was more livid lmao
    This just drives that point home

  8. I've basically ignored Genshin Impact in 2.2 so far. I thought they'd start the version with a BANG as usual, but was shocked when I saw that there was only a new quest that didn't even have voice lines, and the new island which I didn't want to touch yet.

    A few days later, then came an event that was only for the people who completed the quest 'Wishes'. I wasn't going to rush the story quests for an limited event, sorry I don't want to end up like most of the high ranking players.

    The only thing that will be exciting is Xinyan's event and Childe's appearance, but otherwise…

  9. There's really not much to do but laugh at this point. Mihoyo is just one of many companies doing things like this. Hell even CDPR caved to scumbaggery and greed with Cyberpunk.

  10. I wish they add events only in the game they want me to stream and I can't and I play the game everyday and spend money sometime and I got nothing and they don't care about active players


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