Alhaitham rerun banner is coming in Genshin Impact 3.7, but is Alhaitham worth pulling? This video is an updated Alhaitham review that will discuss things to consider before pulling him, such as Alhaitham’s gameplay, power level, how F2P-friendly he is, teammate considerations, constellations, and overall pull value. #GenshinImpact #Alhaitham #Genshin
Full Alhaitham Guide:
Alhaitham Constellation Comparison:
Alhaitham Rotation Guide:
Alhaitham Videos Playlist:
0:00 Alhaitham 3.7 Review
0:39 Gameplay / Power
5:07 Team Roster
9:18 Alhaitham Build (F2P-friendly, Quick Tips)
11:07 Investment (Constellation or Signature Weapon?)
12:32 Pull Value
Edited by Halevy!
Thanks to Migo for the input! Check him out at
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Alhaitham Demo Theme EXTENDED (tnbee)
Kaveh Demo Theme EXTENDED (tnbee)
Tighnari Teaser Theme EXTENDED (tnbee)
Would he be that big of a difference from tighnari in power? Once i got tighnari I was able to beat floor 12. Best thing that happened to my account was losing 50/50 to him
Idk if anyone saw my comment on the kaveh wishing video I think? but I got kaveh while clinging to the door to alhaitham house like a lunatic, now I got alhaitham while clinging to the door again(as kaveh now LOL)
I don't have any aoe anemo character but I like alhaitham so much but I also need kazuha what should I do?
He's the best dps in the game imo
When did she divorce zhongli for alhaitham?
So I accidentally got him while trying to get cons with ten pity…so TOTALLY WORTH it lol
Sevy!!!😂 As a fellow Al-Haitham simp this was the best cake- ahem video you’ve baked- ahem MADE so far! I died laughing at the cake image and the Serenitea pot where you walked down the aisle, and Kaveh being his no 1 team mate while his voice faded with an “oh-no” cracked me up so much!! Thank you for making this masterpiece of a video, and for all your guide videos that helped me grow my account personally 🌱💚
I got him but I haven't unlocked the underground map..
Got him guaranteed yesterday. The problem is always the weapon banner tho. Luckily this banner is kinda win-win, I lost Lo-Fi to Freedom Sworn, so I give him that. Now I'm broke lmao.
I got him yesterday
I actually main Alhaitham, with yao yao its actually Great cause im using harbinger of dawn on him as a F2P player along side kuki and Barbara to guarantee the passive of weapon
Honestly, Alhaitham banner is kind of a skip for me, same with Kazuha.
Why? I already have them.
Im so torn between althaitham and kazuha! Im currently running a solid hyperbloom team with nahida xingqiu and kuki but need to fill the 4th unit. Alhaitham would be a great dps for my hyperbloom team or should I wait for fontaine for a 2nd hydro unit? So many choices 😢
Side note thank you for your amazing and insightful videos ❤
A nice team I've found works really good for Main DPS Alhaitham is Alhaitham/Lisa/Nahida/Zhongli. I call the team 'The Academics'
Alhaitham: Main DPS and Dendro Driver. Uses Light of Foliar Incision and 4 piece Gilded Dreams
Lisa: Electro Sub DPS/Support and Defense shred. Uses Hakushin Ring and 2 piece Thundering Fury/2 piece Emblem of Severed Fate (gonna switch to 4 piece Instructors when I actually get some good pieces 😢)
Nahida: Dendro Sub DPS, EM Buffer, and Dendro Resist Shredder. Uses Thousand Floating Dreams and 4 piece Deepwood Memory
Zhongli: Shielder and Buffer with a bit of CC with Burst. Uses Fav Lance and 4 piece Tenacity of the Millileth
Really solid team overall. With 3 different forms of Defense/Resistance shred, along with buffing from Lisa (Hakushin Ring), Nahida (Burst) and Zhongli (Tenacity), my Alhaitham's projection attacks do about 28,000 on crit, and he's only level 80 and has talents at level 6, so still some room to grow further. And with Zhongli's shield, I don't have to waste time dodging and thus letting me maximize the number of projection attacks.
PROS: With all the Defense/Resist shred and various buffs, Alhaitham basically melts just about everything within seconds. Very durable as well due to Zhongli's chonky shields. Zhongli can quickly mine materials, Nahida can also quickly mine materials and invade people's privacy, and I get the enjoyment of listening to Lisa as she climbs…
CONS: Not as effective against mobs of small enemies due to Lisa's burst pushback, though they typically melt easily enough with Alhaitham's attacks anyways. Still trying to perfect both Alhaitham's and Lisa's Energy Recharge so having some issues with uptime. Also only have Lisa at C4… really want those last 2
Plus, as both an Alhaitham and Lisa simp, I just couldn't resist having the Akademia's two finest students working together, along with the Archon of Wisdom herself. Zhongli is kind of the odd one out… but he's "Knowledgeable in All Things" so I think he still fits conceptually (tried fitting Layla into Zhongli's spot, and she works okay… but loses the resist shred plus her shield just isn't nearly as good).
Sevy apparantly missed the memo that Alhaitham is flaming gay and too callous even for his boyfriend/roommate. Not really husband material, if you ask me…..
I only want Xiangling but accidentally got Alhaitham after 50 pulls😢
Is he good even at C0?
I pulled for Alhaitham and his signature weapon on his first release, and let me tell you, this man changed my acc and obliterated everything in his path. Even without his signature weapon, he can use many other F2P weapons. He is honestly a 10/10
i got accidently light of foliar when alhaitam's release but don't have alhaitam. Currently using it on keqing and in my other account i already have alhaitam with iron string. i am too undecided about who should i pull for. alhaitam for his weapon or kazuha for keqing with alhaitams weapon. i also have yae miko but dont have nahida so using yao yao right now. what is your opinion help please i will go crazy from indecision.
as a fool who supposed to pull for kazuha ang got alhaitham… thanks sevy
Just wanna say that Alhaitham is such a good DENDRO dps (every element has their own great DPS) and if you know what the hell your doing with dendro reactions then yeah should probably get him lmao
Well since I got Tighnari and Nahida it feels worse pulling , but there is always a slot where he is better 🤔🤪 anyway it's kazuha time sorry Haitham 😅
I really just wanted a Dendro DPS. I have Nahida & I love her but I want to use her as a support. I don’t like catalyst DPS gameplay unless it’s Scaramouche (or Heizou but i don’t have him built)
I saved up to guarantee Kazuha, but I ended up winning the 50/50 for him. so I used my remaining wishes to get Alhaitham- sadly, I ended up losing (but I got C6 Diluc, who was my first ever DPS). but then I was building pity on Alhaitham’s banner hoping for YaoYao cons, when I got him early at around 20 pity!!!
I’m really excited. I used all my resources building Kazuha though, so it’ll be a while before the scribe is ready. but I’m excited to try him out. I have a very highly invested Cyno (C2, R2 signature) who is my secondary main alongside Yoimiya (C3, R1 signature) so maybe I can swing 2 hyperbloom teams to crush the abyss under my heels. or uh.. my sandals. and whatever shoes Alhaitham wears.
Me who pulling alhaitham just because he's handsome. ☠️☠️
he’s hot so idc im swiping 🙏🙏🙏🙏
C2 with weapon!!
7:00 thanks for the advise, you cured my impulsive pulling addiction 😂
I got both of them 40 pulls 😎
s really realyyyyyyyyyyy strong
As an Alhaitham haver Im gonna say it. Dont pull for him if you have Nahida. He is not worth it. Nahida is way better than him and she carried me through the 3.7 abyss. Alhaitham is harder to play and this abyss with these mobs moving everywhere is hard to use. DONT PULL FOR HIM IF YOU HAVE NAHIDA.
As an Alhaitham main, he is absolutely worth it imo. Fun gameplay, great damage, great character design, great personality. S-tier husbando would recommend. I was extremely excited for his rerun because now my Alhaitham has his signature weapon 😎
IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU RECOMMEND…. cause I already got him and his weapon.
Creating a husbando team is quite hard considering that some of the boys won't synergize with each other. Especially with Alhaitham. I hope Mihoyo have plans for an Electro or Anemo Daddy. Lol.
Pulled for him but got keqing as my first 5 star instead😃