Who is the BEST healer? | Genshin Impact

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21 thoughts on “Who is the BEST healer? | Genshin Impact”

  1. Qiqi honestly carried me through the early game until I got Zhongli off his first double banner with Ganyu (who I also got 4 wishes before him, those two became my mains after that lol)

    If you just need raw healing, Qiqi is the goat

  2. However, part of healing is CONSISTENCY and BEING OFF FIELD. So anyone who heals only based of being on field like Noelle immediately gets dissed. And Jean's healing is huge but she needs a lot of energy and there's a decent chunk of time where she doesn't provide healing at all. In this case Kuki and Bennett and Furina easily take the cake with their downtime being next to 0 or less. Doing stuff apart from healing is also a nice bonus

  3. I’d say furina takes 2nd or 1st simply because of the fact that she can be off field and heal constantly with a smaller cooldown when it ends as well as her buffs, making her fantastic. She keeps my team at 100% HP and I prefer her much over Jean or qiqi since I don’t have to constantly swap over to her!


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