Who Is The Best Archer/Bow Character In Genshin Impact? All Characters Discussed!

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Genshin Impact has a wide range of bow characters, with an even split of 4 and 5 star characters, with the current bow characters being Amber, Diona, Fischl, Childe/Tartaglia, Venti, and Ganyu, each with their own unique playstyle and abilities, so in this video I talk about each bow character and talk about which character is best in each situation!

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35 thoughts on “Who Is The Best Archer/Bow Character In Genshin Impact? All Characters Discussed!”

  1. Ganyu for sure is one of the best if not the best bow users, since I don't have her I'd say that childe is the most fun to play and even more efficient in terms of raw power hehe

  2. Out of these, I think my favorite is Fischl, she is pretty fun to play as a dps, animation canceling is something I do with Fischl dps. I use fischl as a dps for floors 9-10 for spiral abyss and for the first half of andrius boss.

  3. Bow skills in itself.. always wanted ganyu for that double charge ice particle thing. Electro suppose to be one of the strongest element without reactions cuz it can penetrate..

  4. In terms of damage definitely Ganyu
    In terms of having fun & having a long lasting character is Childe
    Healing & shielding would be Diona
    Support and elemental role would be Fischl
    Taunt would be Amber
    Grouping enemy’s would be Venti

  5. 🌸🌹It required a bit of reflection and though my answer is to be expected, I am to say that Ganyu hands down, reigns supreme as the best and most entertaining of the archers. I do say this on account of phenomenal offensive prowess, but rather due to her overall versatility and uniquely fun gameplay mechanics🌹🌸

  6. While technically Ganyu rules above the others in terms of… Pure archery..? (In my humble opinion of course) My favorite archer is forever Childe, Even though he technically isn't… And that's what I love about him :'D

  7. i've always thought of amber as the best archer in this game. BiS rn for amber and ganyu is the amos bow, its kinda clear that they're hanzo types. but amber requires more precision than ganyu, since she can't really take advantage of aoe.

  8. I just got a 5 star bow today but i have no archer exept amber and diona. I dont want to lvl up Diona. I like amber but id prefer an other archer. Im stuck πŸ™ cant use my new bow. Any advice ?


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