Who has the BEST IDLE ANIMATIONS?? (Genshin Impact)

Do YOU have a favorite animation?



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#genshin #inazuma #tierlist


21 thoughts on “Who has the BEST IDLE ANIMATIONS?? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. As a… Hu Tao haver… I switch off of her everytime she starts talking, even though she's cute. She's veeery loud. I always have to move around with quieter characters.
    Qiqi's blowing wind actually helped me get items out of water once so S tier for me xD
    I still remember the first time I saw Razor's, I just started the game. I wasn't even looking at the screen, just saw it out of the corner of my eye and heard it, literally had a heart attack and was so confused what just happened.

  2. Everyone, remember he is just judging the characters animations based on his own personal feelings. He does not consider why the characters have those animations. Also he doesn't follow any rules he mentioned. When the characters are quiet he claims it's boring and when the characters have at least one animation where the talk he claims it's annoying.
    He placed Jean above Eula cus of the dandelion meanwhile Jean and Eula basically have the same animation style. He thinks a flying dandelion says sth abt Jean but ignores the Lawrence crest? They all even have an animation where they fix their hair like bruh.
    Okay I can't even see how he judged Keqing and Albedo, he liked Albedos style cus it says something abt the chaaracter and the drawing is detailed and quiet. Meanwhile Keqing has an entire detalied drawing plan for liyue and if the doesn't say sth abt her character I don't know what does. She also has a quiet animation like albedo but she ended up in trash, like I mean they are technically the same bruh and their gap of judgement is too wide.
    Also He dragged chongyun who has one of the best idle animations I consider in the game cus it's cool looking, cute where he sucks the lollipop and quiet, below Bennet. What? I thought he hated animations that talk and here is Bennet annoyingly shouting like what?
    There's a whole lot that I don't even understand what he is trying to communicate or is thinking. In summary the list doesn't make sense and is biased.

  3. Why is xingqiu so low when is iddles are character wise and quiet? And i'm not even going to start with the others characters, you can make tierlist based on your own taste but in that case rather than making some criteria who won't be respected say it's YOUR opinion. Because clearly you don't know shit about characters like Eula, Diluc or Chongyun.


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