Which 4* Need Constellations The Most In Genshin Impact? Tier List

A Tier List About 4* Constellations In Genshin Impact. SUBSCRIBE

00:00 Xiangling
00:44 Chevreuse
01:27 Mika
01:59 Heizou
02:23 Dori
03:02 Yunjin
03:32 Chongyun
03:58 Kuki
04:19 Yanfei
04:45 Kirara
05:00 Thoma
05:34 Candance
06:03 Kaeya
06:39 Charlotte
07:00 Sara
07:21 Noelle
07:36 Gaming
08:05 Fischl
08:45 Amber
09:30 Lisa
10:09 Rosaria
10:39 Faruzan
10:50 Xinyan
11:12 Gorou
11:51 Sucrose
12:32 Diona
13:03 Sayu
13:42 Ningguang
14:02 Bennett
14:57 Lynette
15:39 Beidou
16:23 Yao Yao
16:52 Razor
17:22 Barbara
17:47 Layla
18:13 Xingqiu
18:55 Collei
19:22 Kaveh
20:08 Final Changes

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44 thoughts on “Which 4* Need Constellations The Most In Genshin Impact? Tier List”

  1. I am surprised you didn't mention barbrah C2 at all(it gives 15% hydro dmg and CD reduction for her skill), and like other comments pointed out her C1 is pretty good for her so maybe there is an argument for her being in C1/C2 teir ?

  2. i'm begging y'all to realize that faruzan is FINE without c6. yes it's an incredible upgrade, but this idea that she's unusable/useless without it is ridiculous and makes f2p users feel like shit

  3. Quite frankly, this is not aimed at the video, but people recommending Xiangling to newer players need to state that only at C4 does she become more comfortable to play. I used to play her often while she's stuck on C2 and man, that burst goes away fast, making her ER requirements even higher because of less uptime. It feels abysmal to play her before C4.

  4. before watching the video I'm gonna put this down here rn; Faruzan needs her constellations most of any 4 star in the entire game. needs it for energy, for grouping, for more utility provision, for better team buffs…

  5. I was abou to criticize you video because of Xiangling: while she is playable at any constellation (pretty much every 4 star is), her C4 is a must have for the teams she is well known for. It's not just a damage increase, it affects the rotation of the other characters.

  6. C1 on Yanfei is absolutely a must because of stamina. Yanfei (even at c6) struggles with stamina but without the refund from c1 she can't charge attack as often and will lose the ability to sprint making her much worse versus multiple enemies and makes her feel awful to play

  7. @thegenshinscientist I trust you on every anรกlisis you do. Big fan of your work. I need your wisdom: should I activate Bennet C6? I have pretty much all the characters in the game except Eula, who I don't like. Now with Gaming and Xianyun I feel the temptation to do so!

  8. The dream is c6 Faruzan but she keeps getting put on banners I can't pull on so my pain is immense and my disappointment is immeasurable. I want her for Xiao, but like now for example, even though I'd love her, Gaming and Cloud Retainer, I'm saving for Arlecchino so can't take the chance. Wish she was better at c0 or C1.

    I definitely am trying for c6 Kaeya too, even if it'll probably take me another year and a half to get there, lol. I recently pulled him on standard and had the kind of reaction usually reserved for 5 stars.

  9. Xiangling does not benefit from her own C6 because of snapshot though so it's only good on mono-Pyro. I'd put her in massive C4/good stopping point.

    EDIT: Oh you did move her – well, anyways, her C6 is a lot worse than it would first appear

  10. For Ningguang at 13:57, I think "extra batterying" is inaccurate as she has an icd for particle generation. I remember a long time ago (version 1.x) I was trying to aim for that cons to battery my noelle but was so disappointed that it doesn't work that way. Unless… there's something I don't know about?

  11. I share my feelings regarding this type of tierlists:

    The moments you want to watch this type of content, which is basically a "should you pull 4* for power level", are probably around:
    – AR50 to AR55, wanting to get through Abyss up until 11-3 full stars, as it is concerning to get an easy way to increase performances after you max level, talents, and weapons, and you don't have a bulldozering artifacts inventory.
    – AR55 to 59, wanting to clear 36* or, if already so, having an easier/faster experience through it
    – Mobile players and AR60: people that are highly disadvantaged due to the poor development of Genshin on mobile

    I do believe any higher, like any AR60 that has been here for a while, or a good AR57/58 at proper investment (or a smurf), will not agree think most assessments are true. For instance, would I ever consider not having XQ C6, Bennett C6? Hell no…
    And I only play 500+ days. I recently got Sucrose C6 and few months ago Fischl C6, and I could say the same about these 2.

    So, to main topic, I believe the list is very good for early game players of an AR50 to AR55. As a general advice for stopping points or mini goals through banners.

    For the AR55 to AR59, I'm already a bit more dubious, as personally, it's already where I experimented the lack of sheer power from XQ, Fischl, Collei, Kuki for instance… which at least "stopping points" feels to be sort of needed. As again, during these AR you are acquiring your 1st very good artifacts.

    Lastly, for mobile players, the need for some of these constellations is absolute. I have a friend that has artifacts quality for being 5% XQ, but he has C2, and I can tell from clearing abyss on his account, on computer, it's manageable, you'll clear. But, at this level of investment, you intend on fast clears, even speedrunning, not just a 36*… And for having experienced to be play on his mobile… well, I had the same results as he had. Resetting the chambers 5 to a dozen of times to get satisfying result.

    To conclude, I took few examples, but it's an issue with the whole tier list. I could add, like Gorou probably feels like dogshit if not C6, as mono Geo feels already lackluster (being highly invested in the Geo community, most Geo mains would agree without him C6 Geo is fuckin trash (excluding Navia to state the obvious)). In general, it's OK if you are a beginner or low investment player, which might be a major part of the audience? I don't really know… because when I enjoy TGS content, it's when there are calcs, sheets and rough estimation of power level of a new unit/ team comp.


  12. Barbara's C6 got a huge buff recently, as it's affected by the abyss cooldown reset im between chambers and attempts, meaning you get a free revive for each attempt.

    However, this only works if she's in the first half ๐Ÿ˜”

    Regardless, it doesn't change her place in the tier list since it's just QoL that doesn't even come into play most of the time, and it gets less useful the more you invest into her since she gets better and better at preventing your characters from dying in the first place. But when it does occur, it's really nice.


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