Players FURIOUS with Genshin Impact | Tectone Reacts

Players FURIOUS with Genshin Impact | Tectone Reacts
Genshin’s Flawed Idea of Difficulty Ruined the Spiral Abyss

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46 thoughts on “Players FURIOUS with Genshin Impact | Tectone Reacts”

  1. The game is reaching the point of " Do the devs even play their own game ?" And it's such a shame for a game like genshin impact because it started off as a very passionate and dedicated game.

  2. Why bother with to 36* it anymore? The compensation isn't worth the stress. The only payoff I see are people bragging about how they 36'd it followed by insulting others for not doing it/not being able to do it with their silly team comp screenshots.

  3. I stopped doing floor 12 when it starting to just getting more "sponge bullet". idfc about 150 primo anymore just for my fucking sanity to fight the whole battle fk that shit bro…..

  4. The abyss has always been ruined for most F2P players and the last 3 floor are mainly for whales and lucky F2P player! The need to add a way for F2P players to run the og abyss and give the whales a way to pick the newer and hard abyss…

  5. I been playing with my hu tao and favorite characters for a long time and ill keep doing it, f the meta, and yes the abyss is ridiculous, the freeze lock is so annoying that i just did floor 11 and i stop, i have better things to do than wanting to break mi pc cuz the abyss

  6. 19:05 But that's litterally how you can possibly beat this abyss, like precise i framing the attacks, learining their attack patterns via retrying again and again (they almost one shot every character who is not hp, def based) and the bullet sponges in this abyss are only the enemies at 12-3 chamber one

  7. Hey it is just a theory from me but I think Hoyo is actually trying to make the F2P players or just players to whale on their account bcz when they start doing the shit in which u need C6 for a character so they can be good I started to suspect they were on to smth
    Or they are trying to make the abyss as annoyingly possible so that ppl could just leave or forget about abyss bcz I remember ppl saying that Genshin is not combat action game so what if they are trying to annoy and I bet they will make the next abyss even more annoying and stupid

  8. Me who absolutely hate that Eula can't gain any stacks for her burst damage boost against shields (yet you can see damage to shields that count as a hit in Honkai Star Rail 🙄 )

  9. I called this on day one when people were like, "It is illegal to nerf or change a released character."

    Sure… But they could make every enemy damn near unbeatable and screw every released character over still, right?"


  10. This guy is so delusional. Salt turning his brain into mush. Lectors and (shield after shield guy) Baptist as a boss are quite good battle encounters. It doesn't require you to have your characters insanely built, but you need to be smart with a setup. And requires actual thinking, not smashing plunge attacks (knew it was coming from Xiao lover). But hey, you hyperinvested into one character that is useless this abyss instead of building whole roster of different character and now you are raging. You can literally beat Baptist with 3 free characters you get – Collei, Barbara and Xiangling. You slap there Xinyan for MASSIVE (pog) shield and batterying XL and it's a huge W.
    Waves of Whopperflowers and Doritos are fine, you either can learn using their AI to group them and kill at the same time with any character (skill) or just use Anemo grouper. Chamber 2 with Chicken and Electro thingo is just easy, cause chicken is super simple and with 2 minutes on the clock any team can beat Manifestation.
    Consecrated Beasts I can agree upon this – they are pain in the arse and just made to annoy people. Even learning they attack patterns doesn't help much sometimes. Coming to this fight without massive IR and shields/healing is just pure annoyment. You need them grouped but they ungroup themselves and jump all over the place. Even infamous Setekh Wenut (flying in the air boss) wasn't that annoying after learning his patterns, cause it was at least predictable.
    Also I want to remind, that Dehya is standard banner character. It looks like she was designed to be as bad as Qiqi to punish people for losing 50/50, not for being actual playable character. Mistake on Hoyo side is that they haven't made her ugly. That would clarify situation lot more.
    AR58 F2P btw, all limited 5* went to pity, still got 5 of them + 7 standars/cons. If you reached AR60 and need to spend money to beat this abyss maybe indeed it is a skill issue. I'm not talking about mechanical skill though, but more of using brain to allocate resources in a smart way if you wanted power in the first place.
    Also the difference between clearing floor 12 with 6* and clearing with 9* is sometimes few months. So yeah, that last 50 primos is not really there to make a difference. Just for the satisfaction about completing the thing. And going futher, gaining 3* stars on the clear shaves off next few months. Gaining only 3* but not clearing some chambers it's next few weeks/months with 80% rewards collected anyway. Clearing only floor 11 is another few weeks/months and still almost 75% of rewards. Floor 12 is playground for min-maxers not casual players. They can stop at Floor 10 and get 45% of rewards and not come back again until next reset.

  11. So Genshit playerbase cries about no endgame or difficult content but when Hoyoverse makes Abyss harder every single scrub throws their arms up in the air and scream “NERF”

  12. I think even you would have trouble with the Abyss because it's so damn infuriating, btw I can BARELY (a few secs to spare) beat it with a C3 Raiden, C6 xinqio, C6 xiangling and C5 bennet all with amazing fucking ratios because it's such a big DPS check that even that team barely does enough dmg, and I am an unfortunate soul without Nahida nor Alhaithem so it becomes way harder

  13. People were clowning around Hoyoverse for the anxiety comment they made- but I do feel anxious over the abyss now. It's making me uncomfortable. I straight up quit due to the massive amounts of difficulty spikes. The primos aren't worth it, it just repulses me. I feel more liberated I dropped it- but it still just needs a revamp. It's like tqhey want to force you to become a whale
    I always considered my teams well built but I literally just. Don't have the proper amount of damage

  14. 1 main reason why I wanted get Baizhu, because he is really good healer even I was disinterested with, is his personality in very 1st place, because he mostly speaks about his job and specialty, that kinda disinterests me, but I really needed best off field team healer, then I dealing with corrosion, and Zhongli's shield unable against this effect and his story quest was ok and I won 50/50.

  15. Star Rail also gave us Silver Wolf to be able to use our favorite DPSes everywhere so there's that (as long as our supports match the boss's elemental weaknesses). I guess you're either running a Quantum DPS, or running her on a boss with preexisting Quantum weakness. Which is still cool either way.

  16. It was weird to me that I beat it w my xiao who has been rotting in corner… but fyi u blow up those cores easy w him and u don’t get tossed around… first abyss that however got me so annoyed forcing me to burgeon or whatever… no more welkin no more BP for me. Zzz

  17. I'm OK with enemies in 12th stage who will even oneshot or deal a lot of damage, that you may stay on 5% from one hit, but what they did now with enemies is just transform enemies into HP sponges…. Also they begin adding in Abyss 12 bosses who have invulnerability windows and who are just flying beyond the arena, so even more than a half of the battle you are just standing and fking waiting an enemy that have insane amount of HP, but what's most ironic that they are not really hard, I do not even afraid to take a hit from them, it is very easy to overcome the whole danger come from them, but you need to or deal multiple hundreds of thousands of damage per hit, or scratch them for insane amount of time…. This is boring!!

    Will say nothing that some enemies have unreadable and some even unavoidable attacks, they jump all over the map that even range characters should simply run over the arena as an idiot… etc….

    I do not like hardcore content in Genshin, but do not mind if they will add some, but what is going on in Abyss is not Hardcore, it is not Hard, it is Boring! and not worth doing not only for 50 gems, but even if they will give 1 roll per star…..

    I often do not agree with player whinings, but in this case I really hope that hoyo will listen to players this time, cos Abyss 12 now is an idiocy.

  18. I remember in 1.1 when the devs removed resin based events soon after the first event, and it felt like they were listening to players. Little did we know. It was a ploy to give us a little here and there to keep us. Zhongli rework, artifact boxes, team loadout increase, resin increase, small things to keep us seeing the potential. It's stopped hiding that it's a cash grab & doesn't seem to care. I'm just waiting for the story to finish at this point.

  19. That's why I said that there should be no s.c. "Hardcore" and "End Game" content in Genshin, Hoyo does many things perfectly, but they fking suck as hell in balancing the game, it was obvious in events, that's why I will continue calling all players who ask for Hardcore in this game – Idiots… You get what you asked for and this is how Hoyo does it, they simply suck in making difficult content for any their game.

    Also their enemies are nice and fun for Open World, but Abyss always was – HP > HP > HP > MORE HP TO ENEMIES…. and it stays that way, that make that enemies boring…. They need to remodel whole Abyss to make is somehow balanced, to make difficulty procedurally generated from the team you take and equipment you have (something similar to how it worked in L4D2), this is Gacha game and not all players will have all characters and all weapons and all consts, so difficulty should be balanced for each player individually, to make Skill Test based not on Characters, Weapons, Constellations and fkng LUCK in fking getting good Artefacts, but on player's skill of knowing the game and combat mechanics, their Theatre Mechanicus was really balanced well, cos all players were in the same conditions, so balancing was made not around Luck, but intelligence and ingenuity, but Abyss 12 is impossible to balance the way, that player will Test His/Her Skills, but on Equipment Power and Characters/consts…. And Abyss was always more about Equipment, rather than about Player's Skill.

    Sorry for my bad English…

  20. This makes me so mad, i stopped bothering with abyss back when i still played genshin the moment they made my c2 r1 raiden shogun with over 4 months worth of investment no longer able to do the abyss, either huge electro res on the enemies or electro shields or some bullshit, i would understand if they did that for just one side but they also alternate enemy element types for each chamber, essentially giving you a big ass fuck you to electro damage dealers. Add to this the one shot dmg sponges and i had them oneshot my shogun while on benny burst and zhongli shield because now some things can even break his shield with one hit and you have two of them

  21. I tried progressing past floor 11 in the abyss for the first time in a long time because my Shenhe/Ganyu duo was letting me hit harder than ever… and oh boy I immediately hit an impassable wall on floor 12-1. Soooo yeah. Floor 11 it is.

    Still to this day I have never maxed out the abyss because I never wanted to try that hard, and now it's only gotten WORSE, so… uuuuugh.

  22. it sucks….. Geo is my favorite element and itto was the first character I went for…. I saved 110 wishes just for him and his weapon….. I was lucky to win the 50 and well his weapon I got wanders weapon first then got his… I grinded and skipped 2 banners for him. Only to see that geo isn't that great. Which I don't care about Meta he's my favorite character. But still I want him to be the best I can possibly make him… But the way the game is now it seems like they say fuck every element except dendro. The months I put into itto seems like it was worthless. Well at least in the abyss he's still my best character I have. Next would be xaio. And don't even get me started on the new characters coming out I'm excited about them but I was so disappointed in dehya I would say the last new character that they made that was good was probably wanderer.

  23. Probably the company is trying to kill genshin since they are seeing the scale and development for genshin meanwhile Honkai Star Rail is a 10-20 GB game thats earning good money


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