Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? (The Chasm Delvers Part 4) Genshin Impact The Chasm Quest

Hello friends, in this video I will be sharing the walkthrough for the world quest – Wherefore did the Spiritstone Descend. Do note that this is part 4 of The Chasm Delvers quest chain. You need to complete Perils in the Dark in order to receive this world quest.

Perils in the Dark: https://youtu.be/XJbmwOcRmLk

ALL Chasm Guides: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ujlM1KolvG60QEfk8pJKPj9MqkfBFrU

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📌 Timestamps 📌

00:00 | Intro
00:10 | Where Did the Spiritstone Descend
00:11 | Talk to the Zhiqiong up ahead
00:22 | Go to the camp with Zhiqiong
00:47 | Go to the gate that Zhiqiong mentioned
01:56 | Open Gate
02:01 | Go within the gate to investigate
02:50 | Purify the large crystal (1/5)
03:38 | Purify the large crystal (2/5)
04:23 | Purify the large crystal (3/5)
05:07 | Purify the large crystal (4/5)
06:52 | Purify the large crystal (5/5)
07:36 | Talk to Paimon
07:38 | Strike the large purified crystal
07:45 | Defeat the monster lurking in The chasm’s depths
08:07 | Return to camp and talk to Zhiqiong
08:19 | Report back to Muning

#genshin #chasm #primogems


17 thoughts on “Wherefore Did the Spiritstone Descend? (The Chasm Delvers Part 4) Genshin Impact The Chasm Quest”

  1. ALL Chasm Guides: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0ujlM1KolvG60QEfk8pJKPj9MqkfBFrU

    Support me with YouTube membership:


    Support me when you purchase welkin or Genesis Crystal in Genshin Impact: https://takagg.com/codashop

    Twitch: https://twitch.tv/takagguwu

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/takagguwu

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/takagguwu

    Discord: https://discord.gg/takagg



  2. A little tip: for the enemies that spawn near the five crystals that you have to purify, if you stay close to the crystals and they reach 100%, the enemies are defeated automatically because of it!

    Thanks for the guides, Taka! I've been following them for months~

  3. Hello Taka, thanks always for your videos, they're really helpful for those especially people like me who don't have a lot of time to play and explore.

    Btw, just want to mention an easy way for activating the large crystals, always remember to eliminate any enemies that appear before you focus recharging the crystal, also make sure to "fish" them outside the range of that purple blob, lest it will hinder your fight.

    And for the 4th large crystal especially, at around minute 6:19, there's a purple blob nearby the crystal that will keep respawning, but you don't have to go back and forth to the beacon to charge your gadget. Just remove the blob once, activate the crystal

    (if your gadget is at lvl 2, you need to charge it again since to activate the crystal you need 3 charge from the gadget), so recharge your gadget once again, remove the block, and THIS TIME, stand a bit behind the large crystal where the purple blob doesn't reach you, but your gadget will still charge the large crystal, so you don't have to go back and forth to recharge your gadget and remove the blob. Sorry for the long essay, hope this helps. <3

    Also, the new boss is annoying bcs, it can't even stand still for a bit and you have very little window to attack it before it dive back into the ground. Mihoyo seems never fail to make annoying bosses, both world and weekly. I recommend bringing a bow dps like ganyu or yoimiya against this boss.

  4. Is there a certain order you do quests? When I was on “Go to the camp with Zhiqiong”, I still have the mud covering up the area and haven't leveled the Lumenstone Adjuvant enough. There's also another thing, since there's no longer a table where I can level up the Adjuvant at the old camp in Ad-Hoc Main Tunnel. Please note that I am not complaining you towards you, I just really want an answer so I can fix this issue..Thank you so much! <3

    Edit: My god…I am utterly disappointed in myself!! I am really stupid, sorry for putting in so much trouble on this question. I didn't realize there was an actual path to the camp. Again, I'm so sorry!


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