Where Did Geo Characters Go in Genshin Impact?

#genshinimpact #genshin #noelle

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37 thoughts on “Where Did Geo Characters Go in Genshin Impact?”

  1. It’s a good sign that we went by months and months without any new geo characters tbh, bc that would mean they’re cooking something up for geo instead of setting it as a mono element

  2. Noelle is just built diffrent she's literally one of the best 4* characters and the best 4* geo character like why pull for Zhongli when there Noelle….

  3. and the amount of dendro characters releasing is insane too,i know it's a 'new' element but cmon hyv ☠️they js keep giving dendro chars so far there's like only 2 new chars w diff elements or smth

  4. Im sorry, but Geo doesn't suck, the current introduction of Dendro just made Geo and Physical look really unplayable for not having any interactions. My strongest team to date is still my Mono Geo team with Itto+Zhong+Albedo+Gorou. Whenever I have a floor on the abyss that is just hard to pull off, all I do is select my mono geo team and wipe anything. The thing of Geo is that it doenst have any elemental interactions BUT by itself it has some pretty decent raw number and effective damage. Still my favourite element since game release (although Dendro came close to overtake it).

  5. "geo sucks as an element" no, it really doesn't, just had to throw that correction out there. Since Dendro came out with Sumeru less than a year ago they've had to play catch up by continuing to introduce dendro characters. I have no doubt they'll even out when Fontaine is explorable in the near future.

  6. A fellow geo main and fan here. No matter how many other op characters hoyo may release, geo will forever stay in my heart. There’s something about geo characters that makes me chill and comfortable.


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