What MiHoYo is up to for balancing Genshin Impact in Patch 2.5

Genshin Impact MiHoYo’s plans for Patch 2.5 & beyond.

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44 thoughts on “What MiHoYo is up to for balancing Genshin Impact in Patch 2.5”

  1. Welp, i'm waiting for someone cover yoimiya in this meta. She is one of the most shield-dependent characters in the game.

    Yujin is a good "buff" in the damage for her but with the new enemies i think geo will go straight up to state of 1.0.

  2. that’s actually really nice to see different types of characters. I think people would become bored if every characters they were releasing had all big DPS, or big shields, so stop complaining and appreciate the diversity, thank you ( ps : kokomi is so cute who would hate on her just because she can’t crit, are we children ? ) i don’t understand why people get so offended she no they don’t like a character that they need to blame the developers for making “bad characters” honestly stfu

  3. Was this an ad for Zhongli C6? i don't see any F2P anytime soon going for C6 on any 5 star(unless for the gacha luck or bad luck). I can still beat the game without having C6 on any 5 star, so no, in my mind there is no need for any of the stuff you mentioned, all characters in game if properly raised with talents 9 9 9 are more than enough to do some cool stuff here and there, abyss is not also must do on every patch but i do it for the primos and i don't have: Venti, Kazuha, Ganyu, Kokomi or Yoimiya etc, i also have never used the "national" team or Morgana or any of those weird "solutions" made by other players, i just play with my fav's and have a good time, been a follower for a good time and this is the first vid i'm really not ok with, the game is easy and you just need Barbara if you need to replace Kokomi for a very difficult HP draining, there are other solution and i'm fine with them.

  4. I doubt any kind of incredible foresight on miHoYo's part. They just target whatever meta they see as too strong and try to buff more niche gameplay aspects. Sometimes with good success, sometimes nerfing completely unrelated units.

  5. its ok to have shield counters but that new husk monsters that heals or shields themselves when they hit shielded characters were sign that mihoyo can sometimes go too far with the nerfs. The backlash from beta testers was insane to the point they had to nerf the husks lmao. Im all in for a bit of balancing but completely nerfing characters each patch is a no no. Like how new enemies in inazuma before the nerf couldn't be pulled by venti making him less viable, next we got rifthounds to counter shields, and now energy sucking vishaps to counter raiden. It's ok to an extent but just dont go overboard cuz a lot of ppl just wants to play casually in this supposedly mobile game

  6. Kokomi rerun is likely in 2nd half of 2.5 during the likely cherry blossom festival event cause the event four star weapon design wise fits with the artifact set that is best in slot for kokomi. 2.5 you have enemies that make themselves harder to kill if your character has a shield.

  7. i think the sheild will be very bad i know that there is enemies that you can use sheild on but the problem is the abyss not the open world you cant use sheilds vs this wolfs and maybe in the future more enemies like this and all of them will be on the abyss so i think the healer are better overall

  8. People fail to realise that a c6 zhongli is pretty good healer… Now people who hold zhongli dear can't really give him up on certain teams where they'd have loved to use zhongli for everything he brings to the table other than a beefy shield. So i definitely see some new forced c6 zhongli players out there. As for the f2p just hold on to those primos guys, 2.5 will be exciting. Also if you really regret not pulling Zhongli with the new banner rotation system he's gonna be back in no time.

  9. Not Sorry. I refuse to pull on Kokomi. I've made it clear in surveys for Mihoyo that I don't support poorly written characters. For a strategist character trope, Kokomi is part of the worst I've seen in a videogame. Too many contradictions for her character. I detest her for making Teppei's death so trivial (in her story (diary), don't mention Teppei's death in front of the Traveler? Really?). Also, what sort of leader that DOESN'T pay respects to those who have sacrificed their lives in a celebratory feast of winning a war? Not even even a small moment of silence? Don't get me started with the "peace talks" because her actions afterward are horrendous and double standard.

    Also, her kit will most likely be power crept in the future due to that minus crit stat. I'll pull on the Hydro Archon whenever they come out (which I suspect is the reason why Kokomi was nerfed with with -100 Crit). Can't have the Archon doing worse than the other by another 5*, right? Especially when Archons are supports that represent their element overall. And I don't care if it'll be a long time till we get to Fontaine.

    Kokomi is the healing meta NOW, there is a chance she'll be overtaken in the future. Archon's are too important to skip to what they bring to most F2P teams and lore wise they'll be relevant anyway. In the future they'll most likely be rebuffed via weapons or others methods. There will be a team also, built around future characters (Yes, there might be a better healer than Kokomi in the future). So don't rush to pull on Kokomi unless you do like her just because of the "current" meta. Remember it's a gacha game, ppl. Mihoyo WILL release power crept characters. That also applies to Kokomi.

  10. I'm sorry, this will be a long rant from me.

    Imo, if mhy want to nerf shield, they need to fix Geo element first because it's resonance depends on shield and by not having any damaging reaction with other element, can't break enemies shield fast enough, geo characters will suffer a lot more when the new enemies that are a lot worse than corrosion come. I don't mind if they want to put harder type of enemies and make healer relevant, but not at the cost of entire geo element or shielder/shield dependent characters. Yea, Zhongli's shield is super strong but not all shielders are as strong as him. Indirectly nerfing Zhongli shield with enemies like husk will put Geo characters in a worse place. What even more mind boggling to me is that they never really try to balance cryo, they're always super strong. I just want each element to be strong and do really well in their own niche, and not holding their characters back just because of their element.

    I know mhy nerf husk and I'm grateful for that.

  11. Designing content around a specific character so that people would for him/her is just plain fucking gross. So far I haven't had any trouble clearing content and 36* abyss but once that becomes a case then I'll simply stop doing those said events and just enjoy the story honestly. I already stop buying the bp + welkin around 1st anni for obvious reasons and started playing the game casually and real talk, the game's been hella fun again. I don't understand why shielders are suddenly being looked down upon nowadays. Are they as strong as they were before? No, but that just means that they're no longer broken. They're still op in most of the content and strong in some. Plus Zhongli is like one of the most well written characters imo. As for Kokomi I refuse to pull for her because I simply don't like how she was portrayed in the story. She was hyped up to be so smart and such an amazing strategist yet the Fatui made her look like she had 0 brain cells. Probably was forced to for the plot but it was still horrible writing imo.

  12. I actually like Kokomi's negative crit rate. Makes building her easier and prevents the game from stagnating.

    She actually does her job and balanced at that.

    Btw. Need a shielder/healer? There's Noelle. Try to nerf that Mihoyo. Until you introduce a lore difficult energy recharge related mechanic which you just did with the bathysmal vishaps.

  13. It is generally good for mhy to balance the shielders and healers, so neither groups monopolize the meta. As we get more increasingly annoying mobs, both will have awkward moments that push you in getting new characters…

  14. I think the "anti shield meta" aka rifthound's corrosion isn't really as bad as people make it to be. I mean I could barely notice it in my runs through the abyss with zhongli and it's not like I'm good at dodging or anything. Tbh the only true counter to this "shield meta" rn is that one raiden boss leak where she K.Os u instantly through shield

  15. Next to be killed… freeze comp. It's so comfortable to play and that's why it'd be killed by mihoyo. Raiden shogun will be around for at least until 4.0 i think, since she's not providing comfortable meta like cc, shield, or freeze comps.

  16. It feels to me a little like developing meta backwards. They create character that doesn't really work in current meta and then try to force them on players.

    I think instead they should give some benfits to more niche playstyles. Healers are good examples of this – wolfs are super toxic way to buff healers but ocean set is great since it's gives benefits from overhealing and give players incentive to build strong healers. I wish they would give some good benefits from running mono elem. teams so they can be competitive instead of trying to force them on players by some wierd enemies

  17. There are only 2 characters that I can consider good shielders: Diona and Zhongli. And Shields are not the only good things about them:
    [ Diona = Shield + c6 200em + Heals + Energy + Cryo Resonance
    [ Zhongli = Shield + Res shred + Meatball DMG + Millelith buff + Geo Resonance

    Take out Shield and you still have a ton of things. I don't know if this Heal Meta is what we actually want or need.
    It's not that I don't like hard content but these annoying enemies (e.g. Rifthounds) are definetely not what I look for in Genshin.

  18. If kokomi will ever get a rerun i will get her for the sake of easy life then not pull for anyone anymore unless its suit my interest

    I already got zhongli for shielding I just need a good constant healer aside from qiqi


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