What I Believe | Genshin Impact (AMV/GMV)
You will see Anime not game
Name of the song : What I Believe
Team of Song : Skillet
Song link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVCHcgYQFVs
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One of the creations of Anime Sekai AMV’s
Playlist of (Anime) : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzyc-Ny-iDkfU7xXBt-eXKtOj2s2ELimW
Playlist of (Genshin Impact) : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzyc-Ny-iDkeXJiNZtYopj7O3fagxifv3
Beautiful animation 👍🤩
Literal chills watching this…
I like it your good making songs 😯
جميل جدا
Incredible GMV!!!