Talking about whether Yoimiya is a character suited for you. Yoimiya’s
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it really is a shame that she doesn't have an AOE. I was planning to replace diluc for her but her kit is really "meh" so I didn't pull for her. What a waste of cuteness :((
I main fischl so yoimiya just opens up my playstyle to other types of combos and reactions being a pyro main dps.
One of my favorite characters, among many others I love.
TBH if you rolled for Yoimiya and ur FTP i
hope you guys enjoy your character. But i think you made a huge mistake cause baal is right around the corner
I think she is worth but if you don't have any other pyro DPS.
If you have them go for The next chara 👍
Honestly looks and feels like an S-tier 4-star dps, somewhere above ningguang/yanfei rather than a 5-star. Xiangling is on another category since she relies on team comps.
"Of course she can't vape or melt 80k every hit, that would be broken"
Meanwhile hu tao vaping 80k every CA lmao. Ganyu CAing 80k every time. And hence why people call Yoimiya bad.
She is worth it for me! (guaranteed) Got Diluc also so guaranteed again for Raiden. Best roll ngl.
I don't swap that much so that basic attack is godsend and from the RNG I'm getting which are the artifacts I don't really need but hey you don't get your dream team (that's why it's called dream team) unless you go all out but you build your team from the RNG hehe.
"mihoyo wants players to pull characters for other liability besides melt and vapes"
Also mihoyo: spams every new character with cryo / pyro characters while ignoring hydro and geo
Well done
Hey there! Am very grateful for all these videos as I've been wanting to pull Yoimiya but honestly need a DPS that can help me break through to 9* floor 12. Would like to know your opinions on where you'd place Yoimiya among all the 5* Pyro DPS so far (Hu Tao, Klee, Diluc)? Factors to mainly consider are damage based on effort/resources needed (e.g. I believe people rank Ganyu pretty high because she can easily do a lot of damage even with a 4* bow).
day 18 of commenting because i love your content
an E made for DPS but a Q meant for support, what a disappointment
Ganyu is also unimpressive without Amos.
Walruss: "mihoyo wants to see the potential of overload."
Also mihoyo: overload can't crit
what is even the point of having good crit ratio when a reaction can't crit.
I got her today out of a whimp in 1 ten pull for Sayu. (got Sayu in the next one). Add to that i got Amos on Standard but Fucking luck. I build her she its not that strong but Bro is it fun AF
I wanted her but I still haven't even built my Xiangling or Diluc…
It's nice to hear reasonable, balanced outlooks. I didn't pull for Yoimiya (need Ayaka and Baal), but I think anyone who wanted her and got her is super lucky!
This whole drama was simply a result of Mihoyo insisting on making her the FIFTH pyro main dps character. Like really, was there any reason not to make her a support? They effectively made her redundant on day 1 this way simply because of the pyro characters already existing in the game
I Reallllyyyy wanted Yoimiya the casual auto targeting hit and run hit big numbers mobile hu tao was amazing!!
But the more i tried her, the more i don't like her (click click click clikc clikc clikc….) playstyle. I'm sorry but i'll be skipping her.
P.S. I pulled Kazuha on my alt, and OMG he is fun as heck, scrificial all the way!!
Player skill, the real meta.
Not Meta but waifu, not worth my money. A Meta but not a waifu, maybe? BUT a waifu and Meta, take my money pliss. Raiden wait for me!!!!!!!!!
MHYO Should definitely fix her. she's not even no where near close as Hutao and I don't even want her to be Hutao. I honestly think she's a very badly made 5*.
1. Her Elemental Skill is Trash scaling leveling it is basically a scam.
2. Her Burst is a firework and it barely even creates an AOE. Firework should be huge af. and the scaling for that is trash and 2 second explosion which deals damage weaker than Hutao's passive might as well be nonexistent.
3. Her 2nd Talent Passive doesn't even include herself which is extremely weird for no reason how come she doesnt? Hutao even gain 20% cryo on her burst while she doesn't? that's just weird. And even if she gained 10%+ atk she won't still be nowhere near Hutao Levels.
Finally, Mhyo made a bad choice nerfing this character very badly. If they made her strong people will spend money to pull for her like HuTao then they will be forced to spend more money on Baal's Release since she's also a great character. MHYO Just literally lost potential sales because of this stupid move.
I have Yoimiya and my review of her is mixed: She is the very manifestation of creativity gone wrong and although a new way of playing has been offered, she stills has a bad burst ability.
The only fix, if the devs are going to (viz unlikely), is to increase her burst AOE and let her also benefit from her burst.
Got her and love her, but personally don't even see why I should even brother using the burst and I think that's sad. The fact they put an internal cooldown on it that renders it unable to vape all its explosions is so dumb looking at it's low numbers.
Waifu pullers ain't getting out of this one lol.
If ur f2p and ur a waifu/husbando puller I have bad news for u lol
Yoimiya simps: its ok to be bad, waofu over meta lol. Dont be too tryhard
Same simps: lol imagine building amber, trash player omegalul weak player. Ayaka wanters are wierd lol, she looks so bad…. yoimiya better lol
Yoimiya needs a buff because I pulled her C3 and Thundering Pulse R1. level up her, talent, and weapon but the damage is underwhelming 😭. Buff buff buff buff buff buff
The main thing that i dont like about yoimiya is her burst. If they can actually make her burst a wider range with dot and us hitting the enemies that would be better. Especially when fighting a group of enemies b/c with her auto it'll just aim at whoever is close by
Since she is better with overload, and overload is bad so far, she is bad. IF they buff overload (they really need to buff electro reactions), then she wil be better.
I still pulled for her. She is cute and an archer. I pulled for Ganyu because she was an archer. I like supports and I would love mages if they weren't so attack charge oriented. So archers are the best next thing.
Also, Yoimiya's personality is so cute and I admire her. I wish I could become like her in the future. (I am more like a shy Ganyu type).
I mean she’s good enough for me, and I can still get ganyu with getting yoimiya so I didn’t lose anything really in getting her
Attack speed supports will be a thing at some point.
I think mihoyo's mistake is assuming how people would play her but making her kit doesn't work with what they intended. You see, base on her kit alone and as explain from her Collected Miscellany, mihoyo wanted us to play her starting with E to build up pyro dmg bonus then transfer the ATK% bonus to the next character(20% is like a whole Noblesse Oblige). Therefore, she could be a great sub-dps with a good dps uptime from her E. People and theorycrafter already accepted that her normal attacks can only trigger reaction on her 1st, 4th, and 7th attack based on the 2.5s or every 3 hit rule for reactions. The thing that hinders her a lot is her burst.
From what I see, mostly are:
1. Why does her burst need to have an ICD? With the burst proccing every 2s while reaction ICD is 2.5s, in practical use at 10s, the first proc will be on the 1st second, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th. But ICD rule will have reactions on 1st, 3,5, 6, 8,5, where in reality, it will only proc at 1st second, 5th, and 9th. The question is why limit her reaction ICD when even 4* Xiangling and Rosaria can have no reaction ICD and let them reverse vape or melt all the time. This is a 5*. They're supposed to make the gameplay easier(base on experience with other gacha games).
2. Her burst have too small AoE. I kinda agree, it need to be bigger a bit but not a mile. They are reason why other supplementing character exist.
And for your point about mihoyo probably trying to implement overload gameplay for pyro character, well..
1. As from the ICD for her E and Q. Even if it's not vape, not being able to do more reaction doesn't matter if you can't consistently make reaction in the first place.
2. Even though she can overload, the amount of reactions it can provide is the same as vape whereas vape give more damage instead. So why opt to go play overload? Mihoyo need to revamp the electro reaction first to convince us to play electro based reaction with other element characters.
I have a conspiracy theory about yoimiya..
Sadly she does less damage then my c6 yanfei, so I'll just continue using yanfei hu tao and klee over yoimiya
She looks awesome and I like her character ^^ she has pros and cons, she’s not the worst or the best! But she’s a solid character and I really like playing her :>
Lol, if Mihoyo wants other reactions to become more popular, than maybe they shouldn't have made Melt/Vape far and away the most powerful reactions in the game.
I wish I skipped yoimiya or didn’t get c fcking 3 xin yan. I had a guaranteed banner character and I was saving for ganyu or hu Tao. I wanted to pull cause of diona and sayu since I need them both but I didn’t get either.
I pulled her and have her to lv 80 and i have the harp on her. Is she better than my hu tao at overload and vape teams? Also would it be a waste to take her to 90?
Im a returning player, I have Diluc and Yoimiya which of the 2 should I be using?
but everyone knows overload is below vape and melt and even if mihoyo is trying to push overload reactions then what about the abyss unlike whales where they can just brute force their way through the abyss easily clearing with their c6 r5 units but not the f2p.
f2p have to rely on these vape and melt for bigger damage in order to clear abyss so mihoyo giving yoimiya forced icd is something i dont understand why they did it.
or they did this because they will finally buff electro?
or because now abyss will more duable only for the whales if they are gonna release characters with restrictions like yoimiya's icd.
remember when people used to tell powercreep will kill the game now look at mihoyo trying to tone down the characters utility by inserting these caviats like icd etc
mihoyo making up for what they did with ganyu and dont want to repeat it again
i pulled her by accident. Didn't have much to comment when the pity came after 24th pull.
This guy must be promoted by mihoyo to sell Yoimiya. How can you justify a 5 star being not bad when Yanfei and Xiangling out DPS her, one of these is F2P
She's a fun and cool character but tbh I'm still kinda sad that she killed my Baal pity
i was trying to get sayu while saving for xiao and she just showed up outta nowhere
i wanted yoimiya but xiao was more important to me
now i’m at 3 pity, 3800 primogems, and second guessing
i have kazuha but for some reason i feel uneasy
I am for the most satisfied with Yoimiya. All the complaints you mentioned I do share as well but I got her anyways since I like her and now working around her weakness with my teamcomp. It was my call to finally build Beidou. She is one interesting Character holy crap but a challenge to play as a Noelle main who doesn't know what dodging or good reflexes are. 😂