The Sumeru promotional video looks amazing in Genshin Impact!! GENSHIN ANIME WHEN???
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GENSHIN ANIME WHEN??? I am BEYOND hyped for 3.0!! Let me know if you are down below!
Thank you for reacting to this! I need to share my hype with someone!! 😍😍😍😍
0:55 are you see one of npc gone after the red hair dance to another side?
Edit:is there new dead npc 😨
Mihoyo, such a tease.
did you guys notice "THE PURPLE LADY" disappeared here 0:53
I bet that the fire tree has something to do with the archon quest
Are we gonna be a firefighter who puts out the fire on that tree. Can't wait the meme that puts one picture which best describes the event on every versions.
Nooo she is talking that she's just a moon
And i think she meant sun as an original archon
Because we know they died
Sooo she meant shes just a shadow
Reflacting the light of the sun
"just the moon" and "the real sun is long gone" probably refers to the fact that the original Dendro Archon is 'dead' and she's the new Dendro Archon so she's not the "real sun" aka not the original Dendro Archon but the "moon" instead, as the moon is a replacement of the sun at night and she is a replacement
They should release a new weapon style like that dagger.😱😱
let's just all hope that the live stream is not a mess just like the last one
This reminds me a bit of the art style in SAO but like 100x better
Looking f……. Awsome can't wait
Maybe the way the dendro Archon (sorry if i spelled that wrong) gives her/him gnosis because the fatui burns down the big tree and is like threatening her/him. Just a thought. Please don't take this seriously.
I'm hyped for Nilou's gameplay and animations. I'm sure she's going to dance like Eula in fighting just with her own style. I bet it's going to be beautiful
We can all confirm we want a genshin anime
I agree we need a genshin anime !!!!
Can you make a reaction video to the Geo team.exe?
Funny how when Nahida says "Everything in this world runs in a loop…", Doro says the exact same thing the second time he watches the video as the first time he watched it xd
Kusanali referencing that she is the moon and that the real sun is gone could be a reference to the previous dendro archon
Sumeru is going to be a such a banger
Sumeru already was beautiful and this trailer is stunning work by Mihoyo's staff.
I really want to learn why Nahida is in the background because she's gonna be a integral part to it all, along with Traveler of course. I'm excited to meet Tighnari, Collei, Cyno and Nahida as they're the ones I've had my eyes on
Imagine it happen again like 2.8 live stream. I going to cry 😭
When you need to do Itto's story quest to finish chasm quests
Dori's smug aura mocks me… I must have her o/
And Dehya. Goodness gracious, Dehya… so ready to see her kit and VA/personality/etc. :3c
dude, idk if it's just me who found out about this?
but, do you know that the real element of our MC is light?
try to search the meaning of "aether" and "lumine" in greek.
it's also proven by the traveler can purify the dvalin's tears that contains dark impurity. so perhaps there will be an 8th element.(?) 🤔
Does it mean we fight dottore?
I want Tighnari soo bad but I'm at like 19 pity and no guaranteed AND I'm a f2p player….hard times
honestly my only hope is that the actual region music has more drums, but other than that I'm so hyped for it
I want nahida, al-haitham and cyno. the rest can wait untill their rerun
I don't know if this is weird or not but I just started school and my geometry teacher kind of looks like you and for first impression he was hilarious I was about to burst out laughing.
So dehya , al -haitham and cyno will be sumeru's big 3
What time will the Livestream start?
So we know that the moon reflects the light of the sun… But what does she mean?
Oh the elden three at the end <3
These teasers has so much "Magi" vibes
I am in a dilemma. Going back and forth between Yoimiya and Nilou.
I already skipped Yoi cuz of My Raiden C2 first banner and now i have to choose between these two.
God help me pls
Did u already react to the previous anime style PV? the title is "Story Promotional Video|Genshin Impact"
Please react to the new Honkai animated "beacuse of you" it's so pretty😭
Hey, you got a Discord server? I'd love to join. Btw love your videos, keep up the good work..
they are now doing fgo style pvs that's damn fricking cool the animation is A+
The real sun is long gone
The real dendro archon is long gone
Finally version 2 will end. It had 9 versions though in total. I guess if there would have been no delay in 2.6 then Sumeru would have released already. But that's fine, due to delay I got Ayaka later on.
Yo where that women standing near aether vanshied 🙃
If someone wants to see it please go to Genshin page don't give like to others they aren't anything except the thief
You wont be streaming the livestream? 🙁