Was C6 Shogun Worth It? (Genshin Impact)

Today in Genshin Impact we’re showcasing our new C6 Raiden Shogun.

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0:00 Intro, Team Building
1:32 Non-C6 Shogun Fights
3:42 Running Through Abyss
7:09 Co-op with and without C6
11:07 Is C6 Worth It?
12:07 Trying to Master Quicker Rotations


41 thoughts on “Was C6 Shogun Worth It? (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Real talk/"spoilers":

    Even if I were to get "perfect" with my rotations, I feel that, **FOR AN EXCLUSIVE 5-STAR FINAL CONSTELLATION** Shogun's is not that great… It's a nice buff that can increase overall damage by reducing "off-time" but it's still quite limited in its usefulness as far as I can tell. I can't say I regret getting her to C6, but definitely wouldn't have been my first choice (wish Itto wasn't paired with Wanderer lol). If you play a lot of co-op though, it's pretty great. Venti was popping off haha.

  2. there is the hydro debuff that some enemies have that exttend the cooldown of bursts by a large margin. I think i can see raiden being extremely useful against those enemies in abyss or in domains

  3. After they made yelans c6 that makes her the absolute best unit in the game, so many of the dps characters cons feel so arbitrary which is ridiculous for how much they cost even in the best of cases

  4. She's not worth it. C3+ is for immature showboats. Only c6 is Kaz, made 0 dent in my budget but you don't need him in this ez game until you need to carry co-op, which you don't need to. Rather make unnecessary bathroom/kitchen upgrades

  5. You can try it in the weapon ascension domain in Mondstadt, that one increases your CDs a lot and there you probably can see it better. tho they die quickly so maybe no gears could help? xd

  6. Here's a little tip for Xinqu. You were doing burst-skil-skill but you can technically do skill-burst-skill. That might also help with Xinqu's burst cooldown because he'll spend less time on field once his burst is up. But yeah Yae is probably the best benefactor from this c-6

  7. As far as I'm aware, alt-bursting is generally unfavorable from a dps standpoint, as you miss out on the buffs that the bursting character would normally get for being on field, such as Bennett burst.

  8. obviously its way too late of an input now.. but did c6 itto not cross your mind? considering you're someone who really enjoys low mechanic playstyle, i thought you'd enjoy having itto just needing to hold left click during burst instead, or maybe c6 hu tao coz u like her so much dont u?

    not to mention c6 raiden is proly one of the least impactful c6 in the game

  9. I have her C6 and I've found that it allows for more flexibility in exiting her burst slightly early in the case she's low HP or you just need one of your higher HP characters to tank a heavy attack. In terms of actual full perfect rotation use, it's very limited but you can see some use with the 20+ second CD bursts as you saw. Why I don't mind having it even though it has limited current use is it does have the potential to unlock some future characters where they use a long CD on their burst to balance the character. Imagine a character that has a high utility/damage burst with a shorter duration to keep it in check. Not saying it's likely, but it is a possible future benefit of having Raiden's C6.

  10. I personally do not regret c6r5 min/max artifact Shogun. She is a fantastic dps and battery. I can be weird with my line up. My only gripe is the Chakra Dissiderata being present when I swap characters. (Id wish it go away, and have her off field Chakra status be on her Character team bar on the right.)

  11. Her c6 seems so lame to me.. idk why but I feel like you would need more energy recharge bc what’s the point of not having a cooldown on a chara’s ult if they don’t have it. Then again, I haven’t fully looked at her c6 so I am most likely wrong

  12. I would have to say no… at C0, Raiden is already one of my strongest characters by far. She just synergizes so well with so many different comps. I think I'd much rather take the primos needed to get her to c6 and put them into other characters and weapons.

  13. Basically unless pvp or much harder content happens then its kinda useless unless ypu really want super big numbers on the screen or beating abyss with 1 hand and the other just shoveling money in a fireplace

  14. I didn't know you could click / press(for touchscreen laptop) the little icon for the elemental burst for other characters other than the current character your on I only knew about it ok mobile if I would've known I would've used it instead of switching characters and activating their elemental burst / using the corresponding number keys for them… 😒😑😞😣😣😫😫

  15. Shogun c6 is god tier in multiplayer with my zhongli c6 duo, but if you don’t play multiplayer it’s fucking trash tier 😅

    Again multiplayer raiden c6 brings a lot of fun for all, but I wouldn’t recommend it for any meta single player only player


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