So RAIDEN Just Leaked a Secret About Visions… (Genshin Impact)

In this video, we take a look at Raiden Shogun’s voice line about the visions. It is one of the most interesting pieces of lore about visions coming from an archon so far. We will see how it affects our previous theories about visions and gnosis. I hope you enjoy the video 😀

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Yu-Peng Chen @ HOYO-MiX

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42 thoughts on “So RAIDEN Just Leaked a Secret About Visions… (Genshin Impact)”

  1. Thank you for informing about Ei Voice-Over :). I'm a f2p player and I don't have many characters to know more about. I would search those characters online and waited a while if the characters are recently release. In this video instance for Ei, it's quite a quick way to be notified about Ei voice line before the internet xD!! Again, thank you!!

  2. I mean if you look at all geo characters most of them got shields to protect or structures like zhongli and with anemo most of them have somewhat CC like venti so i feel like geo is given to ppl who want to protect something while anemo is given to ppl who want be free (those were to most obvious to look at)

  3. Now it all makes sense. But I am still curious about khanreah. Why was it wiped out? Is it because khanreah was a human nation and celestia thought it is in the way of nations ruled by Gods or something?

  4. Just my guessing… By Celestia heavenly principle … visions are granted to inhabitants of Teyvat who have strong will and beliefs … those with the strongest of will and power climb up to the top and are granted with gnosis to access to the realm of the gods and be amongst the god. The annihilation of Khaenri'ah is obviously coz they're not a believer in this system, they are not a believer to the gods. They develop science, technology, knowledge, and just like Atlantis, the gods brought upon their judgement to end the advanced civilisation.

  5. i don't really understand why anyone thought the archons were granting visions. zhongli doesn't really know how they work and it was always said that the visions were gift from the heavens, just like the gnosis are to the archons…

  6. Maybe the element granted to people of the corresponding archon happens when they share the same ambition to eventually supersede said archon but carry on their ideals. Geo, stoic and ambivalent. Cyro, conflict and contradiction. Anemo, dedication. That's why no one received an electro Vision at the same time Ei started making people give up on life (and the ambition of the electro archon shifted), cause no one wanted to be like her.

  7. So basically the archons are similar to that of Jean acting the part of the grand master while he is gone in Inazuma? Like she is just there for the public’s eye view but also has responsibilities of course.


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