WARNING New and Returning Players about Inazuma | Genshin Impact

#GenshinImpact #Inazuma #ArchonQuest

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36 thoughts on “WARNING New and Returning Players about Inazuma | Genshin Impact”

  1. To be fair, it's not as if they need to rush it, if they're new they should enjoy Mindstadt and Liyue, finish the archon quests and you know, try to pay attention to them if possible.
    Inazuma won't go anywhere.
    It would be ideal if they finish everything before but if they don't well, they'll have to take their time.

  2. Great, if this is really true, then I need to complete the Dainsleif quest and Beidou quest. The problem is that I play on PlayStation and right now I’m on vacation.

  3. I just had a dream tonight were Inazuma was locked behind a door in my house and I climbed on a rock in my house(there is no rock in my house) and I saw Inazuma and I really wanted to go so I tried to pick the lock on the door in my house, next thing that happened was I woke up. Sounds very absurd afterwards but was really real when I was experiencing it, also I’m ar56, so my brain must be too excited for Inazuma lol

  4. Personally, I don't think this will be a good idea for mihoyo, it will discourage a lot of new players from rolling on the new character banners because they couldn't even ascend their characters which is not good business wise. And a lot of genshin players are mostly casual players, I don't think they'll have enough time in their lives to grind up to a certain AR level just to get ascension mats for their characters. I feel like in the story quest we would be able to go to inazuma through Beidou, but in the game play there must be other means to go there.

  5. Looks like inazuma is AR locked

    Welp guess this game isn’t open world anymore

    Sucks to be players that wanna make a new account to main any new character in inazuma

    They won’t be able to level said characters past 20 since all ascension mats and talent mats are inazuma exclusive

  6. I want to play through the story of genshin cuss I like it but I also hate grinding. It honestly bores the hell out of me and makes me not want to play the game. So I'll probably end up going to Inazuma a bit late but that's fine as long as it's a permanent place

  7. People are really exgagertating this thing, you only need just 2-3 days as a hardcore player and 7-8 days as a casual player to get to AR36. not only that, you can't even finish the zongli quest before ar36. So there is no problem there, however the problem lies with the gacha I understand, but i think mihoyo probably has something in mind to balance out those odds. And another thing is what people are missing this is a main story quest not the exploration, so may be for exploration you just need to finish a small world quest which don't require any AR, and you can reach to inazuma just like that.

  8. Luckily i'm AR50 in my main account and AR48 in my 2nd account before I stop playing Genshin due to some problems. The last time I played was when Ganyu was released. Hopefully, I can still catch up to the game.

  9. This is all speculation, and my speculation is that accessing Inazuma won't be impossible outside of the quests. I think that only the story will be locked. You're not wrong about being safe, but I also don't know that pressuring returning players to grind fast now is healthy either.

  10. There will be a lot of character banner rerun to happen in between those future character release. Also standard banner is there. so they may stick for a little longer to those old and free characters and save some hero's wilt until they can use those new characters. And it seems this only concerns those P2P new players since they have money to pull every character
    they would want.


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