Genshin Impact – Xiao appeared in my dreams last night and hinted the upgraded Homa belong to him

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0:00 Characters Selection
0:05 12-1 First Half
1:06 12-1 Second Half
2:16 12-2 First Half
4:03 12-2 Second Half
5:28 12-3 First Half
6:25 12-3 Second Half
7:46 ​​Artifacts, Constellation and Talents Showcase

#GenshinImpact #Xiao #IonStorm


22 thoughts on “Genshin Impact – Xiao appeared in my dreams last night and hinted the upgraded Homa belong to him”

  1. I knew it all along Homa is better than jade spear because it gives more hp and raw damage to xiao(life drain) tbh I rather have that insane crit damage homa than crit rate spear🤞

  2. Even though this run is done with a R5 Staff of Homa for entertainment purposes, in terms of power level I am confident that if I have Xiao's talents maxed out at 10/10/10, at C0R1 PJWS he will still be able to carry the team just fine at least for now. Spiral Abyss is getting harder and harder over time, until when miHoYo decides Xiao should have his dedicated artifact set and/or new anemo team setup to boost pure anemo damage DPS. 😉

    Observing that smaller mobs nowadays like those coward samurais have the ability to move like Genji (Overwatch) or treasure hoarders that stand 1km away throwing cocktails and remain stationary observing Raidenl Shogun's idea of eternity, it will be pretty essential to have another anemo character that can group these smaller mobs up, this is the reason why I chose Sucrose over my C5 Jean. For large mobs you should be aware that you should try to headshot them whenever possible during plunge, this cause 2 instance of plunge damage (one at the head, one when landing) to increase his single target DPS.

    Enjoy watching my friends as always! Cheers.


  3. Ooh Xiao! Can’t wait to use mu guaranteed on him! Btw Ion, idk if it’s done but have you done a run with Eula with not cryo but electro resonance involving electro traveller and kujou sara? 4th slot goes to a healer.

  4. My first 5* in the game was Jade Spear. But sadly I lost 50/50 on Xiao , I even reached soft pity again but wasn't able to get him. Just pulled another Jade spear from Standard banner again. Luckily got Homa too. Now I'm all in for Xiao.

  5. Ayy it's Xiao, the first gacha character I really wanted but didn't get. Instead, I got extremely lucky with jade cutter on the weapon banner, which I'm always grateful for as a Lumine main, but thinking that I could have gotten Xiao if my luck switched to the character banner, it low-key makes me sad LOL

    Ah and as always, your gameplay is so satisfying. Xiao's animations are so cool, and those big pp damage are just chefs kiss 👌. I really hope he gets a rerun soon, or even better a new BiS 4pc artifacts set. He deserves it!

  6. Xiao’s power is being locked, he does not have his own artifacts set and his own weapon since jade spear is just like skyward bow to Childe. But i heard that there will be an “anemo support” unit like Sara to electro and Gorou to geo, some susleak said that he will have a new weapon too (hopium), Xiao will be more powerful than ever 👉👈

  7. If there is one thing to be learned from Genshin memes, it's that the entire cast of polearm characters fight over Staff of Homa.

    As always: Cheers everyone! ^_^

    Edit: Mobile typos.

  8. hi ion! love your abyss run as always, morgana is really one of the best team comps to use ✨ will you be getting more cons of either ganyu and/or xiao in their rerun? what do you think 😀

  9. nice to see xiao in here ion!!! 12-2 second half made me nervous because you only had a few seconds left to 3 star it but i was so glad that you and your xiao pulled through 💪🔥

  10. Xiao is one of the few characters I still haven't gotten bored of
    His Ult is still quite satisfying to use.
    I was split between trying to pull Hu Tao or Homa as i only had enough to reach 1 pity and both had 5050
    In the end decided to get Hu Tao but lost 5050 to C4 Jean.
    C4 Jean as F2P lul 🤡
    Atleast it will be great for Xiao in certain situations
    But seriously if i hadn't lost those multiple 5050s that i had to Jean i could have had Childe, Hu tao, Kazuha & Ganyu in this Account 😭


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