Kujou Sara Build To Skyrocket Your Damage: Genshin Impact

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Kujou Sara build guide for #genshin

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26 thoughts on “Kujou Sara Build To Skyrocket Your Damage: Genshin Impact”

  1. I just wanted to c1 Sara and it took me two pity to get it. Now I have c1 Shogun too. (Really wanted to roll this banner close to pity but not over. I had no desire to get c1 for Shogun). Probably do a few more ten pulls before the banner goes away to try for c2 Sara. Not holding my damn breath though, don't know why she's so rare.

  2. Really liking this character, its great to have another all purpose buffer in the game. Id also want to advocate for giving her Tenacity of the Milileth as an alternative to Noblesse and heres why, Noblesse as we know doesnt stack, however tenacity does, so if youre running Noblesse on Bennet or anyone else, it really lets you double dip into their buffs, especially since Sara procs the buff with her E. Also I got real lucky and managed to get c6 when going to Raiden, her c6 gives huge synergy with Raiden especially if you also get Raiden c1 as Sara's ult then provides Raiden with some crazy stacks. Just something to consider if youre either really lucky or looking to roll a bit more on this banner.

  3. Through out the entire video Mtashed is constantly saying that c2 is massive, if Sara is not c2, does she have to use her E, THEN shoot a charged shot in order to apply the buff to her team?


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