Ultimate Sword Tier List! ALL 29 SWORDS RANKED! Genshin Impact 2.6

Since the released of Genshin Impact, we’ve had a bunch of swords! 29 in total! Here’s a tier list of the best and worst 4 star and 5 star swords in Genshin Impact version 2.6.

Original 5 star weapon tier list where I talk in detail about the 5 star swords: https://youtu.be/LLAntxlGmFk

Updated 5 star weapon tier list where I talk about changes in placements for the 5 star swords:

#Genshin #GenshinImpact

Come join me at my Discord: https://discord.gg/iwtl
The risks of the weapon banner: https://youtu.be/_5fE_B-vD04


21 thoughts on “Ultimate Sword Tier List! ALL 29 SWORDS RANKED! Genshin Impact 2.6”

  1. Can you please make a guide on how to build characters? I am AR 49 with abysmal damage, literally I'm on spiral abyss 6-3 cause I don't have 2 powerful teams yet, but I wanna know which upgrades give the most benefit, eg : leveling weapons before talents, etc.

  2. personally I think the flute diserve b tier its good for physical dmg char like a dps jean or keqing even ayato is good using the flute

  3. Funnily enough, I actually do still use the Cinnabar Spindle on my Qiqi. I had leveled it up for testing purposes even though I don't have Albedo. The passive more than doubles her elemental skill damage. I mean…it isn't much, but it's not nothing. I had been using a sacrificial sword on her, but passed it over to my Xingqui on my second team after I got Cinnabar Spindle. I noticed that I actually have enough healing and ER on Qiqi(with Raiden), that I honestly didn't feel like I was missing out on much. It has actually gotten to the point where I think I prefer Cinnabar Spindle on her. With her extremely high base def, she can actually face tank enemy hits extremely well. I'll usually swap to her if I don't have a shield or enough stamina to dodge. Attacks that would one-shot my Ningguang barely leave a dent in QiQi and even if they do hurt, she heals up to full almost instantly. I remember a few times earlier on where the rest of my team wiped against a boss and Qiqi slowly, but surely, casually finished off the boss as if its hits were nothing. My Hutao might have a Zhongli shield, but my Ningguang and Raiden have a Qiqi with a Cinnabar Spindle and that's all they need.

  4. Hii IWTLG could you do a traveler dps comparison? You know compare the geo, anemo, elektro traveler to see who does the most dps damage.

  5. Question, Iron Sting, is it good for the likes of ayato? I use amenoma for him.. but just me wondering..
    Since Ayato's E is fully Hydro, Iron Sting passive.. and since Ayato is usually the one proccing reaction (well, most of the time for me), that Elemental Mastery Substat would be good?

    Or anyone else has some other thoughts..

  6. And here i am still using Skyrider Sword on Xingqiu, Fillet Blade on Jean 😂
    Wanting to get The Flute on Kaeya for aesthetic and Dual build (Phys & Cryo) 😂 currently on Prototype Rancour
    Royal Longsword on Keqing for the looks and Crit Rate 😂 (i have Harbinger of Dawn leveled, but the looks is better with Royal for Keqing)

  7. Aquila favonia is too high imo. HIgh base attack is great for Bennett, but Skyward will let you reach the 250 er% to burst off cd easier. It has the least impact to any account.

    Favonius should be higher since it can be slotted into any sword character and still be good. Kazuha is also better with Favonius than Sacrificial and iron sting for non speedrunning. Sacrificial extends the time you are on Kazuha and only generates anemo particles which does not help battery the teams he is most commonly used on. Additionally, Sac is really only good on Xingqiu while favonius is good on anyone as long as you build a few crit stats.

  8. They skyrider sword should be in Meh-Tier. I didnt pull any viable weapon for bennett for over a year and its his best free to play option if you want the energy recharge. (I just got mistsplitter today for him, so i can finally remove it, but it still has a place in my heart :D)


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