Keqing is a very versatile 5 star DPS character and can also play the rule of a burst support DPS in some team compositions. One of the great things about Keqing is the fact that she can adapt her build quite a bit whether you want to play a Keqing oriented towards Physical DPS, Electro DPS and even some gimmicky builds such as Cryo DPS (with Chong) or Pyro DPS (With C6 Bennett).

In this Ultimate Keqing character guide, we cover the playstyles, the weapons, the artifacts and some interesting team comps to use. Theres a bit of humor as well, in case you guys like that 😛

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📌 Chapters📌

0:00 Vid Start
0:25 Keging’s Special
1:06 Guide Start
2:01 Weapons
2:55 Abilities & Talents
4:43 DPS showcases
5:42 Artifacts
7:20 Team Comps


Wanna Laugh? Check out our Genshin.EXE videos!
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► TARTAGLIA.EXE https://youtu.be/1uI-daMY0HM
► DPS BENNETT.EXE https://youtu.be/aq20ABv6dYU

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原神 Genshin Impact is a open world action RPG game set in the fantasy world called “Teyvat”, offering players a huge freely explorable world, multiple playable characters, an in-depth elemental combo-based combat system and an engaging story. The game can be played in multiplayer with friends and will be F2P (Free To Play). Developed and published by miHoYo, the title is scheduled to come to the PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, IOS and Android in 2020.

Music: Genshin Impact
Music provided by http://spoti.fi/NCS


27 thoughts on “ULTIMATE KEQING CHARACTER GUIDE – F2P Friendly | Genshin Impact”

  1. Idk how to build keqing. I just got her from the xiao banner and I’m stuck lol. I already have diluc as my main dps so I’m not sure what way to go. I was thinking maybe a burst dps? Any tips

  2. I could get xiao but I love my waifus I haven’t got keqing but I can get her on standard banner so she safe but hu tao man I love my waifus I think it’s gonna be her Xiao cool guy and all but hopefully next time I don’t know…nice helmet btw Alex xd

  3. Im here bc i got her c1 and i never use her and i didnt want her again and of i would have waited 3 days i probably could have gotten Hu Tao tho i also dont really need Hu Tao either lol i just need to get inspired by Keqings damage


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