Kirara Speed Race Comparison | Genshin Impact

#Genshin #Impact #GenshinImpact #Kirara #Yelan #Sayu #Wanderer #scaramouche #Mona


23 thoughts on “Kirara Speed Race Comparison | Genshin Impact”

  1. Wanderer (as of now) is incontestably the best, fastest and most practical option when exploring in most situations. He flies vertically & horizontally, which is a valuable mobility that no other character offers. he is very quick as well. My speed exploration team is Wanderer, Kazuha (for anemo reso & his stamina passive), Diona for movement speed, and either Rosaria or Dehya for their night or day passive.

    the best part is while Wanderer is using his blue stamina, he regains his yellow stamina at the same time. so when his blue stamina (from his E) is depleted, you can have lots of yellow stamina to use until you use his blue stamina again. he always has stamina to use. I know Yelan does the same stamina regen when using her E, but she is land-bound. Wanderer is not land-bound and water-bound. He is truly an SSS tier character when it comes to exploration bar none.

  2. На дальние дистанции, с учетом перезарядки Eшки странник намного быстрее кого-либо, с огромным отрывом

  3. did bro cheat? look at sayu and yelan.
    sayu is against post, yelan is a step away.
    sayu adjusts angle 2 times, yelan straightest line in history.
    also make a race going sayu's full distance.
    this whole chat is yelan meat riders fr.


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