THE WORST WISHING LUCK IN GENSHIN – [Venti Banner] [Genshin Impact]

I wish on the Venti banner with all the primo gems I had been saving!

With Ventis banner soon ending I used all my primo gems and even whaled and bought $45 worth of genesis crystals to try and get Venti.



12 thoughts on “THE WORST WISHING LUCK IN GENSHIN – [Venti Banner] [Genshin Impact]”

  1. I began the game when it first came out then left, but recently came back. I had so much primogems. I had a little over 6000. I had never wished before because I didn't understand how the system worked. I tried wishing for Venti. I failed hard. I got Qiqi and a few 4 star characters and weapons.

    Atleast pity now guarantees me the banner character, so I'll wait for Zhongli and save up my primo.

  2. everything that happened to you, happened to me, but I got Razors instead of Sucrose. I paid too. And I lost the venti flip.

    All in all, the amount of 4 stars you got for the number of wishes you put in is well above expected rate. You even got your 5 star early. Can't complain too much, although they definitely gave you too many Sucrose. Now I think I will might switch to standard banner. It reduces the chance of 5x Sucrose.

  3. During Ventis banner i wasn't able to do more than 1-3 daily wishes so I spent everyday throwing that daily amount of wishes for Venti with no luck. First day on Tartaglia with one single wish for the day and bam, I got Tartaglia 😭 Like, bruh I wanted Tartaglia but if ONLY I knew that I was ONE single wish away from getting the banner 5* I would've done E V E R Y T H I N G in my power to get Venti. So yeah, Tartaglia has been the most bittersweet 5* experience for me 😭


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