What is Success? | Genshin Impact

#genshin #genshinimpact #life

A VERY Different video today that hopefully makes someones day a little bit better.

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42 thoughts on “What is Success? | Genshin Impact”

  1. So I took your feedback from last video and trying something very different. Its a very long video of me talking about life philosophies and ideology something I am passionate enough about to rant on for a long period of time. I used to do this on stream ALOT and I have seen a bunch of people saying they missed this and hopefully it helps someone out too, but do keep in mind Im just a simple youtuber, take all I say with a grain of salt because its all based off my experiences in life which may be drastically different than yours.

    That being said hopefully this is closer to what you guys were wanting and for the younger audience, I am incredibly sorry if this bores the hell out of you.

  2. I listen whenever you put out a video, I rarely comment because I'm an introvert and I am busy … I am relatively successful and will be more in time 😉 I listen to you and appreciat your opinion, i dont talck abaut genshin inpact with no one becouse I live i small contry in europe so I yust listen(No one know of genshinh) , know that you are on the right path ! Do what ever mekes you happy

    Sorry for my bad spalling
    Best regards

  3. For me success is just helping someone changing the life of someone even in the most basic of ways is how I define success like yeah becoming rich and well known is great but after you die you won’t be remembered by anyone while being just a nice person and maybe giving food to the homeless, donating money to charities you’ll be remembered by those who you helped and they might not know who you are but you will be kept in their memories for a long time for that nice deed you did and to me that would make me the most successful person if I could change the lives of many.

  4. This is a good video and I have thought about this to some extent although not much.

    I asked myself this question about happiness vs wealth and which one is more important.

    I have come to the conclusion that as long as I can be happy wealth is not a priority.

    But I have thought to myself "what would I spend millions of dollars on if I had it "?
    What would I want to do if I was the richest guy on this planet even ?
    Well technically I would want to try and eliminate world hunger and to help out as many people as I can.

    I guess I just do not see myself as needing that much money so if I had it I would help as many people as I could with it.

    For starter's I do not really care what type of cloths I have as long as it is comfortable and does it's job.
    I do not really care about having a huge house.

    I hate cleaning my small house and an even bigger house would be more of a pain in the ass.

  5. I was the kid at school who was told I would never amount to anything, well Scratch that because I achieved my goals in life and I tell my kids “everything is possible” if you want it bad enough.
    FYI you ain’t old, I was gaming at the very start of gaming – Atari console and ZX Spectrum.

    No school like the old school Valk and me……..I’m the Head Master.

  6. Im perfectly okay. AND also a 1900s dinosaur here.. sometimes I break down due to difficult past haunting me.. barely any family left.. barely 1 friend. Relationshit ? Wtf is that ? Had few, only to emotionally kill me.
    Guess what. Im evolving to not cry over any of it. It is what it is. And i wont force my self to go to such extremes to be like everyone else when I personally and emotionally cannot trust anyone nor be "normal" like everyone else. Welp
    My success is to be okay alone and feel peace inside and just live. . Thx for reading. Gn

  7. “Life is meaningless, but that gives you the possibility to give your own life the meaning you want it to have”. Cringe, but it is kinda the ideology I try to follow somewhat.

    A lot of happiness can be found by not being a spectator of your own life, but a actor. Try to make more of your own choices. You shouldn’t let life go in without you, but stressing about it won’t help either.
    Not an English speaker, so kinda shit explained 🙂

  8. this was a pretty good video, honestly wish it was longer. somewhere around 25mins maybe? idk. anyway, your whole "ask yourself why" thing really spoke to me, i'll definitely be using it going forward.

    im currently 19 and ive been struggling w/ deciding how i want to proceed in life. i have an end goal but the path isnt clear on how to get there, heck i cant even see the start of it but i know without a doubt that that's what i want to do for the rest of my life.

    your video has provided me with a little bit of foresight, i still dont know how exactly i'll proceed but at least i have a new tool to help me on that path. thank you

  9. Damn bro I'm not trying to be rich I'm just trying to keep my head above water. I've been so financially screwed sence I shattered my arm without insurance. I'm just trying to hold it together for my family, but I feel like I'm losing my mind.

    Sorry this video hits different

  10. Not gonna go too much into detail, but I had a job last year, and when it was over I fell into burnout which I am still recovering from. Since then I've been living with my best friend. I make videos on YouTube, stream on Twitch, focusing on things I enjoy and taking care of myself. And every day I wish I could just live like this and not have a job ever again. I'm not making a lot of money yet, but I've never been happier. It's gotten to the point where, when I do recover 100%, I'm not sure I even want a job. Right now I get to make content and entertain people, and that's what I love doing. Success is definitely being happy with how you're currently living.

  11. Nice topic. In my case, I wanted to be a Human Resource person, but my dad was an A-hole and kept saying no to what I do. I also had a band that time, which has been disbanded. Now I am happily working as a tech support and have bandmates who are actually willing to help and understand each other's needs, hehehehehe

  12. Thats a good life philosophy. I got extremely lucky, my pops is a contractor and I've been going to job sites with him every chance I got since I was 5. To be honest it was mostly for the happy meals he always got me for lunch at first, but after a while I just fell in love with the job. Now I can pretty much do anything and everything that has to do with renovation or building homes. The pay is great. I'm in my late 20's and I just got done buying my 5th house, old beat up houses that I fix up, and just bought a 79 trans am, the car I've wanted since I was 12, but most importantly, I'm happy. I get to set my own hours, I decide whether to take a job or not, and I set the price, but best of all for me personally, 90% of the time I don't have to deal with other people, after working retail at a mall and as a busboy at a restaurant as a teenager, thats a big ass plus for me. If I had any advice for the youths of today, learn a trade. HVAC, plumbing, electrician are probably the easiest, couple months training, get licensed, your looking at 30-50$ an hour starting.

  13. About the "nice paying job that you hate", I got 2 things to say:

    1. All jobs are jobs in the end. Many have fallen into this "dream job" thing only to realize the actual job is nowhere near what they've fantasized about in their head. Most jobs suck. There are only a handful of people who truly loves their job, and most of them work in the entertainment industries (show host, singer, gamer, artist, content creator…)

    2. If everyone goes for their "dream job". Who's gonna deal with jobs nobody likes but are way more necessary than entertainment? Who gonna be the garbage collector, the truck driver, the engineer, etc…? Sometimes it's not just about what you love or hate, but also about doing what needs to be done.

  14. Your mindset is actually kind of similar to mine. I've had quite a few existential crises about sucess but I always find myself coming back to what you said in this video.

  15. Well i got to my 30s recently and i have been trough a lot of bad things, and in the end if you keep going things get better. Im still studing doing night school to progress, but at least im happy with myself at the present. I just try to enjoy my days even if i have to work, and be nice to people around me even though many are like constantly angry and in a rush and no apreciating their lives, or not understanding how lucky they are while others are going through horrible stuff. As long as you are still alive, you can still reach happiness, and you dont need to hurt others to do so. Life is complicated 😂 understanding other people point of view and looking into oneself and what you really desire helps a lot, because some objectives are hollow persuits that will only bring you sadness. Thanks for the philosophy talk Valk 😂 thinking and talking about complicated topics is actually very good for psicological health

  16. The level of realness from this video is a breath of fresh air; Feels like I’m listening to an actual human being. Very solid advice and I hope things keep going well for you!

  17. This is quite interesting, for me i think would get a good paying job that I don't enjoy much as long as i can do my hobbies on the side, like yin and yang balanced good and bad but that's just my opinion.

  18. Lol my plan is to get a job that hopefully pays very very well after i complete my master's to get some savings. Grind that for a couple of years even if the job sucks and then get a job that I enjoy.

  19. I love this 'couch session psychoanalysis '. I think I'm often the happiest when I'm playing games or just hanging with my family. I'm not much of a 'people-person', it's very energy taxing :') Games always felt like a nice place to just let my mind wander and rest. So I became a game developer! 😀

  20. Loved that video man, keep it up! It was actually really enjoyable listening to everything you were saying! Hope you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true!

  21. Actually at the state of my life at the moment that video was very helful, reasuring I am still making a lot of my days because I feel good doing what I am doing! Thank you a lot for that!

  22. Valk ,this is so amazing,,the" why" questions,"soul searching",,its all good things to discover by oneself,,im very glad,,,to see someone remind me like yu did,,,good day,,peace ny big bro!

  23. 100% agree, intrinsic motivation is the only thing that gets me to do anything, I think some people are too hung up on the traditional supposed definition of success and end up throwing out the baby with the bathwater entirely. I make music and I often think about how I myself am my most important audience, when it's just about loving what you do instead of worrying about pleasing others the experience becomes pure, it's not just a means, you're right at the end.

  24. What's the background instrumental that you use for your videos? It's very calming and nice to hear while you talk. Thank you for banger video Valk 🙂

  25. Valkyrja I will ask you if the game you love wasn't updating or giving a real content but now that company behind that game has making new game, how would you feel?

  26. I love that for you. What matters most is self-acceptance and happiness. I’m actually the same age as you (surprise, not a boomer) and I’m fortunate to have a career that I like and that pays enough money. Keep doing what you’re doing!


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