Triple-Crowned and Fully Geared Keqing Showcase | Genshin Impact 1.4

Showcasing Keqing with three Crowns of Insight and end-game gear (4pc Thundering Fury).

00:15 Stats & Equipment (Weapon, Artifacts, Constellations)
01:16 Damage test without Buffs
02:45 Combat (Abyss, Event Boss, Weekly Bosses)

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♫ – A Place Among the Stars – Edgar Hopp (provided by Epidemic Sound)

If you have any questions, suggestions or advice, feel free to leave a comment or hit me up on Discord: AlecJohn#8902


43 thoughts on “Triple-Crowned and Fully Geared Keqing Showcase | Genshin Impact 1.4”

  1. Brooooo the damage is sick good, i use keqing myself but my main damage is only 1.7k, her max is 6000k or 7 i dont know the exact damage
    But this is helping me so much to just keep farming for maxed out keqing

  2. Nice bro.
    Have you try putting Xiangling in your comp instead of Sucrose?
    It's one of the recommended comp by the Chinese players for Keqing/
    I think the current Floor 12 Spiral Abyss suits the overload + electrocharged comp since the enemies are big they won't fly away after overload reactions.

  3. Impressive build, specially considering you have 2k ATK without GLAD and huge crit statss. Congrats man, probably the best built keching I've ever seen (dont count constellations and refinements as well built, thats just pay to win).

  4. Very nice man congratulations! ❤️
    I started main Keqing too and she is at 80 now and she is ✨
    But I wonder why you are using 4 set of T. Fury and not T. Soother which is the most common one used for Keqing?
    Tbh you are the first i see using this set and tbh i see it bery good and now I'm confused lol.
    U may give an advice on which set is better and why please?

  5. Congrats man! Though it makes me sad to see her built so high, and yet, be so… mediocre compared to the other dps carries. Waifu over meta for always, but man… I wish Keqing were more meta ;P

  6. The thing here is Mihoyo are degrading Electro units SO MUCH that even got to the point that they are NOT releasing NEW electro unit, havent you all notice by now? for the SPAN of 6 months, ONLY Kequing is the 5 star Electro while others have 2 or more, I mean why Mihoyo did even made Electro units to begin with when they are not planning to balance all elements 😑 I mean Electro element is probably the weakest now BUT NOT ADDING ANOTHER 5 STAR UNIT ELECTRO? come on Mihoyo, f*ck you

  7. Is it me or does the damage feel low. He has very good stuff and probably better than what i could ever build her. Is it the physical one is better or am i wrong

  8. Dude I'm farming artefacts for like 2 months and still missing the right sands with crit dmg and crit rate. 200%CritDmg and 68% CritRate. My dream is to surpass u one day!

  9. what a unique playstyle tho thats why I love Keqing so much… my end game gear on her will be 2pc TF and 2pc Noblesse with Lion's Roar coz I'm making her nuke playstyle

  10. Do you think physical damage is good for keqing? I also have her at C0 and got lucky enough to get aquila favonia. What do you think? I'm building her currently, pls help 🆘


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