Top 5 Best Characters of Starting 2023 | Genshin Impact

Top 5 Best Characters of Starting 2023

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Best Genshin Characters: 0:00
Important notes before jumping in: 0:48
Top 5: 2:17
Top 4: 6:30
Top 3: 9:42
Top 2: 11:19
Top 1: 14:39

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Camellia in Winter Snow (tnbee mix):
Composer: Yu-Peng Chen
Arranger & Producer: tnbee

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Top 5 Best Characters of Starting 2023


42 thoughts on “Top 5 Best Characters of Starting 2023 | Genshin Impact”

  1. My top 5 for 2023 would be (most used):

    5.) Ayaka (The best DPS imo so far unless of course if you're dealing with Cryo immune/highly resistant monsters)
    4.) Nahida ( The center of Dendro reaction- centric teams currently. Her EM boost is just heavenly)
    3.) Raiden Shogun (a dmg booster/inflicter/recharger – all in one)
    2.) Zhongli (buffy shield and elemental shred)
    1.) Kazuha (exploration/buffer/CC/res shredder)

  2. This list just made one of the strongest combo of characters in suggestion list.

    DpS: Ayaka
    SubDPS + Dmg buffer: Yelan
    Healer: Kokomi (+ Atk buffer in Tenacity-TTDS build)
    Crowd Control (crowd DpS) + Elemental Buffer (& shredder): Kazuha.

  3. With taking your rules here by excluding the characters you mentioned

    I honestly agree with ur list Cept I could have a 2 way tie with childe and Hu Tao

    Both are great vaporise on field dps characters while hu Tao can also fit in a freeze melt team while childe can fit for a fridge team

  4. I think childe is the best dps right now. Internasional really almost no Weaknest .childe's potential was also not limited by the Constellation at all. the greatest potential of childe international f2p can be up to 400k childe damage burts and 70k xiangling burts per hit

  5. My top 5:
    5) Raiden – universal battery and very powerful even for f2p players
    4) Nahida – core member of hyperbloom team which is one of the most fun team comps in the game rn and also has such a high return on low investment
    3) Kazhua – incredibly fun to play and provides great balance between great CC and buffing capabilities
    2) Ayato – most balanced and versatile dps character in the game and easiest to play for people with skill issues (like me). I love that he has so many team comps to choose from.
    1) Zhongli – most reliable shielder in the game and has literally saved me so many times

  6. My top 5 are
    1A. Kazuha – His grouping and team buffing are second to none, besides maybe Sucrose. Also, his c2 is realistic for all players and is amazing overall. He can wipe out mobs by simply using his skill.

    1B. Raiden Shogun – It was a coincidence flip between her and Kazuha. Both boost the team in a few ways since they both boost damage, Kazuha boosts Elemental damage, while Raiden helps everyone with their burst uptime and damage. Also has an amazing c2 and a c3 that makes it even stronger

    3. Nahida – Somewhat similar to Kazuha but is better at several things. Her Skill links characters together and applies dendro, so grouping isn't an issue. Her burst boosts the team and is the best-looking. And another great c2

    4. Hu Tao – One of my personal favorites, amazing at nuking, and has a built-in dodge. She is also self-sustainable but it's just for her, with reactions she's godly. Her best con is c1 and that's incredible.

    5. Ayaka – Probably the best burst damage-wise or is at least in league with Raiden. Is the catalyst for top-tier freeze teams, the best cryo application, and the best artifact set in the game. Her charged attacks hit like tanks as well. Also, if you get Shenhe, she becomes even better.

    Honorable mentions:
    Childe/Ayato – I love them both, but Childe has the highest skill gap in the game imo and some players can't use him well. He's my favorite unit and can nuke. Also is the best-aged unit in the game since he was released very early on.

    Ayato is great in his own right and is similar to Childe. His burst boosts the team and recharges itself when he's off the field. The only downside is when his skill is on cooldown. It gives time for rotations but can be frustrating when he's a hit away from clearing an abyss in the right time but you have to wait for it to cool down.
    These two have the exact opposite problem with their skills of poorly played

    Kokomi – I was one of the few people who actually pulled Kokomi on her first banner. She was a good healer and support with Tenacity and OHC made her a good sub-dps she can use thrilling tales better than probably any other character since the hp actually helps her. Dendro made her stock rise even more and the healing is crucial in Nilou Bloom, which is maybe the most destructive team in the game right now. She's also the reason I stopped having to use Zhongli (well, her and learning how to dodge). So in short: She can make the team immortal, boost with Tenacity, damage with OHC, can have almost unlocked uptime on her healing, best hydro application, and is my most used unit for a reason. Also makes freeze teams even better, so she and Ayaka play together very well. The main argument against her is not being able to crit, but it's hardly relevant to her playstyle, especially with dendro reactions and freeze since she's mostly there for healing and applying hydro. She's not needed but she makes the game easier.

    None of these characters need constellations to be amazing but have access to the best early ones in the game (besides Childe, all of his cons are mid). Good access to weapons, and having amazing bursts.

    I didn't bother including 4 stars since the top 4 stars are pretty universally known, especially with the more recent ones being underwhelming and very team specific.

  7. Personal t5,
    Overall a very good unit. Good CC,decent dmg output for a support and pretty good buffing capabilities. U generally need 2 anemo supports for ur abyss runs and kazuha and sucrose are the often thr best choices to dmg amp as anemo supports.
    The best hydro 5* in the game and arguably the best hydro unit alongside xq. Very good dmg output and very good off field hydro application second only to c6 xinqiu. Also the double hydro core with xq and yelan is very broken to the point u can use xinyan and amber alongside those 2 and still clear the content pretty easily. Plus she pretty much eliminates the need to have to pull another hydro unit as she work in pretty much every scenario u need a hydro unit for.
    Broken in all dendro teams and is one of the best members to consider when u make a dendro team. Nahida hyperbloom teams are the best when it comes to single target dmg and is extremely easy to play and build. She also can be used both off field and on field providing excellent utility when it comes to building team rotations. Overall,an excellent unit.
    Has various good teams that are easy to build and play. Namely hyperbloom, rational and hypercarry. Also has the best off field aoe electro application in the game which is key to most hyperbloom teams and she can give energy to the whole team with her burst while dealing very good dmg.
    Ayaka is a very good dps that shines given u have the right units to pair her up with. Her teams are quite pricy to build with her best team requiring 4 limited 5*s and her teams arent all that great against unfreezable movibg targets. But aside from that her teams can often clear chambers with freezable enemies with ease due to freeze being a very good mechanic. As for hutao, her teams are quite cheap to build as u only need the hutao + xinqiu matchup to make the core of hutao teams and the other 2 slots can be whatever. Her dmg in single target is very good and she can handle chambers with 2-4 enemies relatively well.

  8. Not a bad list. Can agree with it mostly. I do think you forgot Sucrose tho. She can be insane in so many teams. So my list personally is

    1) Kazhua
    2) Yelan
    3) Sucrose
    4) Ayaka
    5) Kokomi

    Fischl is a honorable mention

  9. Main Dps: Ayaka, unless u got c2 Raiden bt here comes the problem u can never use her Raiden c2 to hve fun in overworld, Raiden is Pure abyss character , why that is its becoz of how she generates ER fr team, mobs need to survive fr 5s after her initial burst slash. Without burst stance, Raiden is not a main dps( even with aggravate its weak) and burst stance has cooldown

  10. My personal top 5 list would be:
    5.Raiden: She doesn’t need a lot of investment to be a really strong support and DPS, as well as she is busted in Hyperbloom teams
    4:Bennett:One of the best buffers in the game for so many characters.
    3.Nahida: She’s a really good addition to the dendro roster, being a good sub dps and support.
    2:Kazuha: He’s just a really good support
    1:Xiangqui. He is arguably the best hydro character in game, and he’s just even better with the release of dendro
    Edit: I think Bennett should be number 5 and Raiden should be number 4 instead. Also, honorable mention to Fischl, Kokomi, and Sucrose


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