Tighnari is a 5-star Dendro DPS from Sumeru in Genshin Impact 3.0. This Tighnari build and gameplay guide will review his overall mechanics, discuss his talents and kit, constellations, best artifacts, best weapons, and best team comps. I also include Tighnari combos and rotations for max potential. #GenshinImpact #Tighnari #Sumeru
Dendro Reactions & Teams Showcase: https://youtu.be/13bLg9FTkzk
Tighnari Banner Review: https://youtu.be/26EvQBgLuJI
Tighnari Mains TC sheet:
Edited by Halevy! Check him out at https://twitch.tv/halevy_/
Thanks to Migo for the input! Check him out at https://twitch.tv/migo_os/
0:00 Tighnari Guide
0:28 Talents & Kit – Solid DPS
4:42 Tighnari Rotation Combo & Techs
6:46 Talent Priority
7:05 Constellations – How good are they?
8:40 Artifact Build – ATK vs EM Sands?
10:15 Best Artifact Set – Wanderer’s Troupe, Gilded Dreams, Deepwood Memories
12:08 Best Weapons – F2P to 5 star
14:26 Team Comps
Thanks for watching! I’m a female Filipino Genshin Impact YouTuber and Content Creator who makes guides and gameplay vids. I really appreciate your support 😀
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Microphone: Rode NT-USB Mini
Software: Wondershare Filmora
BG Music
tnbee – Sumeru Main Theme – Collei & Tighnari Version (Fan-Made Arrangement)
tnbee – Tighnari Teaser OST EXTENDED (tnbee mix)
Iirc Beidou burst should work in Nari aimed shot since it's a charged shot. Thanks for the great guide!
His aesthetics is what's stopping me from pulling for him. As a male only player who loves charge attack gameplay, I would have pulled for him in a heartbeat.
Accidently pulled him going for Collei, but I definitely don't mind at all
I can't farm for his bosses yet, so now he's just a battery for my dendro mc xD
Is it weird that i feel like the ball that he throws with his skill that confuses enemies might be simular to his cinematic where he goes on a shroom psychedelic trip. And when he throws it at the enemies they too are going on a psychedelic trip lol
I got him in 50/50 and im happy cause i gambled kinda if he come im happy if i lose im happy and he came XD imagine now 5 5stars in a row and i didn't lose 5050 the problem is not he is bad no he is good he is atleast an A tier dps character and S for just f2p players the problem is mihoyo will move him to the standard banner and everyone well most players think oh then why would i pull for him like kekwing they butcher … i think it was dumb move from mihoyo i feel they just did it so ppl don't ask for his rerun cause if you get his c6 look insane
As many anemo talents describe that they can be infused with the four elements. does this mean you cannot spread dendro say via kazuha skill?
got him and collei on my first 10 pull
I got him from a 1 10 pull, wasnt reaaally trying to get him but he came early. Might pull collei if possible also.
I’m eager to see how fun dendro is, as I find nari good
Can you test the Hunter’s Path on Melt Ganyu with an EM sands and 4 wanderer’s?
"that revolves around his Charged Attack gameplay"
Aight I'm out. 😅
Jk. Still watched the vid for support.
So mad I pulled for him, he's trash
The way they did his stats in the test run makes me think that they are really trying to sell him right now. They actually have him crit starts and everything. They shouldn't have put Noelle there though. They should have put 3 characters that actually have dendro reactions so people could test that out too.
Really though. Does he have the strongest taunt in the game so far?
i did his trial a multiple times and can confirm i am now interested in pulling for him now
em dendro crit is easily the best if youve got deepwood and the new set.
I have some wanderers troupe artifacts but most of them are ATK% should i use them or farm for other states like crit em etc
Sevy pronouncing Tighnari's name correctly ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ iconic behavior only
Thank you Sevy!! Awesome guide as always! Very complete, but also concise, easy to understand, and with a nice pacing :3
I'm glad you've been getting the recognition you deserve ^-^
This was such a well designed and executed video, oh my!
Loved it. Thank you for REALLY diving into this new character <3
where do we get the blueprint for the new sumeru weapons do we get completeing the main quest or ???
how do you even get the kings squire bow
“Let’s nip that in the bud!”
would the inazuma craftable bow be an okay option? its the only spare bow i have rn ;-;
He feels EXTREMELY fluid to play, much smoother than Ganyu imo, I'm kinda tempted to pull
i lost my 50/50 to mona, but then the next 10 pull i did after that, i got tig!!! 🙂 i’m so happy right now
Going to completely ignore all dendro chars. Looks like a parasitic extension to already completed elemental system. IMHO ofc.
Is hunters path worth for childe?
Thank you for pronouncing his name correctly. Great video as always Sevy!
I was supposed to build Dendro Lumine and keep my primos for the rerun of one of my DPS but.. I fell in love with him during the quest! I’m super happy to have him and hopefully I’ll loose all my 50/50 to his constellations.
"Hi there, I'm Tie-nari."
Yeah, screw you, Englishman.
I got him by "accident" always winning 50/50 early pity when is not necesary 😂✌🏻. At first i though was so boring being dendro ganyu, but whe u get to play with him is fun the quick swap tipe of teams he gives u.
Have a nice day, love your content 🥰
I had to get him. He's pretty awesome for the first dendro! Thanks for the guides Sevy, you're the best!
i thought he was sub dps 🙁 thought xiao would fit with him too
I'm surprised Sevy didn't mention Raiden but she mentioned Yae, Raiden increases Tighnari's Q DMG and also procs Quicken/Aggravate twice per Reath/Clusterbloom Arrow
First time i'm actually watching a guide because i have no idea how to build him
He even says how to pronounce his name right, yet ppl keep saying it wrong, lol AHH!
Do you have a video that explains the new artifacts? I don't understad Gilded Dreams…
windblum vs stringless which is better ?
I originally didn't plan on getting him, but honestly he and his element are just so fun to play, I think imma have to pull him! Currently at 40 pity lol, wish me some luck guys!
i’m using collei as i wait for him