Genshin Needs Powercreep | Genshin Impact

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41 thoughts on “Genshin Needs Powercreep | Genshin Impact”

  1. Dude just c2 kazuha and c6 your yelan and you have super powercreep XQ and sucrose.

    Genshin has powercreep but it's only obvious with constellations.

    Ayato c6 solo Damage crushes childe c6 personally.

  2. I would somewhat disagree but also kind of agree though I wouldn’t say Genshin NEEDS it but powercreeping is hard to manage once it gets going and it’s all to easy to make an enjoyable gaming experience awful. There’s already a noticeable disparity between units as is with characters like Bennett, Raiden, Zhongli, etc. and people already complain about how Zhongli makes the game boring. What I do like is the indirect powercreeping they did by introducing stuff like corrosion and similar mechanics that helped balance Zhongli and the healing meta. This was more of a β€œbalance patch” but if they dealt with it via normal powercreeping and just made enemies do enough damage to break Zhongli’s shields that would just screw over basically every other shielded and a lot of these partial healers (and make crystallize even more useless). Imagine if they scaled up everything to match a C6 Raiden or C6 Yelan like that would just make like over 50% of the characters practically useless.

    I think what would be better is if they added difficulty modes or more world levels. Like they could have a β€˜casual mode’ for the casual audience and a β€˜hardcore/survival mode’ for the hardcore audience. They could also add in toggles like β€œtake more damage from environmental damage” or β€œHilichurls one shot KO active character on hit” idk. They already have a feature to lower your world level so idk why they can’t just add one to increase it a level or two.

  3. The interesting thing is how genshin gets the money even on my discord and reddit I see a good majority rolls for char cause eye candy personality etc (gameplay is the lowest) but then regret it Cause they don’t like the play style when u potentially have those fishes u win they know people don’t care for kits at least not the majority, sucks for me and other combat oriented people that well only way to play dendro ( spoiler mild leaks) I need every new flavor for the team cause hoyo could not make old units compatible…. Create issue sell u solution typical hoyoverse so yea feels stagnant cause my same rational I love to play my Ayaka freeze tao doble geo will be forever meta so 0 money spent I guess but feels stagnant

  4. As a Diluc main I only care about "power creep" if they benefit my Diluc in someway. For example if a strong pyro claymore character comes out then that probably means there potentially could be a really good CD claymore for Diluc.

  5. If Genshin had consistent powercreep I would quit as soon as I realized it. Powercreep makes things interesting in the short term, sure, but in the long term it leads to dozens of benched characters. Some of them may have been your favorites that you spent hundreds on, but you HAD to bench them because the new ones are the only way to beat the abyss. That leads to f2ps and low spenders being completely unable to keep up, and makes the only content in the game that really matters (Abyss) inaccessible for the vast majority of the playerbase. Give us different and unique ways to do things (Yunjin, Gorou, Sara) as opposed to "old character but better" (the main example I can think of is Hu Tao compared to Diluc, both small melee aoes but one with exponentially higher damage). Keeps the game accessible and lets old units stay relevant.

  6. The problem with powercreep is that older units never get played even though some are fun to play. This is already happening with Keqing, Klee and Diluc and is not good.

  7. But like what about the mobs then it’s just gonna be like absolutely no competition with the new characters and then either everyone including casual players are just gonna one shot everything or mihoyo makes all the mobs a lot harder and then the new players are kinda stuck because they can’t scale up in time to fight the harder mobs. I personally think that it’s not a good idea. Maybe once in a while like every 6-7 patches bump up the level abit but if every banner is getting stronger than it just gets boring.

  8. i agree with you. i have not pulled for more than a year since i am saving for scaramouche. i havent felt the need to pull anyways when my ayaka, kazuha, xiao, childe, keqing can literally beat everything. power creep would add more flavour to the game since it gives you more variety on team comps and you feel like you need to pull for more characters and it would stop the game feeling stale. like i could save a million primos by the time sneznaya comes out and i would still have the same team and they would be doing just fine. like it kinda gets boring.

  9. Whoever said there were no stupid questions obviously never heard every question. What 90% of content creators (and to a smaller degree, players) seem to want is for genshin to be something it isn't. After 6 years of playing my last mmo, I finally got completely fed up with acquiring new equipment as character attack gradually increased from several thousand to several hundred thousand. Old gear was only good as cosmetics. Finally quit the game out of pure frustration.

  10. I’d rather the endgame get expanded and our character development be improved. I think team restrictions like β€œonly liyue units can be used here” I’d prefer over power creep.

  11. Individual power creep is really something I hate mainly because it's either make the previous characters not useful or make building teams centered around that units and tbh it ain't fun for me
    Now what they are doing atm is something I like team synergy's

  12. I just don't need anything in the game, the game technically is dead already for me.
    But the main issue in this game, level cap and content for old players, developers just don't care about us, so why we are continue playing in the game?

  13. Respectfully Disagree, Bennett may be a crutch some people over rely upon Bennett to the point they suck playing this game. To my perspective power creep is bad and new units are not worse they just accent new team compositions. Personally, I don't play meta, I don't use vaporize, melt nor superconduct intentionally. I specialize in Overload, shattering freeze and Swirls honestly and Dendro seems like it is going into my court with damage over time orientations. I don't really use Bennett, Kazuha doesn't get used out of the lame spiral abyss. What genshin truly needs is something other than spiral abyss because spiral abyss is a toilet that limits the capacity of genshin impact. If people didn't make everything in the game focus around spiral abyss, we could have more diversity of characters. Damage really isn't everything. most meta units like Ganyu are not even fun to play realistically. Bennett, Ganyu and Venti feel like crap to play when they are in co-op unless you like using one skill over and over and over like a person new to playing street fighter. What Genshin needs imo is diversity, units so uniquely different that they cannot be compared to other preexisting units. instead of power creep diversity would be my focus if i were the company but first people need to stop looking into the toilet called spiral abyss. I'm sincerely sorry people played dark souls like games and got PTSD and think everything needs to be super difficult to be fun or think challenges are a must beyond reason. A game can be fun to play and that actually makes it good crushing difficulty is not needed. I play without following meta and Genshin is not hard nor easy for me it's middle ground the only lacking aspect is lack of replayable content. Using overpowered units is boring and so i utilize units i find fun to play and increase their effectiveness. Most overpowered units are boring one trick ponies so i barely utilize 5-star characters the most fun to play characters are 4 stars honestly, they are where I can test my ability to make unique and powerful builds. Some say Eula powercrept Razor, but Razor is still more fun and has a more unique ultimate considering as of now he and he alone has an ultimate that allows him to attack from overhead to his feet an attribute no other playable unit currently has, which makes him a superlative overload character, pair him with Xinyan and maybe a rosaria and it's very fun. People have forgotten how to have fun. People hate on Yae Miko as well and say she is lackluster lacking an artifact set yet I run her in full Thundering Fury, and she is fun and lethal for me. The problem is people think meta is good and that people have to play a certain way to have fun but I'm glad no leader boards exist, and that one can make any unit powerful with the proper understanding of builds and such. This all said do what you want. If a game is not fun to play, then it's not a game to you and that is admittedly sad honestly.

  14. Genshin impact should make a new unit that use old unit passive or skill as sub DPS like estarossa with assault meli as sub DPS in 7ds Grant Cross or do the honkai impact method of giving modules for upgrades of stats.

  15. Modern dps units are more OP than older dps. Compare diluc and keqing to ayaka and hu tao. Its just harder to power creep units like bennet and xiangling as they are supports/ sub dps that doesnt take too much on field time

  16. I don't won't powercreep but I do want a buff to World Level 8 enemies to be harder/smarter.
    I don't understand why the level difference from WL7 – WL8 is just +2 levels & no new attack moves for existing enemies like in other games.
    If it becomes too difficult, just lower the WL. There's a reason why that feature was added.

  17. Power creep only makes sense in multiplayer games. I have every 5* c0 & every 4* c6 and I use them all.
    We're half way through the game and there are about 50 characters: 26×5* and 25×4*. There are about 50 characters left to introduce.
    Mihoyo already knows all of those characters.
    Excluding the starting team, each region has 6×4*. Four regions left, each will have about 6×5* and 6×4* (ie: about 48 characters left to introduce).
    There are 11 sword users, 11 bows, 10 catalysts, 9 claymores & 9 spears.
    There are 11 electro, 11 pyro, 10 cryo, 7 anemo, 7 geo, & 7 hydro characters. 0 Dendro.
    So assume we end up with about 20 of each weapon type (ie: 20×5 = 100 characters)
    Assume we end up with about 14 of each element type (ie: 14×7 = 98 characters).

    That would mean there will probably only be another 3-4 pyro characters. Probably only 1-2 five star pyro characters. Why deliberately power creep? Just let them be different.

    So far, we still don't have:
    5* pyro sword user
    5* anemo claymore or catalyst.
    5* geo catalyst.
    5* electro bow.
    No hydro claymore or spear user at all.
    No cryo catalyst at all.
    4* anemo bow or spear.
    4* geo sword or bow.
    4* hydro bow
    No dendro anything.

    There are plenty of character types left to introduce and probably only 50 characters remaining. No need for power creep. Just diversity.

  18. I can give a good opinion on this one because i dont play meta and new characters make the game fresh for me (the game is still unplayable because of resin, but i digress) but the truth is that powercreep makes the whales put money into the game, so for the game to grow, some powercreep is probably necesary

  19. I think what Mihoyo does is very good in regards to keeping older units relevant. Once they introduce some heavy powercreep they will loose popularity and players because the majority are low spenders. Building a character takes too long and why spend money on a new unit if they will become obsolete in the next patch. They are smart. They give their characters their own presence/ story and create a rather strong connection with the player. Genshin players are highly devoted to their favorite units lol and would hate to realize they can’t use them no more

  20. yea we totally need new chars that are even more broken than the one we have atm. So the much endgame we have is easier. Oh right. We dont have any and thats the reason the game is slowly dying. If we dont talk about those hyper casuals, the actual good players are leaving the game slowly. So many whales i know wont even touch the new area.
    Genshins problem arent the characters. Its a waifu collector. You can do anything with everyone. The problem is that the game simply doesnt have any endgame content. If you count abyss as endgame then you prolly never played any games before it. Its 20min of content every 15 days. Insane.

    Just add new endless scaling content. Something so hard that its a challenge. Ofc whales are gonna bash through it like nothing but they spent thousands on it and you didnt. So yea.

  21. I mean it did happen. There isn’t direct power creep but Hu tao over Diluc , Ganyu when she first came out and there is also utility creep where chars are just brain dead and easy to use.

    Like itto , Raiden etc.

  22. Ah yes we just LOOOOOOOOOOVE having all our beloved characters reduced to trash tier and the game punishing us for not having the most OP meta whale "swipe or get lucky" teams!

    It's so FUN getting paywalled from story by some BS story boss just being built for the most recent whale characters…

    FGO really shows "keeping it fresh" with powercreep is just bad for the experience in it's recent story chapters.

    The story of FGO is just so good people just excuse the pay to win in those late story chapters. Olympus made me fucking quit that sheer level of bullshit.

  23. Rather than power creep, I like to see new battle/game mechanics or skill introduced. Other Gacha games I've played added things like increased level caps for copies of characters obtained after being maxed out. Some added new elements, but it's difficult for Genshin, given it took them 2 years to add Dendro and the 7 elements are locked in right from the beginning. Other things they can do (like other gacha games) is allow characters to be upgraded to use 2 elements. Imagine how cool it will be if the story develops to a point where some characters starts working with the Tsaritsa and are given Delusions of a different element and they can switch elements when certain conditions are met. Or introduce skills that counters some new enemies types and abilities. Like there can be healers who can use cleanse skills to remove corrosion, or have debuffers with skills that can slow/stop enemies, reduce resistance etc. These new skills can be introduced with new characters, and/or added to current characters (with some farming of new artifacts/materials) so that even if it's a power creep, existing characters are not made irrelevant.

  24. I dont think we need powercreep, that’s the sole reason why meta slaves are constantly pulling for new characters because it can bacome the next META. If all characters exerts at something specifically and not too strong it will encourage the player to use every character rather than what is the strongest, if the concept of skill gap is in genshin rather than who has what character wouldn’t it be better to watch After all more people watch streamers when they’re pulling rather than how they are clearing the abyss, because it’s not that they are exceptionally better than average players, it’s just because they have exceptionally better characters.

    In terms of keeping the game fresh, if we can use all the charcters rather than what is the newest, wouldn’t that inspire more comps? Specially since you have more characters to chose from rather than just the one character that just released. We can have the same new things with new comps without the power creep like Shenhe, she didn’t powercrept anyone but still inspired a new comp.


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