This is THE WORST 5 STAR Genshin Impact Character PERIOD! SPOILERS It's definitely KOKOMI!

Kokomi has SOME potential but is by FAR the worst 5 Star Character in Genshin Impact! Who is the BEST 5 Star in Genshin Impact? Definitely NOT Kokomi!

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33 thoughts on “This is THE WORST 5 STAR Genshin Impact Character PERIOD! SPOILERS It's definitely KOKOMI!”

  1. Look at what covid and fastfood did to us. If you look at Howlllz video from the last year he tripled in size. Me I went quadruple. Big mac and fries. Chikin mcnuggets above all. Ah shit I'm ordering one right now.

  2. Bro, thank You, thinking same. Just pulled for Jade Cutter and got Kokomi catalyst, I literally wanted to cry, because I can't use damn thing on any other character, and there's no way I pull for her. I have Jean, Barbara, almost every single healer, my Diona is C6. I don't need Kokomi, I don't want her, I hate everything about character, voice, no crit, no dps, she is disgusting, pure shit.

  3. The guy who made kokomi and her weapon doesn't know anything about the game.
    ANYONE that plays the game could tell that she would be VERY underwhelming from a mile away.
    The devs really need to play their own game ffs.

  4. I think it was a bad desicion to put xingqiu on kokomis Banner beauces he has also the hydro vision,
    he can heal not good, but he can
    and he makes very good damage other than kokomi….

  5. I pulled for her bc i couldn't stop my hand i wanted to have a hydro enabler aside from xingqiu for ayaka & got mona i avoided kokomi & got what i really need feels so good avoiding her so i don't regret pulling on her banner

  6. I don't get it. Why mihoyo made better healers than her which r easier to get than her. Than made her who's only cool function is to walk on water but not for long. If u want a product to sell well u need to create the need but she was not needed from the very beginning

  7. Fischl can summon Oz and Oz will do it's thing for a duration. During that time Fischl can reposition Oz by pressing the skill again. Why can't Kokomi reposition the jellyfish the same way. Fischl's Elemental Burst also summons Oz so that he can have near 100% uptime if you don't have all her constellations. If you do, Oz can be on field the whole fight. So Kokomi's elemental burst should re summon the jellyfish JUST LIKE THE 4 STAR CHARACTER RELEASED BEFORE HER, MIHOYO! I managed to get Kokomi pulling for Rosaria cons. I ddin't think I would get her anytime soon because I just got Raiden and only did 20 pulls and BOOM on banner 5 star. First time I was ever a little miffed I got the banner 5 star.

  8. I just wish the made some good buffs to the first characters we got when we started the game.
    Diluc, Jean, Kequing, Amber, Lisa and perhaps Kaeya and Mona.
    There are still players that use them, but Mihoyo prefers to put lots of new characters banners, it is okay, but please do not forget the one who carried us at the beginning and also they try to do that even now. 🙂

  9. I agree: if you`re a newer player and you pull Kokomi, she`s great, scales off HP% which makes her super comfy to build, her damage is actually decent, her team comps are fun and interesting, and the thrilling tales of dragon on her has insane value! buuut, title has me tilted cause I don`t think she`s the worst 5 star in the game!

  10. Yeah Idk what happened with her. Inazuma characters in general. The nation as a whole was great but when it comes to the units.. Mermaid is just bad. Fire works is good yes but MASSIVE internal mechanic issues. Ninja girl is great but people keep getting stuck? On things? Idk I haven't seen it. Ayaka is definitely the best… At c0…and raiden is good yes but also unbalanced because rather y'all wanna admit it or not she's ganyu level and competes with her with her first 2 cons, that and bediou thing still pissing people off.

    Idk let's hope this don't happen with sumeru cause if there not already in the studio working on things for it ima be worried

  11. Dude wtf are you skinny howls brother cus in confused I haven't seen him are — he ok — you no howl don't know what to say I just saw this video and 😱 … Well I guess if that's you bro you look great man shiiiit

  12. You’re going to see the “role” issue coming up more and more as they expand the roster. What DPS role do we not have covered? Sub DPS? Etc. Sure, Dendro might give us something new to chew on, but overall, anyone who has been playing for long enough does not need any more characters, unless they introduce some radically different mechanics into the game.

  13. I straight up only rolled on this banner because I am a Beidou simp. Started playing just as Yoimiyas banner was ending.

    She's C4 now (was C1), I got XQ for the first time and got him to C3 and I also pulled my first Rosaria.

    Got Jean on my first 10 pull of the banner and still no Kokomi.

    Life's good.

  14. LMFAOOOOO! People that even try to give this character hope are the most copium inhaling players. They say she does average dmg in her burst. Bruh taking up field time while dealing average damage is the worst thing ever! That’s what annoying me the most!!!! When I use her! A huge DPS lost.

  15. Man Jean is freaking strong. She well above all the healers. Jean E is dealing 40k or more and it’s like 4sec CD let’s it talk about her burst! It’s can hit 100k or more. And heal heals your team to full health! At 70% and heals as she attacks. Plus yeeting 🤣🤣🤣

  16. I agree about her gimick being able to walk on water should have been her exploration passive and not locked behind 10 seconds burst. that part was a good selling point but it's not really worth it.

  17. I mainly use Kokomi for her elemental skill (The one with the jellyfishes) in combination with Chongyun's elemental skill so that Noelle can freeze most enemies with her normal and charged attacks and deal increased damage to them while they're frozen.

  18. I am a kokomi main so i might be biased but i think that kokomi is the best healer she does massive healing she can do good dmg with her burst and she applies hydro rly fast. She is defo not perfect she lacks crit rate and she requiers alot of energy recharge but i believe that there are worst units than her


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