Why Genshin Impact Patch 1.7 is both good and bad for Genshin Impact going forward. The future of Genshin Impact and Inazuma.
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I am gonna ignore the shade you just threw a pc and console but my major issue with genshin has and always will be the resin system once you finish the resin you got nothing to do that's what I am getting sick of and what apologists say is they limit it so you cant just instantly lvl ever character so you have nothing to do guess what its already happening I can guarantee 95% that if they let players endlessly farm artifacts it will keep players busy maybe drop the god roll chances down a tiny bit
Genshin actually also roped me in because I found the lore interesting
I just can't see myself just one day deciding I'm tired and not following up
As a console player, I can say this I'll be jumping ship if mihoyo doesn't balance the elements, no reason to stay if only two elements are worth even playing for.
Tales of arise and Horizon zero dawn forbidden west comes out, Genshin impact will take a back seat to those games.
I like playing genshin because I have very little time to put into gaming most days so genshins 30 minutes a day is nice. When I have more time I play other games on my days off.
I checked out lost ark and really it doesn’t pique my interest anywhere near as genshin when it first came out. The ui and art just make it look like another ff mmo. Blue protocol though is interesting but I’m not the type who jump ship often especially when I’m invested in time and money on something.
There vision they have is boring and time gated
Walrus: “Mihoyo has a vision!”
Me: knowing the upcoming update is Inazuma uuuuhhhh that might not be the best wording man
tbh ive kind of thought about the effects of the resin cap/refill speeding up or just resin being removed entirely and i feel like it’ll be a quicker grind yes, but ppl will just rush the game again, beat spiral abyss easier & make it more accessible to beat in general then once again complain about an “endgame”. ive played multiple mmorpgs before and am a fan of the genre but i honestly can’t think of an endgame with any of the ones ive played. it’s just grind to get stronger and then once you’re the strongest you can be it’s over LOLL. so when resin is gone what happens to genshin? the longevity is just over at this point. i think what’s keeping genshin alive for me is the visuals+lore. ive looked into blue protocool and i can already tell the mage class is overpowered by the other classes because of the charging system and the game just looks mundane overall. genshin somehow kept a standard on how i look at games
This game is not MMO.
But then again is game is FREE..
Hopefully with introduction of competition in a similar field Mihoyo will be incentivized to do better instead of literally being Event Impact because at its core Genshin Impact has no content. Take away the events and what do you have? The abyss? Which resets only every 2 weeks and can be consistently cleared in an hour, maybe less if you’re AR55 and above. Genshin Impact needs some kind of repeatable but not mundane content because people are bored. I’m not a full time gamer but Genshin Impact is the one game I’ve invested the most time and money into and I would love to see it flourish but if changes don’t come soon, this game will eventually plateau.
I only play genshin for 30mins. Then I hop into Lost Ark for 8 hours. I can't wait for it to be released here.
I think you put it well: genshin impact doesn't feel like genshin, just mini games. The only things I look forward to are Abyss resets and characters I want to pull on.
I rather play this "dying" game than Apex :V
Genshin will probably be the last singleplayer game I'll sped 250 quid on wkwk
Just waiting for new story, I like those much 😍😍😍
yea the reason i played genshin bcz waifu if they didnt chnge artifact system i just played BDO full time i guess… anyway great vid man <3
Ayaka will be ignored by my primogems. Easy skip.
Me since yesterday: Friday when!
I think we should wait till anniversary, if the game still going the same way, ill still playing but only 1 hour daily, the game has potential, mihoyo needs to go in another way and i hope they do it
I feel like you only talked about a certain player base in this video, and how they might be leaving. But you forgot, that a huge amount of players are mobile, cus they simply don’t own a pc. And for that demographic, all those new games don’t exist. And another demographic is the gachagamers. You really underestimate the patience and dedication we have😂
What people seem to forget is that playing "Insert Whatever Game Title Here" is always a choice.
I think it's interesting how different people view this game. I personally still haven't grew tired of Genshin because I love to just run
around in games and the fact that Genshin has enemies to fight on the way makes it even better to me. I usually have hipe phases for games that usually burn out quite fast. Because just running around whit nothing to do, and no Star Stable picking up some random flowers and trash does not count as interesting gameplay, gets boring quickly. However Genshin is different I play it active since the Hu Tao Banner and still don't feel bored.
When Inazuma comes, people would probably abandon mondstadt, liyue, and dragonspine (even tho its already abandoned).
If only resin system didn't exist i could play all day because i enjoy grinding for my characters and making them stronger but progression for f2p players is so slow and awful in this game
Otakus will still be playing this game compaired to other mmos
Because at the end of the day its still a Jrpg game even tho mihoyo is from china its still an anime game so yeah
And its still a GACHA
Genshin is most peoples first gacha
After playing Fgo ,dokkan, girls x battle2 and a other gachas
Yeah it’s basically all mini games in a game
Stop complainin bruv
Lol… The open-world exploration is the best part
Everyone: why should we invest in a game we can only play for 20 minutes daily?
Me: ….time.. 😭⌛
I think so far the only game that appreciates my time this much is genshin.
even at 1 year time you still need to give mihoyo some time to build, develop and evolve this game …. 1 year is not enough to justify what their vision to the game
btw yor channel is full of negativity to the game…
I have to admit that genshin impact is by far the only game that I am still continuosly playing to now since for other games they just lose their magic, but since they release new events and stories it still keeps me hook on for now
Mmorpg is just too addicting and only those ppl can play it "properly" who has enough time on their hands or play more than 2 hrs a day. Tbh I am quite satisfied with Genshin Impact and I prefer single player pve game than PvP mechanics
While I'm starting to find the gameplay boring enough to the point that I won't even bother with daily commissions when I log on, I'm still going to stick around for the story. It's pretty interesting and way better than any mobile rpg's storyline I've ever seen.
I'm really liking what Genshin is so far. Doing a daily routine for most days, playing a lot during events that come every now and then, and pour my entire soul into the game every year when a new nation comes out
im just here for the story
im ar41 and only been playing for a month, i am kinda excited for inazuma but also I'm not
You keep talking about MMO far too much I think your losing sight that Genshin Impact is an action/adventure Gacha game and not an MMORPG. The "end game" needs a serious rework, especially the resin system because it's the one thing truly glaring problem holding this game back. For me when Elden Ring comes out that I will make me struggle to come back to play Genshin Impact everyday and I still will come back. I love this game and want to stay with it was long as I can.
They really should think about making some events annual. Or a repeat event. Not all players got to do the dragonspire event. So why not do a repeat of it? And take the current events golden apple archipelago.
If they are smart. They would make this an annual event. And yes that would mean even old players get to replay the quest and get its rewards again. Duplicate rewards such as name cards, gadgets and furniture blueprints could simply be converted into primogems or fragile resin.
I have loved playing genshin, I bled out for a minute as my adhd focused on a different game. But I came back in time to get xiao (which I didn’t) and currently I’ve been playing since the Liyue festival. Unfortunately I’ve finished everything and I still keep playing
I don’t know maybe I’m just weird but I play genshin for hours a day and I literally finished everything.. and when my resin is at 0 I’ll literally just go co-op and play with other people all day.. or help low level players do dragonspine and stuff like that. It’s pretty fun, almost like playing the game again 🙂
hope ayaka wanters get ayaka!!
Mihoyo should give 1 5 star character for free in their anniversary or something of course the new 5 star characters are not available only like the old 5 star chracters from 2 months before or so.
I want kazuha cuz I am f2p
Kazuha! I need more Anemo characters, only have Venti
Totally agreed
Why does it matter if people quite. Its a single player game.
genshin take 40min / day to play. MMO take 4-8 houers / day to play with raids and dungeons..