This Event Gives Insane Primogems… BUT! | Genshin Impact 2.3

Check out Dungeon Fighter Online for FREE here: The new Spectre class is WICKED and I tried it on stream today. Give this game a chance, there are some awesome newbie events going on right now!

The Albedo fan is typical Genshin impact minigames with no substance. If you want free rewards, dive on in. But nothing here is interesting or inspired


45 thoughts on “This Event Gives Insane Primogems… BUT! | Genshin Impact 2.3”

  1. I feel like Tashman just needs a break from Genshin. I was having a good time with this event and enjoy seeing the little story quest featuring some characters we don't see often… for him it just seems like if it's not an Abyss-style boss fight he just completely hates playing the game. Idk

  2. I think the problem with having more difficult events is that a big part of this game's playerbase actually plays on mobile so making events that are hard for pc players would make them almost impossible on mobile.

  3. The main reason this game feels like shit is because of low resin and low drop chance on artifact stats. Once you hit a high level, there’s no reason to play Genshin. It’s game over. Buying new chars is just plain stupid.
    I salute the fact you’re trying to make content on Solitaire level game. Good job!

    Just move on m8. Play a game for your age. My 12 years old daughter enjoys playing Genshin as it is and the difficulty is quite ok for her. I hate the resin system and I want it gone, but since there are like 1000 players refilling their resin for real money, I’ll never see it happening.

    What am I doing now? Playing something else and accepting the fact that miHoYo scammed me for 3000 USD. I’m the idiot here. At least you mtashed are making money from this game.

  4. i dont care about what im doing, altho the parcore event stuff i do find pretty fun. i just want refinements on albedo's wep that i had sitting in my roster for … id say.. 9 month – ish now.. and itto and goro will make albedo's draw backs naul and void *cause itto will destroy abyssal shields I hope**. so pretty hyped… preeetttyyy hyppped…

  5. Can you not have Amber?

    I'm really just looking for something small quickly done with satisfying rewards. I usually enjoy the story parts in these events a lot more than the event challenges, but the simplicity of melting ice and the randomness of an obstacle course were welcome. The fighting challenge, not so much.

  6. Can someone help me pls? I have two accounts one i login with my apple mark thing (icloud) and the other one is my main i login with my google and facebook and i want to link the apple mark to my main then i deleted the other useless account so will my information be lost on my main or? Btw i play on iphone/ipad i just want to make sure.

  7. Aight these new event be like albedo has impostor among us, a baby ninja warrior mini game , oh no all of the enemy is cryo i should use pyro then 5Head and do you wanna build a snowman~ No.

  8. So I started over on a diff server and looking at how it started there's so many mechanics that they used ones and then just never used again. Like the spikes in the water. Now every domain has about the same shape to it. They need to get creative if they want this game to stay relevant. I'll probably still play it for the story but I certainly won't be playing it as much as I used to 😐

  9. honestly, i think miyoho should at very least make exp grind at end game we basicly get no exp(even at AR 50+) for killing stuff that would add more stuff to do in-game i dont see the point geting new characters
    if we get walled up on resin even for leveling characters. it removes another rpg element on this game…as new player and having loads of characters im struggling =P

  10. Yeah… Any of racing event where you get the Gold Medal on your first very slow, shitty try, isn't worth to be called "Content". I was shocked at how hard it would be to get a Silver Medal, like you have to be an 8yo kid with terrible learning difficulties.

    I tried having as much fun as possible, but yeah… Having reached AR55 a few weeks ago, having sadly completed the last of the story content that was left (Hangouts), the game feels SO EMPTY. And I started playing in July…

    Can't even imagine being a content creator, trying to make videos daily like Mtashed… Not saying that he's always right, he already had a whiney personality before, but I would have seriously gone freaking insane in his place! The more I burned through the last of the quests and story content and reached the plateau of AR55 (even if I don't have any functional Domain Artifact Sets), the more dread I felt, a slow, creeping feeling of fear and despair, because I saw people like Mtashed complain about the lack of Endgame, and I didn't want to get there. Well, sadly, now I've got to wait something like 2 weeks for a new Filler Event, and sometimes a good event like Labyrinth Warriors, which was REAL CONTENT, doesn't last nearly long enough for people to complete if they encounter any issues like I did, having went up 2 World Levels at once and having underleveled everything… Had to rush farm & grind for the whole event duration to upgrade my characters, especially for Level 2, as I didn't have any good, levelled up Pyro DPS, so I missed out on the Rewards, but more importantly, on the story content… Yeah. Mihoyo seems to have such a hard time getting every little detail that actually matters right.

  11. I dunno, this is pretty fun for me, and my kids enjoy it too. It's definitely more fun than the usual daily resource grind or planting flowers. It's good to mix it up with easy and hard stuff. Yes it would be better to have both at the same time, but that's a lot to ask of developers. The pacing right now is great for casual players and horrible for whales and content creators. I don't think everyone will be satisfied until a new region is unlocked for players to binge play through in a day.

  12. Jack shit is happening until 3.0… That first month and a half was great but sadly i don't think mihoyo is ever going to get the message on content.. It's a snooze fest out there 😴

  13. I for one am greatful for the rewards this event gives. the events are easy but that doesnt bother me. i'm still having fun and again, the rewards are good. they've been so greedy with rewards so this is a welcome change.


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