This Could Change Genshin Impact Forever, Here Is Why

An Analysis Of The New Genshin Impact Mode. SUBSCRIBE!!

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35 thoughts on “This Could Change Genshin Impact Forever, Here Is Why”

  1. All i'll say is something Echo'd by Zy0x of all people, but true i think for almost any 1.0 era players. I really and always hoped this game would have something like a Dungeon Crawler, for me even if it isn't all meta focused and just co-op focused with good team interactions that would be so nice, and even if its more revolving content then what would truly be dungeon crawling. I guess I'm just saying i hope this can include co-op, even if that means bumpercar like fan made events, because if its just single player then for me at least it will just feel mute, even if its still kind of awesome.

  2. The thing is, maybe they just want another game to be published because ZZZ is currently not doing well in the beta, and all the suggestions/features that player wants in genshin will be implemented on that new game. And yes, like they do in HSR.

  3. I’m glad they’re finally implementing valid replayable content, but it’s such a shame that they took so long to do so. A decent size of the playerbase has already moved on from the game

  4. If they let us design 5 Star and 4 stars characters make their kit and passif and choose their weapon category. Design their face and costumes.. That will be a win I can finally design my prefered anemo sword DPS. And I will call him zoro. And maybe a physical catalyst DPS that use punches (Luffy)

  5. what you said immediately reminded me of my favorite mobile game Geometry Dash. its user level editor singlehandedly pushed the game through nearly 6 years without any updates, and is the only reason so many people even know about it to begin with
    it got so big that content creators around the game were able to gain a sort of 'mod' status in determining which levels became featured.
    this certainly has alot of promise if implemented correctly, while also being a clever way to offload alot of the creative work to the fanbase

  6. As long as the reward is good (ahem, primos) likely I'm willing to do those events. Anyway, Labyrinth of Warrior is actually very good old content that suits end game content. It can test how far our built team can go, defeating enemies and surviving. the deeper the level the harder the enemies are. Just like abyss but way more chambers, it can be made possibly endless with RNG on enemy type.

  7. If they allowed modes like Skyrim the possibilities would be endless. The community could fix bugs, improve quality of life issues and make endless content. With the advent of AI replicating voices + access to world building assets like the Teapot, the community could make amazing character quests for everyone to enjoy.

  8. If anything could make me wanna continue playing Genshin it would be this!
    Like I commented on previous video, I really don't think there would be any other gacha game (unless they somehow blow up just like mihoyo did with genshin) that makes balanced characters without crazy power creep. The lack of power creep in genshin is a godsent. If they finally make some expandable endgame or even make community to make that endgame for them, I'm all for it. Genshin's the only game (except Dwarf Fortress) where I REALLY care about the lore and try to read anything and everything.
    I haven't really played many gacha games, the only one I did play is Azur Lane when it was still only in Chinese appstores when I was in school because I had nothing better to do. And from what I've seen they were just pumping out new waifus over and over again, with no real lore, character or personality. In Genshin every single character, even a 4* having a personality, theirown story is just so cool.
    And just simply the amount of features genshin has is absurd. Good housing system, musical instruments, TCG (for whoever plays it). If I was a creative person I'd just spend hours looking through housing menu trying to make a new cool place. I've seen one person in game that showed me their housing plots and I was amazed! They made so many and they were all so beautiful!

    Anyway, I'm glad that I saw your video. I don't use social media at all, except youtube I guess, so there would be no way for me to see this announcement. Now I'm excited and hopeful about the future of the game.

  9. hopefully 3 yrs from now standard mobile hardware will be at a point where they dont hobble the potential for user generated content lol
    like i would love to make a 3d person type tower defense game mode, but we can barely fill 10 square meters of a teapot area!!!!

  10. I would really like the one that happened on Liyue Archon quest wherein there were waves of enemies you need to and protect the Adepti.

    Like every wave you'll be able to get a buff and then enemies get tougher then there will be half-time wherein you'll be able to collect something to recruit your characters.

  11. Eh, people are really high on their hopium. Let's face it, this is not the endgame, it's the furthest thing from it. UGC by design is divorced from the core game experience and progression systems. Genshin's already is just a glorified minigame selector for 80% of the time and this will only double down.

    Comparison to WC3/DOTA1 completly misses the context. It happened in era when gaming industry wasn't controlled (at least Blizzard) by corporats, people could be pretty much everything with the game and nobody cared. Better comparison would be Arcade Salon in Starcraft 2. It was fun for a bit, some cool stuff came out, then Blizzard started to monetize it and it all died in a year. And there are other missed comparison people are using in their coping attempts. Minecraft & Roblox are literally made as platforms for UGC, Fortnite's UGC quickly flopped, Skyrim (and Bethesda games in general) modding is tied to core game experience, and we can go on and on.

    Also, you really think that Hoyo, company that works solely on half-measures and giving bare minimum (at least in Genshin) would really not limit what content can be produced in UGC? Come on, be real.


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